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agricultural resources and environmental indicators (AREI) database and mapping tool: instructions

User options include source, level of detail, year, total and density or other ratio, data download, mapping to cropland area, mapping with/without boundaries, county legends, printing, saving as files. Future versions will expand on these options. As more data sources are included, the options will vary slightly from source to source.

  • Source of data: The Census of Agriculture is the only source in this initial test version.

  • Data item and year: Choose the particular item and year of interest (3 Census years available). Selecting from the thousands of items available in the Census of Agriculture database is simplified by selecting the Census table and then the table item in sequence.

  • Map or data download: Generate results in a high quality map (default) or a table for download. For later merging of data, all tables will have the same dimension.

  • Cropland mapping: Map your data to the whole county area (default) or, if the data (eg, soybean acres) have relevance only on cropland, map to the cropland part of each county.

  • Totals or density/other ratios: To correctly map the geographic distribution of a value (the primary value of a map as opposed to a table), use the "Map as: density" option to convert the values to average density. The tool automatically selects the appropriate land area statistic for the "Map to" option selected.

  • Level of detail: Zoom in and zoom out features allow you to map at any level of detail. In this version, all data items are county-level statistics from tables in Part 2 (the back half) of the Census of Agriculture reports.

  • Boundaries and labels: Map with or without county boundaries and/or labels. Recommended: do not use county boundaries or labels for national or multi-State maps.

  • Printing and saving: Click on the Print tool or right-click on the map image to bring up options to save the image as a file.

  • Table sorting: The tables can be sorted by any field. Sorting on the FIPSCODE variable allows the data to be sorted by State.

how to use the map toolbar

The following tools, excluding the print tool, require the user to select the tool, then click on the map in order to complete the operation. Note: These tools are not enabled the first time the page loads, it is necessary to map an item before the tools become enabled.

Zoom In The map will zoom in and recenter at the point where you clicked.
Zoom Out The map will zoom out and recenter at the point where you clicked.
Pan The map will recenter at the point where you clicked.
Pan West The map will recenter to the west.
Pan North The map will recenter to the north.
Pan South The map will recenter to the south.
Pan East The map will recenter to the east.
Full Extent The map will zoom out to the full extent of the United States.
Labels On County names will be labelled on the map.
Labels Off County name labels will be removed from the map.
Boundaries On County boundaries will be added to the map.
Boundaries Off County boundaries will be removed from the map.
Identify Identifies a county and data where you click on the map.
Print Map Creates a printer-friendly map at the 11 X 8-1/2" page size.

for more information, contact: Bill Quinby
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: September 26, 2003

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