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National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior National Park Service
Air Resources Biologic Resources Geologic Resources Natural Sounds Water Resources
Air Resources Biological Resources Geologic Resources Natural Sounds Water Resources
Students & Teachers
Search here for classroom materials and standards-related information. Explore this page for fun facts about parks and educational essentials to meet your needs.
Protecting & Restoring
In many areas, National Park System units represent the last vestiges of once vast undisturbed ecosystems. Yet, over 315,000 acres in 195 parks have been disturbed by modern human activities...
Science & Research 
National parks serve as outdoor laboratories for the study of physical, biological, and cultural systems and their components.
Social Science 
An accurate understanding of the relationship between people and parks is critical to both protecting resources unimpaired and providing for public enjoyment.
Welcome to Our New Site
Discover the natural wonders in parks and how we use science to conserve them. The National Park Service is committed to making our visitor's web experience as pleasurable and educational as possible. We hope the redesign will allow you to find what you are looking for more easily. Lots of new content has been added to the site. Your feedback is needed so please take the time to comment.

Natural Resource Year in Review--2003
Approximately 80 articles and 120 photographs that paint a portrait of the year in natural resource stewardship in the National Park System
Natural Resource Year in Review 2003
Only with support for a commitment to parks will the character of our nation’s most important places remain intact and the visitors’ experience of our nation’s heritage remain undiminished.

Year in Review--2003

past features

Natural Resource Challenge
The Natural Resource Challenge represents a major effort to address the challenges of caring for our country's natural heritage within the complexities of today's modern landscapes.


Beach Sections to be Closed to Protect Sea Turtle Hatchlings (8/24/04)
Park Service Proposes Allowing Snowmobiles Into Yellowstone (8/20/04)
  additional releases
Image of flowers at Joshua Tree NP

Joshua Tree National Park consists of nearly 800,000 acres set aside to protect the unique assembly of natural resources brought together by the junction of three of California's ecosystems.

updated on 08/30/2004   I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/index.htm   I  Email:Webmaster
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