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crop production practices

Phase II of the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) is USDA’s primary source of information about the current status and trends in crop production practices for major crops (corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton). This survey also obtains data on U.S. farmers' agricultural resource use, as well as data to assess potential environmental impacts associated with crop production practices. Crop production practices data also supplement ERS’s Commodity Costs and Returns and Farm Financial Management data.

The ARMS survey yields annual data summaries for field-level data by crop, including:

  • Irrigation technology and water use
  • Nutrient use and nutrient management practices
  • Crop residue management practices
  • Pest management practices and pesticide use
  • Crop seed variety

Data summaries are available for production years 1996-2001 (years available differ by commodity).

data files
The crop production practices data are summarized for both the surveyed States and USDA farm production regions. Region designations vary across crops and production practices due to data availability and the regional nature of crop production. Data are presented in html tables, and are available to download as Excel spreadsheets from a link at the bottom of each table.

See all data files.

To construct these summaries, 5 years of sample data were combined into a single data set comprising 44 questionnaire versions with 528 variables. The time-series data presented here were generated from this set. Sampling weights provided by USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) were adjusted for each completed, usable sample by its share of the estimated acres planted with the target crop. A jackknife re-sampling process was used with 15 additional weights from NASS for each sample to estimate the standard error for the coefficient of variation.

For additional information on ARMS and methods to analyze it, go to the explanation of how ARMS is conducted in the ARMS Briefing Room.

Soybean production practices data for production year 2002 will be updated in 2004. The updated series will be almost identical to the time-series data presented here, with a few additional data. Responses to invasive species and the adoption of precision agricultural technology will be added in the soybean data for 2002.

For the crops and schedule of surveys, see the coverage chapter of the ARMS Briefing Room.

recommended readings
Soil, Nutrient, and Water Management Systems Used in U.S. Corn Production—Corn production uses over 25 percent of the Nation's cropland and more than 40 percent of the commercial fertilizer applied to crops. Thus, corn farmers' choices of soil, nutrient, and water management systems can have a major impact not only on their own profitability, but also on the environment. This report analyzes ARMS data on cropping practices used on U.S. corn farms. This is the first study to relate corn farm management choices to so broad a set of characteristics, such as farmer age and education and size of the operation, and implementation of management practices. AIB-774 (4/02)

Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, 2003—Identifies trends in land, water, and biological resources and commercial input use, reports on the condition of natural resources used in the agricultural sector, and describes and assesses public policies that affect conservation and environmental quality in agriculture. Chapters on production practices include:

  •    2.2 Irrigation Water Management
  •    4.1 Production Management Overview
  •    4.2 Soil Management and Conservation
  •    4.3 Pest Management
  •    4.4 Nutrient Management

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page updated: December 8, 2003


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