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Videocassettes in the NAL Collection Pertaining to Alternative Farming

Videocassettes added to the National Agricultural Library collection since January 1995.

Special Reference Briefs Series no. SRB 2000-04
Ammends SRB 95-03

July 2000

Compiled by:
Mary V. Gold
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library
Agricultural Research Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
10301 Baltimore Avenue
Beltsville, MD 20705-2351

National Agricultural Library Cataloging Record:
Gold, Mary V.
Videocassettes in the NAL collection pertaining to alternative farming systems.
(Special reference briefs ; 2000-04)
1. Alternative agriculture--Video catalogs. 2. National Agricultural Library (U.S.)--Catalogs. I. Title.
aS21.D27S64 no.2000-04

ISSN 1052-5368

Videocassettes in the NAL Collection Pertaining to Alternative Farming


This Special Reference Brief (SRB) amends the 1995 Brief of the same title. It describes videocassette titles added to the National Agricultural Library (NAL) collection since 1995, and continues efforts by the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC) to provide access to non-print resources related to alternative agriculture: sustainable farming systems and practices, specialty crops, on-farm enterprises, and direct marketing techniques, as well as associated environmental topics. A special effort has been made to add titles pertaining to aquaculture, a topic that has been added to AFSIC's scope since 1995.

Using this directory in conjunction with the 1995 volume, provides a relatively complete listing of all videos related to alternative agriculture currently in the NAL collection. A video title from the 1995 volume is repeated in this volume ONLY if it was originally cited as "on order", and now has a full NAL catalog record including an NAL call number.

All titles listed here are in VHS format unless otherwise noted. The inclusion or omission of a particular video should not be construed as either endorsement or disapproval. For this and other reference briefs and bibliographies, see "Publications" on the AFSIC web site, http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/.

Mary V. Gold
Reference Librarian/Information Specialist
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library, ARS, USDA

July 2000

To: Top | Introduction | Obtaining Videocassettes | List of Videocassettes | Distributor List |

Obtaining Videocassettes Listed in this Directory

Individuals and organizations may borrow NAL videocassettes by requesting them through their own library's or institution's interlibrary loan system. NAL accepts requests in accordance with national and international interlibrary loan codes and guidelines. In its national role, NAL supplies copies of agriculture materials not found elsewhere. Requests should be routed to major university libraries, national institutions or network sources prior to being sent to NAL. If the needed videocassettes are not available from these sources, requests may be submitted to NAL with a statement indicating their non-availability. A loan service fee may apply. Videocassettes in the NAL collection are not loaned outside the United States.

Submit requests a least 3-4 weeks before the intended show date when requesting specific titles. Specify the particular format preferred if more that one format is given in the citation. Your library will receive a Confirmed Booking Notice indicating when the material will be shipped. Please note that certain copyright restrictions apply to viewing, showing, and copying videocassettes. Check the tape's introductory material for specific requirements.

For more information on NAL's lending policies:

Document Delivery Services Branch
National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Ave.
Beltsville MD 20705-2351
Phone: 301-504-5994
E-mail: access@nal.usda.gov
Web site: http://www.nal.usda.gov/ddsb

Several audiovisual producers and distributors specialize in agriculture-related titles. You may be able to rent or purchase a title listed in this directory, or one on a similar topic, by contacting the company, agency, or organization directly. The contact provided in the "For further information:" brackets in an individual citation may be able to supply availability and/or purchase information. We do not guarantee that any contact we cite currently provides the indicated title; the information, is given only to provide some kind of follow-up alternative for patrons unable to obtain a video through interlibrary loan channels. Associated web sites were successfully accessec in June 2000. In addition, a Video Distributor List has been compiled for this SRB and has been added as an appendix.

To: Top | Introduction | Obtaining Videocassettes | List of Videocassettes | Distributor List |

The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center at the National Agricultural Library

The Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC) is one of several centers at the National Agricultural Library (NAL) that provide in-depth coverage of specific subject areas relating to agriculture. AFSIC focuses on information related to sustainable and alternative agricultural systems, including new, industrial, and alternative crops. Established at NAL in 1985, the center is also supported by USDA's Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program and a cooperative agreement with the University of Maryland.

A current list of AFSIC information products and copies of this and other publications are available electronically on the AFSIC Website or on computer diskettes. They are also available in hard copy.

