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Publications: Information Systems

Explore South Florida Ecosystem publications by additional topics and subtopics, by type, or, search our publications collection.

| fact sheets | maps | open file reports | papers | posters | reports | water resources investigations | florida geological survey |

Fact Sheets, Flyers, and Informational Flyers

Across-Trophic-Level-System Simulation (ATLSS) Program (available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website. Please note that this is a (0.2 Mb) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read.)

ATLSS High-Resolution Topography and Hydrology Model (FS-137-02)

ATLSS PanTrack Tool Enables Visualization of Florida Panther Movements (FS-135-02)

Color Infrared Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles for the South Florida Ecosystem Area (FS-163-96)

Compilation of American Alligator Data Sets in South Florida for Restoration Needs (FS-140-02)

Florida Cooperative Mapping Project

Geophysical Mapping of the Freshwater/Saltwater Interface in Everglades National Park, Florida (FS-173-96)

A GIS Interface for Environmental System Analysis: Application to the South Florida Ecosystem (FS-193-97)

Internal Surface Water Flows (FS-175-96)

Measuring and Mapping the Topography of the Florida Everglades for Ecosystem Restoration (FS-021-03)

Modeling Fish Population and Biomass on the Everglades Landscape (ALFISH) (FS-138-02)

Modern and Historical Bathymetry of Florida Bay (FS-096-98)

National Water-Quality Assessment Program: Study Design for Data Collection in the Southern Florida Study Unit, 1996-98 (FS-061-98, available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs in southern Florida fishes: Then and now (FS-110-97, available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Reflectance Calibrated Digital Mulitspectral Video: A Test-Bed for High Spectral and Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing

Regional Evaluation of Evapotranspiration in the Everglades (FS-168-96)

Remote Sensing of Turbidity and Sedimentation

SIMSPAR Model Simulates the Impact of Hydrology on the Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow (FS-136-02)

South Florida Ecosystem Program (FS-134-95)

South Florida Ecosystem Program Database Development (FS-174-96)

South Florida Ecosystem Program Web Site (FS-155-96)

South Florida High-Accuracy Elevation Data Collection Project (FS-162-96)


1834 and 1861 Florida Maps

Elevation Contours of Lake Okeechobee 2001

Florida Bay AVHRR Time Series CD-ROM (Available from the NOAA Coastal Services Center website.)

Florida Satellite Image Map (Available from the Everglades Village website.)

Location Map of Active DBHYDRO Stage Sites in South Florida (Available from the SFWMD. Please note that this is a 4.8 MB PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader ® to be read.)

Map of Data Collection Sites in Northeastern Florida Bay (Map can be found on the Freshwater Flows into Northeastern Florida Bay project page.)

Miami Ft. Lauderdale LandSat Imagery (Available from the Everglades Village website.)

Military Map of Florida, 1856 (Map is of the peninsula of Florida, south of Tampa Bay. Follow the link at left to view the map and to read the history behind it's creation.)

South Florida Satellite Image Map (Map can be found on the Land Characteristics from Remote Sensing project page.)

Open File Reports

1890 and 1990 Bathymetry of Florida Bay (OFR-00-347)

Conversion of Historical Topographic Sheets (T-sheets) from Paper to Digital Form: Florida Everglades and Vicinity (OFR-02-204)

Evaluation of Streamflow-Data Program in Florida (OFR-70008)

Feasibility of Estimating Constituent Concentrations and Loads Based on Data Recorded by Acoustic Instrumentation (OFR-02-285, available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Geochemical Productivity Monitoring in Florida Bay (OFR-00-361)

Helicopter Electromagnetic Data from Everglades National Park and Surrounding Areas, Florida: Collected 9-14 December 1994 (OFR-02-101)

Historical Aerial Photography for the Greater Everglades of South Florida: The 1940, 1:40,000 Photoset (OFR-02-327)

Image Processing Methods: Procedures in selection, registration, normalization and enhancement of satellite imagery in coastal wetlands (OFR-97-287, available from the Center for Coastal & Watershed Studies website)

Lake Belt Study Area: High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Survey, Miami-Dade County Florida (OFR-02-325)

Remote-Sensing Applications to Hydrobiology in South Florida (OFR-FL-68009)

Results of Time-Domain Electromagnetic Soundings in Everglades National Park, Florida (OFR-99-426)

Satellite Imagery of South Florida, December 1989 - December 1996 (OFR-97-264)

SHARQ Infested Waters (OFR-00-166)

U.S. Geological Survey Program on the South Florida Ecosystem: 2000 Proceedings (OFR-00-449)

