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Flood Insurance - National Flood Insurance Program

Good evening.

Wednesday morning, we set fort on a path to the future --- along an adventure whose destination is a safer America. Tonight, we honor those who are making the journey possible.

Paths do not emerge spontaneously in the wilderness, nor are adventures easy trips to make. Trails must be blazed by those whose vision is both clear and creative. Adventures must be led with courage and commitment alike.

And we have those qualities -- not simply in this room, but throughout an industry and Program that draws its strength from a diversity of views but also a unity of purpose: a safer America.

Of course, most progress is driven by leaders. But our path to the future is especially so. NFIP is more than a program. It's a partnership. And this dinner is our way of thanking the people who make it possible.

The real awards, of course, will not be given out at this dinner. They will be distributed during the next flood -- when a family's finances are protected because of our honorees' work. The real award in this business isn't a plaque. It's pride -- the knowledge that what we do makes a real impact on people's lives.

And the highest honor is the one we will never see --- the flood damage that does not occur, the homes that are not washed away and the lives that are not ripped apart because we worked together to provide tools for prevention.

I get the fun job tonight. I get to call out the names, hand out the plaques and pose for the pictures. But know -- each of you, those who are recognized along with those whose presence at this conference confirms their commitment -- that the real thanks isn't coming from me. It comes from the American people.

Before we get into the official awards, I'd like to say thank you and recognize a few other folks.

Recognition made of :

· Special VIP's in audience
· NFIP Bureau employees working on conference
· FEMA employees.

Thank you, and now I would like to begin the official awards.



Last Updated: Friday, 22-Oct-2004 13:33:22 EDT
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