U. S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
FDA/IFIC Booklet, 1993


Student Quiz


Check-Out Quiz

Read each statement and check "true" or "false".

1. The United States has the third safest food supply in the world.

               True                     False
2. Keeping the food supply safe is the sole responsibility of government agencies.
               True                     False
3. There are regulations to make sure that the amount of pesticide residues that may remain on foods is safe for consumers.
               True                     False
4. You can't accurately weigh risks and benefits if you have incorrect information.
               True                     False
5. Contaminated food is always easy to spot if you take the time to look.
               True                     False
6. Food poisoning is the food safety hazard over which individual consumers have the most control.
               True                     False
7. Once scientists conduct a test and facts are established, they cannot change.
               True                     False

Complete each sentence by inserting the correct government agency from the following list: EPA, USDA, FDA

8. The ______ inspects meat and poultry for quality and safety.

9. The ______ samples and tests all other foods for safety.

10. The ______ sets safe levels for pesticides and monitors their presence in the environment.

Complete the following.

11. At what temperature should you set your refrigerator?

12. At what temperature should you set your freezer?

13. When would it be especially important for you to be able to locate a lot number on a food product label?


14. Name four uses of additives.


15. Name five ways you can help to protect yourself from food poisoning.


16. What information in this unit on food safety was of the most interest to you? Why?


Answers To Check-Out Quiz

1. False, 2. False, 3. True, 4. True, 5. False, 6. True, 7. False, 8. USDA, 9. FDA, 10. EPA, 11. 40 degree F or less, 12. 0 degree F or less, 13. If there was a recall of that batch of the product or if you get sick from eating the food and have to report it to the FDA, 14. Improve nutrition, maintain freshness, help in processing or preparing, make food more appealing, 15. Answers will vary, 16. Answer will vary.

* U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the International Food Information Council Foundation, 1993

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