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Financing & Sales
100 Questions and Answers About Buying a New Home. This great guide focuses on finances--from how much home you can afford, to various mortgage loan programs, insurance, taxes, and more. 40 pp. (2003. HUD) 569L. Free. [Read publication ]
Don't Be A Victim of Loan Fraud. Be a smart consumer when buying or refinancing your home. Use these 11 tips to learn more about predatory lending, recognize tactics that predators use, identify warning signs of fraud, and more. 5 pp. (2003. HUD) 605L. Free. [Read publication ]
Financing an Energy-Efficient Home. Find mortgages and home improvement loans to make your home more energy efficient. 8 pp. (2000. DOE) 126L. $2.00. [Read publication ]
Guide to Single-Family Home Mortgage Insurance. Explains FHA mortgage insurance programs, including types available, how to qualify, how to apply, restrictions, and more. 14 pp. (1999. HUD) 333L. $1.00. [Read publication ]
How to Buy a Home With a Low Down Payment. Describes how to qualify for a low down payment mortgage, determine what you can afford, and how mortgage insurance works. 9 pp. (2002. USDA) 570L. Free. [Read publication ] [Read publication ]
How to Buy a Manufactured (Mobile) Home. Tips on selection and placement, warranties, site preparation, transportation, installation, and more. 14 pp. (1997. FTC) 313L. $1.00. [Read publication ]
Looking for the Best Mortgage--Shop, Compare, Negotiate. Use these 3 steps to save money on a mortgage or home loan. Includes a mortgage shopping worksheet. 7 pp. (1999. FRB) 334L. $1.00. [Read publication ]
Putting Your Home on the Loan Line is Risky Business. Before getting a home equity loan, explore your options, comparison shop, be aware of questionable lender practices, and know your rights. Use the worksheet to compare loan offers from various lenders. 4 pp. (2003. FRB) 323L. $1.00. [Read publication ] [Read publication ]
Twelve Ways to Lower Your Homeowners Insurance Costs. Practical tips and phone numbers of state insurance departments for more information. 4 pp. (1995. FCIC) 335L. $1.00. [Read publication ] [Read publication ]
Home Maintenance
Am I Covered?. Answers 15 common questions regarding homeowners insurance and explains what is covered in a standard policy. 9 pp. (1997. USDA) 336L. $1.00. [Read publication ] [Read publication ]
Cooling Your Home Naturally. Ways to save electricity and keep your home cool with landscaping, roof treatments, shading, and windows. 8 pp. (1994. DOE) 127L. $2.00. [Read publication ]
Drinking Water From Household Wells. Families with their own wells are responsible for maintaining them and making sure that the water is safe to drink. Here are the facts on sources of pollution and how to keep your water safe. 16 pp. (2002. EPA) 547L. Free. [Read publication ] [Read publication ]
Elements of an Energy-Efficient House. Learn the benefits of having energy-efficient elements in your home, such as energy-efficient doors, windows, and appliances. 8 pp. (2000. DOE) 127K. $1.50. [Read publication ]
Energy Savers: Tips on Saving Energy & Money at Home. Reduce your home energy use with tips on insulation, weatherization, heating, and more. 36 pp. (1998. DOE) 337L. $1.00. [Read publication ]
Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning. Explains how air conditioners work, what different types are available, and how to troubleshoot and maintain your air conditioners. 8 pp. (1999. DOE) 128L. $1.50. [Read publication ]
Healthy Lawn, Healthy Environment. Tips on lawn care, including soil preparation, watering, mowing, pesticides, and choosing a lawn care service. 19 pp. (1992. EPA) 338L. $1.00. [Read publication ]
Home Sweet Home Improvement. Check for the warning signs of a shady contractor; ask questions to protect yourself from fraud; complete the post-job checklist; and get tips on how to resolve complaints. 12 pp. (2001. FTC) 304L. $1.00. [Read publication ] [Read publication ]
How to Prune Trees. Illustrated guide shows what to do, what not to do, tools to use, and when to trim to produce healthy, strong trees. 30 pp. (1995. USDA) 129L. $2.00. [Read publication ]
Indoor Electrical Safety Check. Quick and easy tips to make your home safe from electrical hazards. 21 pp. (2004. FCIC) 661L. Free. [Read publication ] [Read publication ]
National Flood Insurance Guide. Property owners can purchase insurance against flooding losses. Learn the requirements, questions to ask, and more. 20 pp. (2002. FEMA) 597L. Free. [Read publication ]
Outdoor Electrical Safety Check. Detailed guide to preventing outdoor electrical hazards that can cause fires and dangerous shocks. 33 pp. (2004. FCIC) 662L. Free. [Read publication ] [Read publication ]
Power$mart: Easy Tips to Save Money and the Planet. Get tips on making your home more comfortable while reducing your monthly energy bill. 24 pp. (2002. DOE/EPA) 573L. Free. [Read publication ]
Selecting a New Water Heater. Describes how different types of water heaters work and important features to consider when buying. 6 pp. (1995. DOE) 130L. $1.25. [Read publication ] [Read publication ]
Surges Happen! How to Protect the Appliances in Your Home. Find out what power surges are, what appliances need protection, and what devices work best. 20 pp. (2001. NIST) 104L. $2.25. [Read publication ] [Read publication ]
Weatherize Your Home. Explains the various types of caulking and weather stripping to help you choose the best method to fix air leaks in your home. 8 pp. (2001. DOE) 133K. $2.00. [Read publication ]
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