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Medication Safety
Poison Prevention
Traveling Safely with Medications
Emergency Preparedness and Medications
Counterfeit Medications

Medication Safety

Pharmacists in hospitals and health systems play an important role in preventing medication errors. To make sure you use medicines safely and effectively, ASHP recommends that you:

  • Keep a list of all medications that you take (prescribed drugs, nonprescription medicines, herbal supplements, home remedies, and medical foods) and medicines that you cannot take due to allergic reactions, and share those with your doctor or pharmacist.

  • Tell your health care provider how you actually take your medication, especially if this is different from the originally prescribed directions.

  • Learn the names of the drug products that are prescribed and given to you, as well as their dosage strength and schedules.

  • Ask if you should avoid certain foods, beverages, other medicines, or activities while you are taking the drug.

  • Ask for any written information available on the drug product.

  • Question anything you don't understand or that doesn't seem right. Be especially alert to unexpected changes, such as receiving a prescription refill that seems to have a different strength or appearance from your original prescription.

  • Show that you understand how to use your medication by repeating information about your prescription back to your doctor or pharmacist.

  • If you're too ill to follow these suggestions, ask a friend or relative to help.

  • Remember that when you're in a hospital or health system, you can always ask to speak to the pharmacist if you have questions about your treatment or medications.

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Poison Prevention

Approximately 9 of 10 accidental poisonings occur in the home. Sixty percent of these victims are children younger than age six, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And, close to half of poisonings in children of this age group involve a misuse of medicines.

Below are safety tips that every parent, caregiver, and grandparent can use:
  • Use child-resistant closures on medicine and other products.

  • Your doctor or pharmacist may recommend that you use activated charcoal to treat certain poisonings at home. However, it should not be given without the specific recommendation of your local poison control center.

  • Keep all medications (both prescription and nonprescription) in their original child-resistant containers.

  • Always turn the light on when giving or taking medicine.

  • Children imitate adults, so avoid taking medications in their presence.

  • Avoid calling medicine "candy."

  • Check your medications periodically for expiration dates. If the medication is not dated, consider it expired six months after purchase.

  • Many adult medicines can be deadly to small children and pets and must be disposed of properly and safely. Avoid putting medications in open trash containers in the kitchen or bathroom. Also, do not throw medicines into the toilet.

  • Be aware that vitamins, particularly those containing iron, can be poisonous if taken in large doses. Children are especially suspectible to adverse effects from vitamin overdosing.

  • If you don't know the number of your local poison control center, call the national hotline (800-222-1222) that can connect you with poison prevention experts in your area.

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Traveling Safely with Medications

Whether you are traveling domestically or internationally, you won't want an illness to disrupt either your vacation or business plans. This means planning well, managing your medications wisely, and consulting your physician or pharmacist about proper precautions to take before you leave home:

  • Many medications can cause "photosensitivity," or increased sensitivity to sunlight. Even if you don't usually sunburn, taking medications that cause this reaction could greatly increase your chances of getting a bad burn. Your pharmacist can advise you about whether your medication can cause photosensitivity and recommend the right SPF (skin protection factor) for your skin type.

  • If you are flying, keep your medications in your carry-on luggage so that you have access to them during your flight and will not lose them in the event that your luggage gets lost. Plus, keeping your medications with you helps prevent exposure to extreme temperatures in the baggage compartment, which can alter the drug's effectiveness. Keep in mind that airport security requires that your medications be transported in their original, labeled containers.

  • If your medication requires you to use a syringe - insulin, for instance - you may need to carry your prescription with you to ensure that you can pass through airport security. The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes be prepared to provide airport security personnel with copies of prescriptions for diabetes medications and supplies as well as complete contact information for the prescriber.

  • Make sure that you carry your prescriber's and your pharmacy's phone numbers with you when you are away from home. In case you lose your medications, you may need a new prescription. You should also keep on hand a list of all your prescriptions.

  • If you are traveling through several time zones, consult with your physician or pharmacist to work out a specific plan for adjusting the timing and dosage of your medications. This will prevent you from taking too much or too little.

  • If you are visiting a foreign country, beware of buying "over-the-counter" medications. Many medicines that are available by prescription in the United States are available "over the counter" in other countries. Some of these medications could have different ingredients, and may not undergo comparable quality control. Buying these medications could put you at risk for allergic reactions, drug interactions, or other problems.

  • If you are visiting a hot, humid climate, be sure to keep your medications in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Never store medications in the glove compartment of your car. Also, because of the heat and humidity that build up in a bathroom, it is the worst place to store medication whether you are at home or on the road.