For further information:

AFSIC's Website: http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic

e-mail: afsic@nal.usda.gov
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library, ARS, USDA
10301 Baltimore Ave., Room 304
Beltsville, MD 20705-2351
phone: 301-504-6559, fax: 301-504-6409

To: Top | Introduction | Obtaining Videocassettes | List of Videocassettes | Distributor List |

Videocassettes Listing

1 Plan.
1 videocassette (11 min., 30 sec.): sd., col.
Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts (Pennsylvania, 1991?).
Distributed by Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2687
Abstract: Discusses how to provide farmers and land owners with a single coordinated program to guide their day to day management, plan for long term improvements, protect natural resources, and stay in compliance with government rules and regulations.

Acres of Oysters.
1 videocassette (ca. 33 min.): sd., col.
Eda H. Sherman, William Barrett, and Studio One 1992?).
Distributed by Atlantic Coast Shellfish Producers Association, Soundkeeper Fund. [For more information: Soundkeeper, PO Box 4058, Norwalk, CT 06855; phone 203-854-5330; fax 203-866-1318; 1-800-933-SOUND; e-mail info@soundkeeper.org; URL http://www.soundkeeper.org/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1941
Abstract: Presents an overview of the oyster industry in Connecticut through interviews with oyster farmers and Connecticut Dept. of Agriculture, Aquaculture Division inspectors.

Agricultural Treasures of Japan.
1 videocassette (ca. 21 min.): sd., col.
Norin Suisansho Corporation (Japan, 1991?).
Distributed by Norin Suisansho.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2504
Abstract: Shows some of the agricultural products that Japan exports. These include shitake mushrooms, fuji apples, and 20th century pears.

Agricultural Wetlands: Values for Landowners.
1 videocassette (ca. 38 min.): sd., col. 1 brochure.
Dan Denney and Quality Productions (Ithaca, NY, 1995?).
Distributed by Cornell Cooperative Extension. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2527
Abstract: Consists of a 10 minute promotional presentation for agriculturists and a 28 minute feature for general audiences. Highlights wetland ecology, management, and programs administered by public and private organizations to assist rural landowners who wish to conserve wetlands on private holdings.

Agroecology in Accion: Experiencias En El Diseno De Una Agricultura Sustentable.
1 videocassette (45 min.): sd., col.
Miguel A. Altieri (Berkeley, CA?, 1996?).
Dubbed into English.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2523
Abstract: Miguel Altieri discusses fundamental agroecological principles necessary for the transformation of high input degrading agriculture into low input resource conserving agriculture.

Alabama, the Place for Aquaculture!
1 videocassette (4 min., 9 sec.): sd., col.
Alabama Power Company Video Services (Alabama, c1991).
Distributed by Alabama Power, Video Services.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2118
Abstract: Profiles the size of the Alabama aquaculture industry and its infrastructure.

1 videocassette (146 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Aquaculture Video Center Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines, 1988?).
Distributed by The Aquaculture Video Center.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1454
Abstract: Sections include: Water and soil analysis; Prawn fry productions; Determination of nitrogen due to ammonia; Developing the mollusk farming industry for coastal villages and small fishermen; Culture of microorganisms; Exterior and interior anatomy of P. monodon; Dissolved oxygen determination; Prawn pond preparations; Prawn feed preparation; Biology and ecology of Penaeus monodon; Proximate analysis.

Aquaculture and the Rural African Farmer/ Pictorial Modelling: A Farmer Participatory Method for Modelling Low-Resource Flows in Farming Systems.
1 videocassette (37 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Reg Noble, Chancellor College Audio Visual Center, and International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1990).
Distributed by International Center for Living Aquatic Resources.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1840
Abstract: The first program (25 min.) illustrates how small-scale aquaculture using appropriate technology is being developed in rural Malawi. Emphasizes the importance of the relationship between aquaculture researchers and extension staff, and fish farmers. Discussion includes the following topics: value of fish resources to Malawi, using grass as feed, improving water quality, and on-station research. The second program (12 min.) describes how rural farmers can use flow charting as a planning tool to integrate the resources of aquaculture with other agricultural resources.

Aquaculture in Idaho: Merging Naturally With the Environment.
1 videocassette (12 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Idaho Farm Bureau in cooperation with the Idaho Aquaculture Association (Buhl, ID?, 1993?).
Distributed by Idaho Aquaculture Association.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1623
Abstract: Provides an overview of the aquaculture industry in Idaho. Topics covered include fish health care, feeding processes, harvest methods, and ways to improve water quality.

Aquatic Ecosystems.
4 videocassettes (55 min.): sd. col. 4 discussion guides.
Coronet/MTI Film & Video (Northbrook, IL, 1993).
Distributed by Coronet/MTI Film & Video.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2482
Abstract: Illustrates the basic physical features of freshwater and marine ecosystems as well as the plants and animals that depend on the ecosystems for survival. Examines the effects of human activities on the ecosystems.

