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Policy Updates

2000 Archives2001 Archives

FDA Issues Nationwide Alert to Consumers About Spokane Produce Brand Romaine Lettuce Due to Possible Health Risk
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers not to consume Spokane Produce brand romaine lettuce because this product has been associated with an outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 in a cheerleading camp in Washington state in mid July.  (July 29, 2002)

USDA Proposes to Allow Conditional Importation of Spanish Clementines
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service proposed today to amend its regulations to allow the importation of clementines from Spain to resume under certain conditions.  (July 12, 2002)

USDA Revises Regulations for Moving Certain Fruits from Hawaii  
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has amended the Hawaiian fruits and vegetables regulations to provide for alternative treatments for rambutan, longan and litchi moving interstate from Hawaii.  (June 14, 2002)

USDA Announces Availability of Report on Systems Approach for Mitigating Plant Pest Risk 
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the availability of a report on the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's use of systems approaches for reducing plant pest risk.  (June 4, 2002)

Australian Markets Open to U.S. Grape Growers
Australia has agreed to allow the import of California table grapes into their market providing the grapes undergo a pre-clearance process in the United States (February 20, 2002). 

Sulfuryl Fluoride; Temporary Pesticide Tolerances
This regulation establishes temporary tolerances for residues of sulfuryl fluoride and inorganic fluoride in or on walnuts and raisins.  (February 7, 2002)

Hazelnuts Grown in Oregon and Washington; Establishment of Reporting Requirements for Imported Hazelnuts
This rule establishes reporting requirements for hazelnuts imported by handlers of hazelnuts grown in Oregon and Washington. It requires handlers to report the receipt and disposition of hazelnuts grown outside of the United States.  (February 6, 2002)

ITC Seeks Input for a Fact Finding Study on the Economic Impact of Establishing a Free Trade Agreement Between the United States and Taiwan
The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) is seeking input from industry officials, trade associations, and others for a fact finding investigation on the economic impact on the U.S. economy of establishing a free trade agreement between the United States and Taiwan.  (February 6, 2002) 

A Summary of the Requirements and Procedures to Export Food and Beverage
One of the primary constraints to exporting is the limited knowledge of the foreign market's regulations and import procedures. The objective of this report is to better inform U.S. exporters about the border crossing process as it applies to products exported to Mexico by truck. It is primarily intended for those exporters new to the Mexican market. (January 16, 2002)

Turkey's 2002 Tariff Schedule
Turkey's 2002 Import Tariff Schedule was published on December 31, 2001 and went into force on January 1, 2002. Tariffs for most bulk commodities were unchanged from previous rates. Duties for some grains and sunflower and sunflower oil were reduced significantly. Contrary to the trend, duties for bananas and margarine were increased. Grain duties, are expected to be raised again at the time of harvest. This report updates tariffs for key products. (January 14, 2002)

Secretary Veneman Releases Report on Food and Agricultural Policy for the New Century
The report recommends that policy makers take stock to examine past policies and programs and, where necessary, define anew goals and principles that can best guidethe future growth and development of the farm, food and agriculture industry in the new century.  (September 19, 2001)

USDA Amends Oriental Fruit Fly Quarantine
The USDA amended its Oriental fruit fly regulations by quarantining a portion of San Bernardino County, Calif., due to the detection of Oriental fruit flies in the area.  (September 6, 2001)

Statement by Secretary of Agriculture Regarding Agreement With Mexico Over U.S. Stone Fruit Exports (September 5, 2001)

U.S. and Mexico to Share Vital Food Safety Information
Leading officials from the U.S. and Mexican governments today signed a cooperative arrangement that will improve the safety of the food supplies in both nations.  (September 4, 2001)

Survey of Domestic Fresh Produce: Interim Results
In May 2000, FDA initiated a 1000 sample survey focused on high-volume domestic produce that is generally consumed raw including cantaloupe, celery, cilantro, green onions, loose-leaf lettuce, parsley, strawberries, and tomatoes. (July 31, 2001)

USDA Announces Public Hearings on Mexican Hass Avocado Import Program
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is hosting four public hearings to address the proposed rule on the Mexican Hass avocado import program that was published in the Federal Register on July 13. (July 27, 2001)

USDA Announces Public Hearings on International Standards Concerning Plant Pest Risks
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is holding a public meeting to solicit comments on the development of an international standard concerning the plant pest risks associated with living modified organisms such as herbicide tolerant crops. (July 26, 2001)

U.S. Delegate to CCFH's Initial Information Letter
The U.S. Delegate to CCFH has prepared an initial information letter on the 34th Session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CCFH) for those interested in attending the Session as part of the U.S. delegation. CCFH will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on October 8-13, 2001. The letter contains information about the meeting location, and tentative dates for two public meetings to be held prior to the Session.

U.S. Government Comments:
On Agenda Item 5(b) Draft Documents Coming Before the CCFL Small Working Group on the Labeling of Foods Derived From Biotechnology.

Australia's Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry Propose Changes to the Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis Process
This memorandum requests stakeholders interested in providing comments on the import risk analysis (IRA) process to do so as soon as possible, and to advise of some proposed changes to the IRA process arising from the recent meeting of Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARMCANZ). Close May 11, 2001

FDA Announces Report on Safety of Imported Foods:
FDA Talk Papers are prepared by the Press OFfice to guide FDA personnel in responding with consistency and accuracy to questions from the public on subjects of current interest.

FDA Publishes Rule to Increase Safety of Fruit and Vegetable Juices:
The Food and Drug Administration published a final rule designed to improve the safety of fruit and vegetable juice and juice products. Under the rule, juice processors must use Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles for juice processing. Implementation of a HACCP system will increase the protection of consumers from illness-causing microbes and other hazards in juices.

Upcoming Codex Meetings
Committee of Pesticide Residue (CCPR) June 7, 2001 in Beltsville, MD.

Recent U.S. Delegation Reports of Codex Committee Meetings

U.S. Government Comments -
on Agenda Item 5(b) Draft Documents Coming Before the CCFL Small Working Group on the Labeling of Foods Derived From Biotechnology.

Comments requested comments to assist the delegate in preparing the U.S. response to Circular Letter CL 2000/37-FH. Included among the items addressed in the CL are the Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for the Primary Production and Packing of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables; Food Safety Objectives, in Section of the Proposed Draft Principles and Guidelines for the Conduct of Microbiological Risk Management; Proposed Draft Guidelines for the Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Foods, and Guidelines on the Application of HACCP in Small and/or Less Developed Businesses.

FDA Survey of Imported Fresh Produce:
FY 1999 Field Assignment

Comments requested on Biotechnology:
The Codex Biotechnology Task Force requests comments on the Proposed Draft Principles for the Risk Analysis of Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology and Proposed Draft Guidelines for the Conduct of Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Plants Obtained through Modern Biotechnology.

Comments requested comments to assist the delegate in preparing the U.S. response to Circular Letter CL 2000/37-FH. Included among the items addressed in the CL are the Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for the Primary Production and Packing of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables; Food Safety Objectives, in Section of the Proposed Draft Principles and Guidelines for the Conduct of Microbiological Risk Management; Proposed Draft Guidelines for the Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Foods, and Guidelines on the Application of HACCP in Small and/or Less Developed Businesses.

Technical Bilateral Consultations:
Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures--April 2001; The ICPM, governing body of the International Plant Protection Convention, hold its third annual meeting. For more information contact the APHIS Trade Support Team, tel (202) 720-7677.

Last modified: Wednesday, July 21, 2004