Food Safety Education
FDA Center for Food
Safety and Applied Nutrition
September 1998* USDA Food Safety
and Inspection Service

Word Match
You'll know the answers if you read the Fight BAC! brochure.

...row of pencils...

 1. Two Hour Rule a. The transfer of harmful bacteria from one food to another. Harmful bacteria can also be transferred to food from another source, such as hands.
 2. Personal Hygiene b. Defrost foods in the refrigerator, microwave, or under running water. Never defrost food on the kitchen counter.
 3. Perishable Food c. Keeping work areas free from dirt or bacteria.
 4. Cross-Contamination d. Foods that can become unsafe or spoil quickly if not refrigerated or frozen
 5. Contaminated Food e. Cleanliness, keeping yourself clean.

 6. Danger Zone f. Perishable food should not be left at room temperature longer than two hours.
 7. Foodborne illness g. Food that contains harmful bacteria.
 8. The Thaw Law h. Cooking food to a safe internal temperature
 9. Sanitation i. Sickness caused by eating contaminated food, sometimes called food poisoning.
 10. Thorough cooking j. The range of temperatures at which most bacteria multiply rapidly--between 40° and 140° Fahrenheit.

...row of pencils...

1. f, 2. e, 3. d, 4. a, 5. g, 6. j, 7. i, 8. b, 9. c, 10. h Answers

* Distributed July 1998 for use in September 1998 as part of the International Food Safety Council's National Food Safety Education Month.
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