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pear icon U.S. TRADE DATA pear icon

The USDA has recently allowed unlimited access to its US Trade System. This new service allows users the flexibility to customize their data searches and save their search criteria for repeated use. Users can select data by harmonized code or selected commodity groupings on either a value or volume basis. Users can also be able to track trade trends since the database will include exports and imports going back to 1989.

To view the US Trade Internet System site, go to: http://www.fas.usda.gov/ustrade/

Hot Country Pages: Includes recent press releases, attaché reports, trade leads, and export and import statistics by country.

International Trade Commission: Search for U.S. Tariff rates and ad valorem equivalents for agricultural products by HS code or by product description. Site also includes customs value of recent U.S. imports for consumption, preferential tariff program applicability to this HT. item and more.

Monthly Export Summary


One kilogram (KG) = 2.2046 pounds
One metric ton (MT) = 2,204.62 pounds
One liter (L) = .2642 gallons
One hectoliter (HL) = 26.42 gallons
One kiloliter (KL) = 1,000 liters
Single strength liter (SST) = 12 degrees brix

Last modified: Wednesday, July 21, 2004