Baitfish Culture in the South.
1 videocassette (30 min., 30 sec.): sd., col.
Nathan Stone, Eric Park, Larry Dorman, and Texas Agricultural Extension Service (College Station, TX, 1996).
Distributed by Texas Agricultural Extension Service. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Funded through the Southern Regional Aquaculture Center.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2486
Abstract: The golden shiner, fathead minnow, and goldfish comprise the majority of fish raised for bait in the South. This video covers the following steps in the production of those three species: facilities, reproduction, pond management, diseases, pests and problems, harvesting, holding and transport, and marketing.

Basic Herding.
1 videocassette (ca. 50 min.): sd., col. 1 manual + 1 booklet.
Burton J. Smith and Graziers Hui (Kamuela, HI, c1993).
Distributed by Graziers Hui. [For more information: Graziers Hui, P.O. Box 1944, Kamuela, HI 96743; phone 808-885-7553]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2166
Abstract: Discusses stockmanship, herding, and handling of cattle. Includes practice sessions and practical exercises.

Bay Scapes.
1 videocassette (25 min.): sd., col. 7 brochures + 1 pamphlet
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and Chesapeake Bay Field, Office U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Richmond, VA, 1994?).
Distributed by Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. [For more information: Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, 6600 York Road, Baltimore, MD 21212; phone 410-377-6270 or 1-800-662-CRIS; fax 410-377-7144; BayScapes on-line: http://www.acb-online.org/bayscapes.htm]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2557
Abstract: Assists homeowners in making practical and environmentally sound decisions regarding their landscapes to reduce nonpoint source pollution that would effect the Chesapeake Bay.

Beekeeping in Northern Climates.
1 videocassette (40 min.): sd., col. 1 manual (68 p.: ill.; 28 cm.)
Marla Spivak and University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Service (St. Paul, MN, 1996).
Distributed by University of Wisconsin Extension. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2509
Abstract: Dr. Marla Spivak discusses basic principles of beekeeping. These include good equipment, good location, queens should be young and prolific, and hives should be disease and mite free.

Best Management Practices for Improved Water Quality.
1 videocassette (ca. 24 min.): sd., col.
Gary Beaumont, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Cooperative Extension Service, Illinois Department of Agriculture, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Office of Agricultural Communications and Education (Urbana, IL, c1991).
Distributed by University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Cooperative Extension Service. [For more information: University of Illinois, ITCS, 1401 South Maryland Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; phone 1-800-345-6087; fax 217-333-0005; e-mail acespubs@uiuc.edu; Professional Horticulture & Agriculture Catalog on-line: http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/%7evista/catalog/professional/index.html]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2209
Abstract: Discusses methods farmers can use to improve water quality. These include establishing a regular soil testing schedule, managing nitrogen application, constructing buffer strips to protect streams, and using conservation tillage systems.

Best Management Practices in Minnesota Forestry.
1 videocassette (20 min.): sd., col.
Jim Junker, Jim Whorton, Ken Flannery, and Minnesota Extension Service (St. Paul, MN, 1991).
Distributed by Minnesota Extension Service, University of Minnesota, Educational Development System. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Produced at KDLH-TV, Duluth, MN.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2453
Abstract: Explains the best management practices for forestry in order to reduce or prevent nonpoint source water pollution.

Best Management Practices for Nitrogen Fertilizer and Water Use in Irrigated Agriculture.
1 videocassette (30 min.): sd., col. 1 study guide (5 leaves; 28 cm.)
Thomas Doerge, Lawrence J. Klaas, and California Department of Food and Agriculture Fertilizer Research and Education Program (Sacramento, CA, 1993).
Distributed by California Department of Food and Agriculture, Fertilizer Research and Education Program.
Narrator, Lawrence J. Klaas.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2510
Abstract: Provides growers, consultants and students with information on the efficient use of fertilizers. Nitrogen and water applications, rates and timing; soil and plant monitoring and other practices are discussed in detail. Factors that contribute to nitrate leaching are explored and nitrate sensitive areas in California are also discussed.

Billion Dollar Crop.
1 videocassette (55 min.): sd., col
Barbara A. Chobocky, Michael Cordell, and Film Australia Pty Limited (Sydney, NSW?, 1994).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2718
Abstract: Although hemp, or cannabis fibre, in its non-toxic form has been used successfully in the production of horse-bedding, building material, clothing fabric, and paper-making, it is a prohibited plant. Doctors, agronomists, farmers and manufacturers comment on its value, especially to the Australian agricultural economy. Archival film supports the points made.

