Current Rotation 7/2 - 15
Suwyn's Type 2 Team Roster 2004
Position  Name Home Unit
*Incident Commander Tom Suwyn UT-USO
*Safety Officer Ken Moore AZ-ASD      
*Information Officer Kathy Jo Pollock UT-WCF
*Operations Section Chief  Buzz Vanskike ID-STF
*Operations Section Chief  Skip Hurt ID-CTF
Division Supervisors Tracy Swenson UT-DIF
Division Supervisors Brad Sawyer ID-STF
Division Supervisors  Chris Church UT-WCF
Division Supervisors  Ron Ellingham UT-MOD
*Air Ops Branch Director Blake Ford UT-RID
Air Support Group Supervisor Brent Campbell WY-BTF
Air Tactical Group Supervisor Gil Dustin UT-SLD
Helibase Manager Type 1 Cameron Dingman NV-EKD
*Planning Section Chief Evan Boshell UT-DIF
Resource Unit Leader Clark Tucker UT-ASF
Situation Unit Leader Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Fire Behavior Analyst Kim Soper UT-MLF      
Status Check-In Recorder Vacant - fill at dispatch  
Demobilization Unit Leader Keri Vest UT-UIF
Computer Technical Specialist Dawn Elkington UT-FIF
Training Specialist Karen Feary UT-FIF
*Logistics Section Chief Steve Dodds UT-DIF
Communication Unit Leader Steve Robertson UT-FIF
Supply Unit Leader Brent Crosland UT-RID
Facilities Unit Leader Laurel Simos ID-FCA
Ground Support Unit Leader Varian Allen UT-MLF      
Communications Technician Vacant  
Ordering Manager Larry Garahana UT-SLD
Receiving/Distribution Manager Nan Coates UT-DIF
Medical Unit Leader Claudia Riordan NV-EKD
Food Unit Leader Shannon Swann NV-LAP
Contracting Officers Tech. Rep Taiga Rohrer UT-DIF
*Finance Section Chief Mike Taylor AZ-ASD   AD
Time Unit Leader Jo Ann Schreiner UT-CCD
Cost Unit Leader Wendy Ambrose UT-DIF
Comp/Claims Unit Leader Vacant  
Trainees **    
Incident Commander Dick Buehler UT-NWS
Air Support Group Supervisor Steve Markason WY-BTF
Division Supervisor Isaac Shinkle UT-SLD
Information Officer Type 2 Kirsten Cannon NV-LVD
Information Officer Type 2 David Eaker UT-ZIP
Medical Unit Leader Lucy Wilkins UT-CCD
Medical Unit Leader Josh Renz ID-BOD
ASGS/Division Group Sup. Kevin Greenhalgh UT-FIF
Finance Section Chief Fran Wilson UT-DIF
Time Unit Leader Stacy Heaps UT-RID
Ordering Manager Steve Barker UT-DIF
Incident Communications Tech Jim Davenport UT-DIF
Operations Section Chief Brad Washa UT-USO
Ground Support Unit Leader Bill Smith UT-CCD
Base/Camp Manager James Holland UT-CCD
* Short Team
** The Incident Commander is responsible for negotiating orders for more than 
   six trainees outside the Great Basin.