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Artículos Principales de NWHIC
Articulo del mes de Junio del 2004
Diabetes e hipertensión: Una pareja mortal

Este Artículo Principal de salud es presentado por  Nuestro Editor Invitado

Dr. William B. White, MD, FACP- University of Connecticut Health Center

A great percentage of the people with diabetes develop hypertension, which also can represent a considerable risk. In this article Dr. Williams comments on this deadly pair, and at the same time he offers good advice for the people with diabetes that they look for to maintain their pressure in good state. Questions asked and answered by the doctor:

  • Which are the true dangers to have diabetes and hypertension?
  • Is the treatment for hypertension different for people with diabetes?
  • What are the levels of a normal blood pressure so people with diabetes can mark these as their goals?
  • What is the first step I should take to reach my goal?
  • Does the medication for hypertension have side effects?
  • Is it possible to control high blood pressure and diabetes without modifying your lifestyle and following a medical treatment?

Article may also be viewed online at:;=spanish&c;=spanish_diabeteshyper

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Junio de 2004

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