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Codex Alimentarius Talks Reach Compromise Agreement on Definition of Reconstituted Orange Juice:  The Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Fruit and Vegetable Juices reached a compromise that sets a range of “11.8 to 11.2 Brix” for reconstituted orange juice for a Codex standard.  The U.S. delegation had pushed for a Codex standard that defines juice as 11.8 brix, which reflects current U.S. industry practice.  In contrast, the EU was fighting for a definition of 11.2 brix, in line with EU industry practice.  The compromise agreement preserves the status quo in global trading of orange juice.  The U.S. industry considers the new standard to be an improvement from the current Codex standard of only 11 Brix for reconstituted orange juice.  Had the U.S. position been approved, it would have resulted in lower global orange juice supplies, which would have increased farm prices for Florida oranges.  Orange juice at 11.2 brix uses more water and fewer oranges than juice at 11.8 brix.  In addition, current Federal Regulations require products labeled ‘orange juice’ sold in the United States to have at least 11.8 brix.  The new definition will uphold FDA’s ability to enforce the 11.8 Brix standard in a trade dispute.  Before it is adopted, the new definition will have to pass the "Commission Meeting," which is scheduled for June 2005.


Last modified: Wednesday, July 21, 2004