ALERTS > Doesn't Send E-mail!

The mailbox is used only for receipt of E-mail regarding specific website performance issues and is not used to send E-mail messages. Further, we do not send any attachments without making prior arrangements to do so such as in response to specific requests for assistance.

Security exploits such as the "KLEZ" family of worms take advantage of vulnerabilities in E-mail programs to infect a user's computer, locate E-mail addresses in files (such as cached copies of webpages) and ship themselves out with fake "from" addresses derived from those files. There are also publicly available mailing scripts and other things that can be easily done to fake an originating address. You can find out where an E-mail "really" came from by checking something called an"internet header" (not the same thing as a message header). What you'll see is a chain of server domain names and IP addresses (a set of numbers separated by periods in the form 172.##.###.##) that identifies servers and routers involved in transmitting and receiving the E-mail.

If you receive an E-mail purporting to be from the address, please delete it. If you unexpectedly receive an E-mail with an attachment from any other address, do not open the attachment without first determining that it is safe to open it. Make sure it is an attachment that you expected to receive and take a few precautionary steps to make sure that the attachment will not launch a "payload" virus or worm.

How to determine what kind of attachment you have received:

Best advice - if you aren't sure about something then don't open it!!!

You can help prevent the spread of the computer worms and viruses by keeping your anti-virus programs up to date and by downloading and installing the latest security patches for your E-mail and other software programs.

You can find out more about computer security threats such as viruses and worms, and also learn about computer hoaxes at the Computer Security Resource Center operated by the U.S. Department of Commerce - National Institute of Standards and Technology.


Is there a question about what the USPTO can or cannot do that you cannot find an answer for? Send questions about USPTO programs and services to the USPTO Contact Center (UCC). You can suggest USPTO webpages or material you would like featured on this section by E-mail to the While we cannot promise to accommodate all requests, your suggestions will be considered and may lead to other improvements on the website.