Biodiversity for Forests and Farms.
1 videocassette (28 min.): sd., col.
Mike Allmendinger, Paul Curtis, Gary Goff, and Cornell University Educational Television Center (Ithaca, NY, c1996).
Distributed by Educational Television Center, Media Services, Cornell University, Cornell Cooperative Extension. [For more information: See Distributor List]
"A production of the Educational Television Center, Media Services, Cornell University"--Container.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2427
Abstract: Presents concepts of ecosystem management: conservation of biodiversity, specific management for forests and farms. Contains interviews with wildlife and forest ecologists, farmers, and forest owners.

Biological Control: Learning to Live With the Natural Order.
1 videocassette (25 min.): sd., col.
G. David Schler and National Biological Control Institute (NBCI) (Riverdale, MD, 1995, c1993).
Distributed by NBCI. [For more information: Subject to availability, this video is available free of charge through the NBCI. See their URL for information: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/nbci/nbcistor.html, or contact National Biological Control Institute, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-CPHST, 4700 River Road, Unit 5, Riverdale, MD 20737-1229; phone 301-734-4329; fax 301-734-7823.]
Produced by NBCI in conjunction with USDA Agricultural Research Service, Colorado State University, and the Walt Disney World, Co.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2467
Abstract: Hosts, Dale Bradley and Jami Morgan, discuss biological control including a brief history as well as aphid control through predator mites, parasitic wasps, ladybird beetle larva and lacewing larva. The video also describes the development of biological control of the Russian wheat aphid for the United States. Geared toward middle school-aged children.

Biorational Pest Control in the 90's.
1 videocassette (11 min., 27 sec.): sd., col.
Sandoz Crop Protection Corporation (Des Plaines, IL, c1990).
Distributed by Sandoz Crop Protection Corporation.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2398
Abstract: Discusses research efforts at Sandoz aimed at finding new ways of controlling pests without any effect on the environment.

Biotechnology in Agriculture: Challenges for the Future: A USDA Millennium Discussion, March 19, 1999, Jefferson Auditorium.
1 videocassette (101 min.): sd., col.
Dan Glickman, Eileen Kennedy, Ralph Hardy, and USDA Millennium Discussion (Washington, DC, 1999).
Distributed by USDA.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2757
Abstract: Discusses the transformation in American agriculture due to crop biotechnology.

California Farmed Striped Bass.
1 videocassette (7 min., 30 sec.): sd., col.
Craig Carlson and Kent Seafarms Corporation (San Diego, CA, 1996?).
Distributed by Kent Seafarms Corporation. [For more information: Kent SeaFarms Corporation, 11120 Roselle St, San Diego, CA 92121-1221; phone 858-587-8180]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2439
Abstract: Shows the production facilities at Kent Seafarms Corporation where three million pounds of striped bass are produced annually.

Catfish Farming in the South. (Rev. 1997)
1 videocassette (22 min., 25 sec.): sd., col.
Mississippi State University Cooperative Extension Service, Office of Agricultural Communications Mississippi State University, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, and Tim Allison (College Station, TX, 1997).
Distributed by Texas Agricultural Extension Service. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Funded through the Southern Regional Aquaculture Center.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2623
Abstract: Provides an overall view of the catfish industry in the southern United States. Covers areas of production cost, pond and water management, pond site selection and construction, hatchery information, and transport of catfish.

Channel Catfish Spawning & Hatchery Management.
1 videocassette (16 min., 45 sec.): sd., col.; 1/2 in.
Angel Fattorini, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, and Texas A & M University Department of Agricultural Communications (College Station, TX, 1993).
Distributed by Texas Agricultural Extension Service. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Script by Max Alleger and Edna Smith. Narrator, Ricky Telg. Closed-captioned for the hearing impaired.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 857
Abstract: Explains the procedures used for fingerling culture--from the care of rood stock until the fingerlings are ready for stocking into grow out ponds.

Close to the Ground.
1 videocassette (25 min.): sd., col.
Land Stewardship Project and Blue Moon Productions (Lewiston, MN, 1997, c1998?).
Distributed by Land Stewardship Project. [For more information: Land Stewardship Project, 2200 Fourth St., White Bear Lake MN 55110; phone 651-653-0618; fax 651-653-0589; e-mail lspwbl@mtn.org; URL http://landstewardshipproject.org]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2843
Abstract: "This video shows how farmers and resource professionals can join together to develop ways for farm families to monitor changes in their management practices".

