Sherwood L. Boehlert, Chairman
House Committee on Science
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House Committee on Science

Committee on Science
Bart Gordon, Tennessee, Ranking Democrat

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Joe Pouliot
(202) 225-4275


WASHINGTON, D.C., June 24, 2004 – Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) today released the following statement in response to NASA’s “Transformation Plan”:

“I think by and large Administrator O’Keefe is taking important and sensible steps to improve NASA’s ability to carry out its missions. The Requests for Information (RFI’s) announced today seem like a good way to examine the ideas put forward by the Aldridge Commission. Having all Chief Financial Officers report to headquarters should help NASA better manage its finances. As for the reorganization plan, I believe that, in general, Congress should allow agencies to decide how to organize themselves as long as the organizational structure does not have an adverse effect on the agencies’ duties. I want to be sure that NASA’s reorganizational plan does not disadvantage any area of science, particularly Earth Science. Administrator O’Keefe and I met for more than an hour on Tuesday to discuss NASA’s transformation plans and I am optimistic that we will be pleased when we review all the details.”



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