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Financial Assistance

The following publications and organizations provide additional information on Financial Assistance


  1. Federal resource  Child Support Enforcement Program - This fact sheet describes the Child Support Enforcement Program, and explains their duty to identify paternity, locate absent parents, establish guidelines for child support, and enforcing child support orders.

  2. Federal resource  Food Stamps and Other Nutrition Programs (No. 05-10100) - This fact sheet provides information on the federal food stamp program including eligibility, where to apply for food stamps, and other federal nutrition programs such as WIC.

  3. Free Medications (Copyright © CDR) - This brief article describes the free medication program through the Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturers' Association, and provides information on how your doctor can enroll you in this program.

  4. Federal resource  Giving Hope and Support to America's Children - Handbook on Child Support Enforcement - This Handbook on Child Support Enforcement is a 'how-to' guide to help you get the child support payments your children need and deserve. Although it is written for people who are working through Child Support Enforcement (CSE) offices, it will also be useful to parents who are working with private attorneys.

  5. Insurance Coverage for Infertility Treatment: Study Your Plan to Reverse Claim Denials (Copyright © INCIID) - This publication provides guidelines designed to assist couples who need infertility treatments to overcome some of the obstacles from health insurance companies and employers.

  6. Federal resource  Pregnancy and HIV: What Women and Doctors Need to Know - These materials inform women of the benefits during pregnancy of being tested for HIV disease and how Medicaid can help cover the costs. The seven fact sheets in this set give information on basic prenatal care, the importance of getting tested for HIV, how to reduce transmission of HIV to infants, special Medicaid coverage for pregnant women, the healthcare provider's responsibility to provide HIV counseling and urge all pregnant women to be tested.

  7. Federal resource  Who Gets WIC and How to Apply - Information about the Women, Infants and Children Program - This fact sheet provides information about WIC's eligibility requirements, length of participation and application procedures.

  8. Federal resource  WIC State Agencies - This directory provides contact information for the Women, Infants, and Children program, organized by each state.


  1. Federal resource  Bureau of Primary Health Care, HRSA, HHS

  2. Goodwill Industries International, Inc.

  3. Federal resource  Head Start Bureau, ACYF, ACF, HHS

  4. National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc.

  5. Federal resource  National Women's Health Information Center, OWH, HHS

  6. Federal resource  Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, (WIC) USDA

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources


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