Current Rotation 8/13- 26
Brunner's Type 2 Team Roster 2004
Position  Name Home Unit
*Incident Commander Jerry Brunner UT-WCF
*Safety Officer Al Soucie UT-WCF
Safety Officer Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Information Officer Murray Shoemaker UT-ARP
*Operations Section Chief  Tracy Dunford  UT-NWS
*Operations Section Chief  Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Division Supervisor Dave Koch ID-FCA
Division Supervisor  Brandon Hoffman UT-RID
Division Supervisor Terry Tilford UT-MOD
Division Supervisor Melanie Fullman ID-SCF
*Air Ops Branch Director Dennis Gregorkiewicz  UT-CCD
Air Tactical Group Supervisor Jeff Kline UT-SLD
Helibase Manager Type 1 Vacant - fill at dispatch  
*Planning Section Chief Aniceto (Cheto) Olais UT-ZIP
Resource Unit Leader Ross Catron UT-ASF
Situation Unit Leader Steve Jackson UT-SLC
Fire Behavior Analyst Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Status Check-in Recorder Cory Crotteau NV-BMD
Demobilization Unit Leader Bruce Waite ID-BOF
Training Specialist Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Computer Technical Specialist Jennifer Wilcox UT-NWS
*Logistics Section Chief Eddie Lopez UT-ZIP
Communications Unit Leader Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Supply Unit Leader Ron Pierce UT-MOD
Facilities Unit Leader Kirk Topham UT-ZIP
Ground Support Unit Leader Ken Shurtz AZ-ASD
Medical Unit Leader Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Food Unit Leader Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Ordering Manager Sharon Brussell UT-ARP
Receiving & Distribution Mgr. Ron Olson UT-MOD  AD
Communications Technician Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Contracting Officers Tech. Rep. Vacant - fill at dispatch  
*Finance Section Chief Darcy Crotteau  
Time Unit Leader Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Cost Unit Leader Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Trainees **    
Division Group Supervisor Brook Chadwich UT-SLD
Division Group Supervisor Forrest Behm ID-PAF
Division Group Supervisor Hal Stevens UT-MOD
Equipment Manager Ronnie Lambert UT-ZIP
Fire Behavior Analyst Gayle Sorenson UT-RID
Status Check-in Recorder Rebecca Cook UT-CCD
* Short Team
** The Incident Commander is responsible for negotiating orders for more than 
   six trainees outside the Great Basin.