NOAA NCDC / Climate Monitoring / Snow / Search / Help

NOAA Homepage U.S. Snow Monitoring
(Data made available primarily through the Cooperative Observer Network)

National Climatic Data Center
Asheville, North Carolina

NOAA Homepage
<!--center font color=red size=+2 Due to data ingest problems, recent data are currently not available. We apologize for an inconvenience this may cause. /font /center--!>
  • Recent Snowfall & Snowdepth

  • Month & Season-to-Date Snowfall

  • Maximum Daily Snow

  • Number of Days with Snow

  • View Data Files (for past 7 days)

  • View Image Files (for past 7 days)

  • collage of various snow scenes

    Station Inventory / Readme File

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    NOAA NCDC / Climate Monitoring / Snow / Search / Help
    Downloaded Sunday, 24-Oct-2004 15:19:26 EDT
    Last Updated Monday, 12-Jul-2004 10:55:55 EDT by
    Please see the NCDC Contact Page if you have questions or comments.
    Please send questions or comments about this system to