U.S. Geological Survey Program on the South Florida Ecosystem Proceedings of the South Florida Restoration Science Forum (OFR-99-181)


Papers from Proceedings/Workshops

Geophysical Mapping of Saltwater Intrusion in Everglades National Park (from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Land Characterization for Hydrologic Modeling in the Everglades (from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Regional Evaluation of Evapotranspiration in the Everglades (from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

The Role of Flow in the Everglades Ridge and Slough Landscape (from the Flow Workshop Concurrent Session III Hydrology and Hydrologic Modeling, December 13, 2000)

Saltwater Intrusion in Everglades National Park, Florida Measured by Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys (from the proceedings of The First International Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers -- Monitoring, Modeling, and Management, April 2001)

Using Airborne and Ground Electromagnetic Data to Map Hydrologic Features in Everglades National Park (from the proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems SAGEEP, 2001)

Water-Supply Papers

Simulation of the Water-Table Altitude in the Biscayne Aquifer, Southern Dade County, Florida, Water Years 1945-89 (Water-Supply Paper 2458, available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Journal Articles

The Use of AVHRR Satellite Data for Estimating Spatially Varying Critical Wind Stress in Florida Bay (from the Journal of Coastal Research)


Characterization of Microtopography in the Everglades

Creation of a Geodatabase of the Digital Aerial Photography Archives for the Greater Everglades of South Florida and the Southern Inland and Coastal System

The Data Web Pages of the Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) Project (please note that this is a 0.5 MB PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader ® to be read.)

Design and Development of the Florida Bay Salinity Database

Geochemical Measurements of Carbonate Sediment Production and Organic Productivity in Florida Bay: A Potential Measure of Restoration Progress

Internal Surface Water Flows FL96-620 Fresh Water to and from Native American Lands

Significance of Microtopography as a Control on Surface-Water Flow in Wetlands

South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Metadata for the U.S. Geological Survey Greater Everglades Place-Based Studies (2003)

South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Website (2000)

South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Website (2003)

Summary of Ground-Water Related Geophysical Investigations in Everglades National Park


Geophysical Investigation of Leachate Plume Cross-State Landfill, Palm Beach County, Florida

Water Resources Data - Florida, 1999 Volume 2A: South Florida Surface Water (Introductory text. Please note that this is a 0.6 MB PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read.)

Water Resources Data - Florida, 1999 Volume 2B: South Florida Ground Water (Introductory text. Please note that this is a 0.6 MB PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read.)

Water Resources Investigations

Bathymetry, Freshwater Flow, and Specific Conductance of Matlacha Pass, Southwestern Florida (Water Resources Investigations Report 93-4057)

Design of a Real-Time Ground-Water Level Monitoring Network and Portrayal of Hydrologic Data in Southern Florida (Water Resources Investigations Report 01-4275, available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Documentation of a computer program to simulate lake-aquifer interaction using the MODFLOW ground-water flow model and the MOC3D solute-transport model (Water Resources Investigations Report 00-4167, available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Documentation of a digital spatial data base for hydrologic investigations, Broward County, Florida (Water Resources Investigations Report 92-4061, available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Preliminary Assessment of Injection, Storage, and Recovery of Freshwater in the Lower Hawthorn Aquifer, Cape Coral, Florida (Water Resources Investigations Report 94-4121, available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Regional Evaluation of Evapotranspiration in the Everglades (Water Resources Investigations Report 00-4217, available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Spatial and Temporal Statistical Analysis of a Ground-Water Level Network, Broward County, Florida (Water Resources Investigations Report 94-4076)

User's Guide to SEAWAT: A Computer Program for Simulation of Three-Dimensional Variable-Density Ground-Water Flow (Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations Book 6, Chapter A7 (Supersedes OFR 01-434), available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Florida Geological Survey

Information Circulars

Water levels in artesian and nonartesian aquifers of Florida in 1960 (No. 33)

Water levels in artesian and nonartesian aquifers of Florida, 1965-66 (No. 61)

Water levels in artesian and nonartesian aquifers of Florida, 1967-68 (No. 68)

Water levels in artesian and nonartesian aquifers of Florida, 1969-70 (No. 73)

Water levels in artesian and nonartesian aquifers of Florida, 1971-72 (No. 85)

Map Series

Long-term stage records of lakes in Florida (No. 118)

Long-term streamflow stations in Florida, 1980 (No. 107)

The observation-well network of the U.S. Geological Survey in Florida (No. 65)

Program for monitoring surface-water quality in Florida (No. 76)

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  U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 22 October, 2004 @ 11:21 AM (TJE)