USGS Logo - Links to the U.S. Geological Survey home pageBanner Graphic a collage of images representing various USGS activities

Florida Integrated Science Center-Water and Restoration Studies in partnership with
South Florida Water Management District. 

SFWMD Logo - Links to the South Florida Water Management District home page

Using the water-levels site

Using the imagemap

Click a location on the map shown to view water-level information from the nearest selected monitoring sites. The server-side script will identify the sites nearest to where the map was clicked. Clicking below the map pulls up basic information on how the map was created.

Navigation without using the sitemap

On the left-hand side of the page, the site is broken down by geographic area and aquifer. Each link will take you to a page similar to the one shown, and toward the bottom of the page there will be a selection box for the sites shown on the map.

If there is a "Summary of Conditions" header above the map, following that link will bring you to a page summarizing historical conditions for each site shown. This is broken down by drainage basins, aquifers, and counties. The tables include links for every site shown.

Obtaining historical water-level data

Daily values data (daily mean water level for continuous-monitoring surface-water sites, daily maximum water level for continuous-monitoring ground-water sites) and measured values collected during site visits are available through the "data available" link below the 25-year hydrographs, toward the bottom of each site page.

General functions

Site pages

Each site page includes the manuscript text from the most recent published water year. For more up-to-date information on the sites, contact the site maintainers. Also included are links to the daily (maximum or mean, depending on site) values from the site, and graphs of the data from the sites.

Below each graph is a link to the data that the graph is based on, a postscript version of the graph for printing, and a generalized description of the information that would be plotted in the graph. The "D" link accompanying the graph links to an experimental description of the graph.

The data graphs are provided in SVG format, but JPEG or GIF versions may also be available for browsers not at all configured to display SVG graphics. Your system administrator may be able to help you with computer configurations if you cannot access the graphs. The Adobe SVG viewer program is available, at no cost, from Adobe. Additional information on SVG implementations is also available from W3C.

Real-time conditions index page (de-trended data)
End-of-month conditions index page (de-trended data)
Florida Integrated Science Center-Water and Restoration Studies, home page

Funding for the USGS to design and maintain this site has been provided through a cooperative agreement with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Water-level conditions are monitored by the USGS with support from Federal, State, and local cooperators.

If you have any questions or comments about this document contact:

WWW Administration: || WWW maintenance and data requests: R.B. Irvin (
Statistical methods: S.T. Prinos -

USGS Policy statements:

USGS Privacy Statement || Disclaimer || FOIA || Accessibility

Agency links:

U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey || Water Resources of the Unites States
Logo: Link to FirstGov Site, providing access to multiple agency listings


This page was last modified on: Thursday, 20-May-2004 15:36:37 EDT