Commercial Hydroponic Tomato Production.
1 videocassette (ca. 40 min.): sd., col.
Howard M. Resh and On Sat One Television Productions (Anderson, SC, 1995?).
Distributed by On Sat One Television Productions. [For more information: On Sat One Television Productions, 4250 Clemson Blvd., Anderson, SC 29621-1110; phone 864-260-0099]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2246
Abstract: Describes various soilless techniques to produce fresh market tomatoes. These include perlite culture, sand culture, sawdust culture, and nutrient film technique.

Community Kitchens.
1 videocassette, 3 booklets.
Laura Kalina and Kamloops FoodShare (Kamloops, BC, Canada, 1994?).
Distributed by Kamloops FoodShare. [For more information: Kamloops FoodShare, c/o South Central Health Unit, 905 Southill Street, Kamloops, BC, V2B 7Z9 CANADA; phone 604-554-6200 or FoodShare, Education and Research Office, 238 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2Z7 CANADA; phone 416-392-6653; fax 416-392-6650; e-mail info@foodshare.net; URL http://www.foodshare.net/ ]
Titles on booklets: Community kitchens, cookbook and shopping guide; Community kitchens, leader's guide; Building food security in Canada.
NAL Call #: Kit no. 287
Abstract: Contains information necessary to set up a community kitchen. Explains what a community kitchen is, who joins, and how it benefits its members. Also contains information on hunger and food security.

Composting for Pork Producers.
1 videocassette (ca. 14 min.): sd., col.
National Pork Producers Council in association with the National Pork Board (Des Moines, IA, c1997).
Distributed by National Pork Producers Council. [For more information: National Pork Producers Council, Catalog of Materials and Audio-visual Aids on-line: http://www.nppc.org/catalog/index.html]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2742
Abstract: Shows how composting can transform swine mortality and manure into a state where storage, handling, and land application can be achieved without adversely effecting the environment.

Composting Poultry Mortality.
1 videocassette (17 min.): sd., col.
University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service and Office of Information and Publications Cooperative Extension Service Maryland Institute for Agriculture & Natural Resources (College Park, MD, c1992).
Distributed by University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1942
Abstract: Demonstrates the applications of composting as a practical, economical, and environmentally safe alternative method of disposing of normal poultry farm mortality.

Conjunctive Use: A Comprehensive Approach to Water Planning.
1 videocassette (11 min.): sd., col.
Water Education Foundation (Sacramento, CA, c1999).
Distributed by Water Education Foundation. [For more information: Water Education Foundation, 717 K Street, Suite 317, Sacramento, CA 95814; phone 916-444-6240; fax 916-448-7699; URL http://www.water-ed.org/; video and slide shows catalog on-line: http://commerce.sacweb.com/gocart/watered/gocart/itemlist.asp?CartID=1006068837163318506&ID=261]
"This program is a production of the Water Education Foundation with assistance from the CALFED Bay-Delta Program."
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2797
Abstract: Discusses methods of coordinating management of surface water supplies with ground water supplies.

Conservation Practices for Vineyards.
1 videocassette (25 min.)(Ithaca, NY, 1999).
Distributed by Cornell Cooperative Extension. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: On order

Corn and Soybeans. Fertility, Insects, Compaction, Plus Ridge-Till.
1 videocassette (120 min.): sd., col.
Randall Reeder and Ohio State University Extension (Columbus, OH, c1994).
Distributed by Ohio State University Extension. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2020
Abstract: One of a series of programs broadcast via satellite. Includes 21 speakers and includes topics such as manure management, fertilizer management, insect management, ridge-till and no-till compaction. Under ridge-till topics such as machinery selection and modification; cultivation, rotary hoeing, and herbicides; and irrigation are covered.

Corn and Soybeans. Mulch-Till and Subsoiling.
1 videocassette (120 min.): sd., col.
Randall Reeder and Ohio State University Extension (Columbus, OH, c1994).
Distributed by Ohio State University Extension. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2019
Abstract: One of a series of programs broadcast via satellite. Includes 16 speakers and covers topics such as machinery and residue management, subsoiling and deep tillage, weed control and herbicides, and machinery economics.

Corn and Soybeans. No-Till and Zone-Till.
1 videocassette (120 min.): sd., col.
Randall Reeder and Ohio State University Extension (Columbus, OH, c1994).
Distributed by Ohio State University Extension. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2018
Abstract: One of a series of programs broadcast via satellite. Includes 22 speakers and covers topics such as machinery selection and management, harvest, weed control and herbicides, and economics and earthworms.