  • Take along more medication than the number of days you've planned to be away. This will allow you to be prepared for unexpected delays.

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Emergency Preparedness and Medications

Being Medication-Ready
What Consumers Need to Know to Prepare for an Emergency

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists recommends that consumers be aware of their medication needs as they prepare for any emergency. Following the tips below can help you be ready.

Keep a list of all your medications in your wallet.

  • Include lists for your immediate family members.
  • Include drug name, strength, dosage form and regimen.

Wear your medical-alert bracelet or necklace.

Store 3-5 days of medications that are important to your health.

  • Include any medications that are used to stabilize an existing medical condition or keep a condition from worsening or resulting in hospitalization, such as:

    - Medications for asthma, seizures, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, psychiatric conditions, HIV, and thyroid disorders.

  • Carry these with you, if possible, in a purse or briefcase in labeled containers.

    - Don't store your medications in areas that are susceptible to extremes in heat, cold, and humidity (e.g., car or bathroom). This could decrease the effectiveness of the medication.

    - Use child-resistant containers and keep your purse or briefcase secure.

  • Rotate these medications whenever you get your prescriptions refilled, to make sure they are used before their expiration date.

Refill your prescriptions while you still have at least a 5-7 day supply of medications left. Keep in mind that some sources, such as mail-order pharmacies, have a longer lead time to refill.

If your child takes medications, talk to your school system to find out their emergency preparedness plans.

If you are being treated with a complex medication regimen, talk to your physician or pharmacist to create appropriate emergency preparation plans.

  • Such regimens include:

    - Injectable medications, including those delivered by pumps (e.g., insulin , analgesics, chemotherapy, parenteral nutrition)
    - Medications delivered by a nebulizer (e.g., antibiotics, bronchodilators)
    - Dialysis

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Counterfeit Medications

Be on the Lookout for Counterfeit Medications

Bethesda, MD--While the U.S. drug supply supply is still the safest in the world, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) advises consumers to be particularly vigilant about their medications given the recent rise in counterfeiting.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), counterfeit drug investigations have quadrupled since 2000. Additionally, the World Health Organization estimates that fake medications currently make up seven to 10 percent of the world market. These products may be expired, contain incorrect ingredients or the wrong amounts of active ingredients, or be enclosed in packaging that doesn’t match the product inside.

In light of this new and growing danger, ASHP wants Americans to know that their best allies in receiving safe and appropriate drug therapy are pharmacists and physicians. 

“It is very difficult for patients to tell just by looking at a medication or its packaging if it is a counterfeit product,” said ASHP President Daniel M. Ashby, M.S., FASHP, noting the increasing sophistication of international counterfeiters. “However, that is not to say that consumers are helpless in the face of this new threat. They can do a lot by staying alert and following a few simple tips. And, when in doubt, always talk to your pharmacist.”

ASHP recommends that consumers follow a few simple safety tips when taking medication:            

  1. Pay attention to your medicine, particularly the instructions on how you should take it, the correct dosage, and warnings about interactions with other medications.
  2. Talk to your pharmacist if your medication is:
  • Different than you’ve experienced before in shape, color, taste, smell, or feel
  • Packaged differently, or
  • Does not produce the expected results. This can be due to a number of reasons, including:
    • Your body’s response has changed over time (requiring a higher or lower dose),
    • An interaction has occurred among medications, vitamins, or herbal supplements you are taking or specific foods you are eating,
    • You have a new medical condition that changes the medication’s effectiveness, or
    • You have received a counterfeit product.
            1. Be extremely careful when ordering medications on the Internet. To stay safe, only buy medications from pharmacy Web sites that post the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy’s VIPPS (Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites) symbol.

            The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy has developed the following list of drug products that have been counterfeited in the past.  Consumers should be especially cautious if taking:

            • Diflucan®  (fluconazole)
            • Lamisil® (terbinafine)
            • Lipitor® (atorvastatin)
            • Sustiva® (efavirenz)
            • Procrit® (epoetin alfa)
            • Zocor® (simvastatin)

            ASHP is working on a number of fronts to address the issue of counterfeiting, including partnering with the FDA in providing rapid alerts to ASHP members and U.S. hospital pharmacy departments about counterfeit drug incidents. The Society also maintains an online Drug Shortage Management Resource Center that provides health care providers with timely updates on product shortages and therapeutic alternatives.

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            Did you know

            ...Medication myths can cause you real harm. Separate fact from fiction with ASHP's consumer tips.

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