Q - How do I contact the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?

A - The Chairman may be contacted in writing at the following address:

Q - How do I contact members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?

A - Mailing addresses for the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are:

Q - How do I contact the Commandant of the Coast Guard?

A - The Commandant of the Coast Guard may be contacted at:

Q - How do I contact other members of the Joint Staff?

A - The best way to contact members of the Joint Staff is by e-mail, which will then be forwarded to the person in question for their action as appropriate. Inquiries may also be made by calling (703) 697-4272 or by regular mail at:

Q - How do I obtain copies of speeches by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?

A - General Myers' recent speeches are available on JCSLink. Copies of previous presentations may be requested through Joint Staff Public Affairs.

Q - How do I obtain copies of Joint Staff publications?

A - Many Joint Staff publications are available on the Joint Staff web site, JCSLink, under Joint Doctrine in the Library. Other wise, contact the Joint Staff Information Management Division at (703) 697-9127 or write to Joint Staff Public Affairs.

Q - How do I obtain other Defense Department publications?

A - Contact the Defense Department Public Affairs Directorate for Public Communication Division at (703) 697-5737.

Q - How do I obtain information on former Chairmen and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?

A- This information is now available on JCSLink in the Library under Joint History.