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Office of International Affairs

Multilateral Development Institutions


The multilateral development institutions (MDIs) serve critical United States’ interests in promoting global economic growth and stability, especially in those areas of the world where poverty is most acute. The MDIs are the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), African Development Bank (AFDB)1, Asian Development Bank (ADB)2, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)3, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Transparency increases accountability and effectiveness within the MDIs. This Treasury website is intended to promote transparency and implement the new section 1504 of the International Financial Institutions Act added by Public Law 108-199 (2004). 4

1 As well as the African Development Fund (AFDF).
2 Includes the Asian Development Fund (ADF).
3 As well as the Fund for Special Operations (FSO) and the separately-incorporated Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC).
4 Section 1504 states:

(c) PUBLICATION OF WRITTEN STATEMENTS REGARDING INSPECTION MECHANISM CASES – No later than 60 calendar days after a meeting of the Board of Directors of a multilateral development institution, the Secretary of the Treasury should provide for publication on the website of the Department of the Treasury of any written statement presented at the meeting by the United States Executive Director at the institution concerning:
(1) a project on which a claim has been made to the inspection mechanism of the institution; or
(2) a pending inspection mechanism case.

(e) PUBLICATION OF ‘NO’ VOTES AND ABSTENTIONS BY THE UNITED STATES – Each month, the Secretary of the Treasury should provide for posting on the website of the Department of the Treasury of a record of all ‘no’ votes and abstentions made by the United States Executive Director at any multilateral development institution on any matter before the Board of Directions of the institution.


Loan Review Votes





Loan Review Votes

Statements By U.S. Executive Directors


International Monetary Fund

World Bank Group

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Inter-American Development Bank

Asian Development Bank

African Development Bank