Consumer Health Information Based on Research from the National Institutes of Health

July 1997

appleFact Sheet on the National Institutes of Health Please Fax Clips to:

Bobbi Bennett, Editor
Phone: 301-496-5787

National Institutes
of Health

Office of Communications
Building 1, Rm 344
1 Center Drive MSC0188
Bethesda, MD 20892-0188

applePanic Disorder Prevents Some Summer Travel
apple"Could You Have Panic Disorder?"(quiz)
apple"¿Es Posible Que Usted Padezca el Trastorno del Pánico?"
applePlay It Safe This Summer: Protect Your Skin from the Sun
apple"Its Lyme Time"
appleDrug Abuse: A Preventable Behavior; Drug Addiction: A Treatable Disease
appleImproving Your Diet Is Just a Few Simple Steps Away
appleResearch Capsules

appleUsable News--Recent Press Releases

Note: Material published in HEALTHWise is not copyrighted. You may use it without permission of the National Institutes of Health. However, we would appreciate receiving clips when you use our stories, photos, or graphics.

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