Creating a Sustainable Civilization: An Introduction to Holistic Decision Making.
1 videocassette (ca. 85 min.): sd., col
Allan Savory and Center for Holistic Management (Albuquerque, NM, c1996).
Distributed by Center for Holistic Management. [For more information: Allan Savory Center for Holistic Management, 1010 Tijeras N.W., Albuquerque, NM 87102; phone 505-842-5252; fax 505-843-7900; e-mail savorycenter@holisticmanagement.org; URL http://www.holisticmanagement.org/]
"Based on a lecture at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, August 1995".
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2677
Abstract: Allan Savory makes a compelling case for the need to change the way we make decisions and introduces you to the new decision-making process on which holistic resource management is based.

Creative Cover Cropping in Annual Farming Systems.
1 videocassette (24 min.): sd., col.
Robert L. Bugg and University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (Davis, CA, c1993).
Distributed by University of California Communication Services.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2651
Abstract: Discusses various types of cover crops such as perennial sods, green manures, green leaf manures, catch crops, and scratch crops, and the benefits to growing them.

Cultural Weed Control in Vegetable Crops.
1 videocassette (ca. 36 min.): sd., col.
Thomas Lanini, Robert Bugg, John Tingus, and University of California Davis Visual Media (Davis, CA, c1993).
Distributed by University of California, Visual Media. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Consists of two 18 minute versions. The first is a straight forward presentation. The second provides a lighthearted "down-home" narration style.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2183
Abstract: Describes proven and experimental methods of controlling weeds. These include cover cropping, crop rotation, solarization, flame weeders, steam weeders, and the use of grazing animals.

Deadly Fields.
1 videocassette (58 min., 6 sec.): sd., col.
Joe Turco, Science Outreach & Specials Unit of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Television for the Nebraska Educational Television Network, and Great Plains National Instructional Television Library (Lincoln, NE, c1995).
Distributed by GPN. [For more information: Great Plains National Television Library, P.O. Box 80669, Lincoln, NE 68501; phone 402-472-2007 or 1-800-228-4630; fax 800-306-2330; e-mail gpn@unl.edu; URL http://gpn.unl.edu/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2702
Abstract: Discusses the risks to farmers when pesticides are used and suggests alternatives to using them.

Depleting the Gene Bank.
1 videocassette (26 min.): sd., col.
Films for the Humanities, in association with Channel 4 and TVOntario with the participation of TelefilmCanada Primedia Productions and Canoptic Productions, Jonathan Harris, and Jill McFarlane (Princeton, NJ, c1990).
Distributed by Films for the Humanities & Sciences, Inc. [For more information: Films for the Humanities & Sciences, P.O. Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543-2053; phone 1-800-257-5126; fax 609-275-3767; URL http://www.films.com/]
Originally copyrighted in 1988. Series: The life revolution.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1955
Abstract: Speaks to the problems and dangers of selecting and breeding better and better, and fewer and fewer varieties.

Dig It!: Biointensive Sustainable Mini-Farming.
1 videocassette (ca. 2 hrs.): sd., col.
John Jeavons (Willits, CA, c1997).
Distributed by John Jeavons. [For more information: Ecology Action, 5798 Ridgewood Road, Willits, CA 95490; phone 707-459-0150; fax 707-459-5409; URL http://www.growbiointensive.org/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2654
Abstract: Learn how to prepare your soil much more easily and effectively. Using double-dug beds and the Biointensive method you can get higher yields while conserving the Earth's valuable resources. As you use Biointensive mini-farming techniques you will be actively participating in a worldwide movement to create a sustainable soil base for future generations.

Drip Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertigation Management
1 videocassette (22 min.): sd., col.; ½ in. + 1 booklet (36 p.; 22 cm.)
Tim Hartz and University of California Davis Visual Media. (Davis, CA, c1994).
Distributed by Visual Media, Cooperative Extension, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Narrator, Tim Hartz. Title on container and booklet: Drip irrigation and fertigation management of vegetable crops.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2357
Abstract: Explains efficient drip irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer management to maximize crop productivity while minimizing water and fertilizer inputs.

Eastern Gamagrass: From the Past to the Future.
1 videocassette (17 min., 45 sec.): sd., col.
United States, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Mid Atlantic Interdisciplinary Resource Team (Dover, DE, 1998?).
Distributed by Mid Atlantic Interdisciplinary Resource Team. [For more information: NRCS Mid-Atlantic Interdisciplinary Resource Team, URL http://www.de.nrcs.usda.gov/irt/www_irt.htm]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2710
Abstract: Discusses the potential of eastern gamagrass as a forage crop, a tool to improve soil, and as a buffer plant.

