[USDA, Farm Service Agency - Disaster Assistance]
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Emergency Conservation Program (ECP)
Emergency Loan Assistance (EM)
Emergency Haying and Grazing
Florida Hurricane Disaster Assistance Program
Livestock Indemnity Program
Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
Tree Assistance Program
2004 Non-fat Dry Milk Livestock Feed Assistance
Where to Apply


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Where Can I Apply for FSA Emergency Assistance?

Further information and help in applying for emergency assistance is available at the FSA county office serving your area. To locate your nearest FSA county office, click HERE.

[USDA Service Center]

Active USDA Disaster Declarations
[Active USDA Disaster Declarations]
Click on the map to find out which counties have been designated for assistance following recent USDA disaster declarations



[Click here to visit the Ready.gov website]
Whether it's a direct payment, a loan, insurance, training, or other services - there may be government benefit programs available to help you.

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