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| Comments What is GPO Form 3868?Entitled "Notification of Intent to Publish," this form is the primary means of notifying the Superintendent of Documents of a new publication in all media. Form 3868 is designed to insure that your publication will receive proper consideration for inclusion in our Sales and Federal Depository Library Programs. By providing complete information prior to submitting your printing requisition, you can be assured that we will have adequate time to make the best decision. Individual copies of GPO Form 3868 do not need to be prepared for publications if they are produced regularly under a term contract. Dated (e.g., regularly issued) periodicals, which are part of an annual subscription service, are an example of this type of publication. However, if a publication is printed under a "general usage" or miscellaneous publication contract, a Form 3868 should be submitted for each title published. The "Notification of Intent to Publish" Form can be completed and submitted online. If you prefer to mail the form to the Superintendent of Documents, you can print the PDF version or request copies (which include instructions for completion) from GPO's Regional Printing Procurement Offices, Documents Control Branch (address listed below), or from your GPO Account Representative.
A service of the
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government
Printing Office. |
Last updated: September
20, 2000 |