Emu Farming: A Guide to Hatching and Raising Emu.
1 videocassette (ca. 30 min.): sd., col.1993?).
"Handling, tattooing, and sexing emu"--Cassette label.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2668

Environmental Liability.
1 videocassette (20 min.): sd., col. 1 leader's guide.
Industrial Training Systems Corporation (Marlton, NJ, c1991).
Distributed by Industrial Training Systems Corporation.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2783
Abstract: Discusses the role that employees play in ensuring a company's compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

Farm Animal Welfare.
1 videocassette (17 min., 11 sec.): sd., col.
Great Britain. Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food Video Unit (London?, 199-?).
Distributed by Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2044
Abstract: Discusses various issues of animal welfare for farm animals in Great Britain.

Farmer to Farmer: Rotational Grazing: Talking With New York's Grassland Farmers.
1 videocassette (28 min.): sd., col.
Catskill Center for Conservation and Development (Arkville, NY, c1994).
Distributed by Catskill Center for Conservation and Development. [For more information: Catskill Center for Conservation and Development, Inc., Arkville, NY; phone 845-586-2611; e-mail cccd@catskillcenter.org; URL http://www.catskillcenter.org/default.htm]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2222
Abstract: Grassland farmers from New York state talk about rotational grazing of livestock. Video footage shows examples of their pastures, fencing arrangements, etc.

Farmers and Their Diversified Horticultural Marketing Strategies
1 videocassette (48 min.): sd., col.
Vern Grubinger and University of Vermont Center for Sustainable Agriculture 1999). [For more information: Center for Sustainable Agriculture, 590 Main Street, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405; phone 802-656-5459; e-mail susagctr@zoo.uvm.edu; catalog on-line: http://www.uvm.edu/~susagctr/publications.html]
Made possible with funding from the Northeast SARE Program.
NAL Call #: On order

Farming a New Fish: Hybrid Striped Bass.
1 videocassette (22 min., 30 sec.): sd., col.
North Carolina State University Agricultural Communications Video Productions and North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service for the North Carolina Sea Grant Program and Kathy Hart (Raleigh, NC, c1995).
Distributed by North Carolina Sea Grant. [For more information: NC Sea Grant, NC State University, Box 8605, Raleigh, NC 27695-8605; phone 919-515-2454; catalog on-line: http://www.ncsu.edu/seagrant/newpublications.html]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2648
Abstract: Describes how to build fish ponds and the harvesting and marketing of hybrid striped bass.

Farming in Harmony With the River
1 videocassette (12 minutes): sd., col.; ½ in.
Robin E. Kinney (St. Paul, MN, c1994).
Distributed by Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2032
Abstract: Discusses the impact of farming on water quality and describes agricultural practices that protect the environment.

Farming With Wetlands: How to Turn Those Nuisance Areas into Profit for Farmers While Improving the Environment.
1 videocassette (9 min.): sd., col.
Sierra Club National Wetlands Committee and Videoworks (Cincinnati, OH, c1991).
Distributed by Sierra Club. [For more information: Sierra Club, 85 Second Street, Second Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94105-3441; phone 415-977-5500; fax 415-977-5799; e-mail information@sierraclub.org; URL http://www.sierraclub.org/]
NAL Call #: ArU QH87.3 F37 1991
Abstract: Farming techniques compatible with habitat enhancement and wetland management.

1 videocassette (33 min.): sd., col.
Joe Clokey, Mark Shelton, and San Luis Video Publishing (Los Osos, CA, c1996).
Distributed by San Luis Video Publishing. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Host, Jora Clokey. Subtitle on container: Advanced tactics for achieving sustainable agriculture.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2396
Abstract: Shows tactics that enhance a farm's biological diversity, enrich its soil fertility, drainage & tilth, achieve biological weed and insect pest management, and reduce the need for agricultural chemicals.

Field Scout Manual.
1 set of reading materials, 2 videocassettes.
Robert J. Wright, Keith J. Jarvi, Ronald C. Seymour, and Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service (Lincoln, NE, 1990?).
Distributed by Cooperative Extension Service, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, IANR. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Videocassette titles: Insect Scouting in Corn and Insect Scouting in Soybeans & Alfalfa.
NAL Call #: Kit no. 185
Abstract: Identifies various field crop pests, weeds, and diseases, and discusses how integrated pest management can work to control and reduce crop losses. Focuses on corn, sorghum, soybeans, alfalfa and wheat, as well as some specialty crops. Emphasizes the importance of a regular scouting program to identify pests and diseases.

