Sherwood L. Boehlert, Chairman
House Committee on Science
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WASHINGTON, D.C., May 19, 2004 – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is already terminating some homeland security research and development (R&D) programs because of the proposed elimination of its entire building decontamination R&D program next year, Dr. Paul Gilman, the EPA Assistant Administrator for Research and Development testified today.

Gilman was testifying before the House Subcommittee on Environment, Technology, and Standards, and he described the current cutbacks in response to questions from Subcommittee Chairman Vernon Ehlers (R-MI.).

Ehlers’ questions were prompted by the Administration’s proposal in its fiscal year (FY) 2005 budget to eliminate funding for EPA’s building decontamination R&D program.

Ehlers expressed his support for EPA’s homeland security R&D and told Gilman that he “want[s] to help EPA get the money it needs to carry out this important work.” Ehlers also expressed concern that “we still have not heard why EPA’s building program was cut. The cut will prevent EPA from conducting some important research.”

Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) said, “I am extremely concerned that EPA may receive no money next year for building decontamination research – an area in which it is supposed to be the lead for the entire federal government. The Administration has yet to explain the reason for this cut or how the vital work on building decontamination is supposed to be carried out without any funding.”

Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Parney Albright testified that EPA is the lead agency in the federal government for building decontamination R&D, while noting that a number of agencies, including his own, have programs in this area.

Ehlers asked Gilman repeatedly how EPA was going to carry out its responsibilities in the face of the proposed budget cut. Gilman said the only work that would be carried out in FY 2005 would be paid for with FY 2004 funds. He said a relatively small amount of FY 2004 money might remain unobligated at the end of this year, allowing it to be awarded next year. In addition, Gilman said, some projects awarded this year would not be completed until next year.

In addition to Gilman and Albright, the Subcommittee heard testimony from members of two National Academy of Sciences panels that had reviewed EPA’s homeland security R&D programs. Both witnesses testified that EPA had done a good job of pulling together a research agenda in homeland security, but recommended improvements, such as including more long-range research – research that would take more than three years to complete.

The panel members were Dr. Charles Kolb, president of Aerodyne Research, Inc.; and Dr. Gregory Baecher, professor of civil and environmental engineering, University of Maryland at College Park.



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