Analysis Reports

Natural Gas Productive Capacity for the Lower 48 States Through 2003

Analysis Agenda Year: 2001
Analysis Theme: Energy Supply, Consumption, and Price Developments
Sponsoring Office: None
Contact(s): Hafeez Rahman, 214-720-6162 , Velton Funk, RPD

Product Summary:
This project analyzes monthly gas wellhead productive capacity and projects this capacity for 2001 and 2002 based upon historical production through 2000. The data come from IHSEnergy and EIA's publications. Monthly gas-well-gas production was extracted from current HISEnergy data. For States not covered by Dwight's, the "Natural Gas Annual" and "Natural Gas Monthly" published by EIA are used to obtain the gas production data. Coalbed gas is treated separately in this report.

The Wellhead Gas Productive Capacity Model was revised to mirror changes currently seen in the industry data. As gas production declines in some areas, the link between wellhead capacity and delivery system becomes critical and must be addressed in the model and analysis. The delivery system limits, how they change, and their effects on wellhead production need to be addressed. Capacity analysis is linked in a collaborative effort to supply and demand forecasting efforts and gas price forecasts. Also, the Wellhead Gas Productive Capacity Model is used in the monthly STEO forecasts, and to equilibrate supply and demand models currently used by EMEU. This model output is an essential link in the supply, demand, and price forecasting work currently done in EIA. Additionally, output from this model can form a basis for EIA's econometric modeling efforts. An interpolation model may be developed to run monthly analysis with a full analysis done on an annual basis.

Start Date: Jan 2001
Completion Date: March 31, 2003
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