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Questions & Answers: Breastfeeding and the Flu
January 12, 2004
Q & A: Preventing the Flu
  Breastfeeding and the Flu

Jan 12, 2004
What precautions should I take to protect my baby if I have the flu and am breastfeeding?
Nursing mothers who have the flu should take the following steps before every breastfeeding and when handling their infants:

•  Put on a surgical mask. (You can purchase surgical masks in most drugstores.)

•  Wash your hands thoroughly, and dry them with a clean towel or paper towels. (Information about hand hygiene can be found at: www.cdc.gov/od/oc/media/pressrel/fs021025.htm.)

•  Leave your breasts covered until you have put on a surgical mask and washed your hands. You can then begin breastfeeding.

•  Do not remove your surgical mask until you are done breastfeeding and you have put your baby down.

Jan 12, 2004
How long should I continue to take these precautions?
Continue to take these precautions at every feeding for 7 days following the first day of your illness (when you first noticed flu symptoms).


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