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<< Ergonomics

Sewing Stations

Fine work

Scissor Work



OSHA Ergonomic Solutions: Sewing eTool
Viewing/Printing Instructions Additional References Credits Disclaimer
Workers involved in sewing activities, such as manufacturing garments, shoes, and airplane or car upholstery, may be at risk of  developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Sewing-related injuries have been documented in the areas of sewing stations, performing fine work or scissor work, and material handling, among others. This eTool* provides example ergonomics solutions specific to sewing. Select Ergonomics for general solutions.

Sewing Station Design Stitching Finework Scissorwork Material Handling
Sewing Station Design Sewing Stitching Sewing Finework
Sewing Scissorwork Sewing Material Handling Sewing

*eTools are web-based products that provide guidance information for developing a comprehensive safety and health program. They include recommendations for good industry practice that often go beyond specific OSHA mandates. As indicated in the disclaimer, eTools do not create new OSHA requirements.

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Sewing Station Design | Stitching | Fine Work | Scissor Work | Material Handling
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