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Prototype Notebook: Short Questions on Dietary Intake, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors

By Heather Hartline-Grafton, Rebecca Nyman, Ronette Briefel, and Rhoda Cohen, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. ERS project representatives: Joanne Guthrie and Eileen Stommes

E-FAN No. (04010) 171 pp, September 2004

This report provides a compendium of 128 survey questions used in previous research to assess dietary knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors for low-income populations over the age of 18. The short questions or sets of questions on nine topics, including fruits and vegetables; grains, legumes, and fiber; variety; fat; calcium food sources; nonalcoholic beverages; knowledge, attitudes; and behaviors, are drawn from an extensive inventory and evaluation of available questions reported in the research literature. Each question is presented using a common template including the citations, data sources, and characteristics such as question reliability, validity, sensitivity to change, availability in other languages, mode of administration, use in populations with low-income and/or low-education levels, relation to nutrition and health outcomes, and availability of comparative data. This report is part of a larger ERS research effort to develop a common core set of questions to assess the dietary behavior impact of Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE) on Food Stamp Program participants.

Keywords: Diet and health knowledge, Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program, FSNE, Food Stamp Program, low-income populations, Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, FANRP, ERS, USDA

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page updated: September 13, 2004

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