The Flame.
1 videocassette (14 min., 27 sec.): sd., col.
Dick Young, Dick Young Productions, and Heifer Project International (Little Rock, AR, c1995).
Distributed by Heifer Project International. [For more information: Heifer Project International, P.O. Box 808, Little Rock, AR 72203; phone 1-800-422-0474; e-mail info@heifer.org; URL http://www.heifer.org/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2522
Abstract: Shows how one of Heifer Project's programs, Women in Livestock Development (WiLD) is assisting women by providing them with animals which will produce food for them as well as an income.

Food for Thought
1 videocassette (29 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Robert Dean, Roger Bingham, and Bullfrog Films (Oley, PA, c1990).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1313
Abstract: This film features science writer Roger Bingham in a update of information first presented in Bullfrog's "Diet for a Small Planet" about the environmental consequences of a meat-centered diet. Using the example of an automobile, Bingham explains the inefficiency of using meat as fuel for the human body, especially in the light of the environmental impact of raising all that meat - from loss of topsoil and groundwater depletion and pollution, to methane's contribution to global warming, and the growing gap between the rich and poor nations.

Food Safety: Pesticides, Antibiotics, Hormones, Food Additives, and Biotechnology.
1 videocassette (15 min.): sd., col. 1 teacher's guide (42 p.)
Health Science Institute (McLean, VA, c1997).
Distributed by Health Science Institute. [For more information: Health Science Institute, PMB 206, 1350 Beverly Rd, 115, McLean, VA 22101-3917; phone 1-800-474-6211; fax 703-917-1593; e-mail hsieduc@aol.com; Video Library on-line: http://healthscienceinstitute.com/ ]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2822
Abstract: Introduces popular concerns about carcinogens, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and food additives. Discusses HACCP systems, and how food is monitored by the FDA, EPA and USDA to ensure its safety from crops to your table.

Forest Stewardship at the Urban/Rural Interface.
1 videocassette (26 min., 30 sec.): sd., col.
Ellen Herlihy, Shelby Chunko, Ag Information Services, and Pennsylvania State University College of Agricultural Sciences (University Park, PA, c1992).
Distributed by Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences.
"Development and funding of this video was coordinated by: the Pocono Northeast Resource Conservation and Development RC&D Council for and in cooperation with the Pike County Conservation District"--Container. Narrator, David Forsyth.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2709

Fresh From the Family Farm: Where Our Food Comes From.
1 videocassette (30 min.): sd., col.
Fred Surr, Bill Chuck, and ZMedia, Inc. (United States, c1995).
Distributed by ZMedia, Inc.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2487
Abstract: Aimed at children, this video shows how fruit and vegetables grow on a family farm.

From Barnyard to Field: Manure Management and Clean Water.
1 videocassette (16 min., 55 sec.): sd., col.
David Hestad, Bruce Webendorfer, and University of Wisconsin Extension (Madison, WI, c1990).
Distributed by University of Wisconsin Extension. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2395
Abstract: Describes how the proper handling of manure by farmers can help maintain good water quality.

From the Ground Up.
1 videocassette (28 min., 28 sec.): sd., col. 1 teacher's guide (45 p.; 28 cm.)
Green & Growing (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, c1994).
Distributed by Green & Growing. [For more information: Green & Growing Education Projects; fax 204-779-2361; URL http://www.gatewest.net/~green/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2556
Abstract: Discusses sustainable development issues in modern agriculture in North America through interviews with farmers, agricultural experts, and students.

Garden Song: Alan Chadwick's Vision of Abundance.
1 videocassette (28 min.): sd., col.
Alan Chadwick and Bullfrog Films, Inc. (Oley, PA, c1980).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2068
Abstract: Focuses on actor, gardener, and inventor, Alan Chadwick, who has developed an agricultural technique that produces four times the amount of food of conventional gardening methods and that requires only a fraction of the chemical and technological resources.

Genetic Time Bomb.
1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col.
John de Graaf, Vivia Boe, Oregon Public Broadcasting, and Video Project (Ben Lomond, CA, c1994).
Distributed by Video Project.
Narrator, Alan Austin.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2572
Abstract: Explores the loss of genetic diversity in food crops as farmers around the world grow hybrids instead of local varieties. Looks at efforts to collect, save, grow, and distribute rare and threatened seeds.

Goat Breeding and Kid Rearing.
1 videocassette (63 min.): sd., col.
Hilary Matthews and Farming Press Videos (Ipswich, UK; Alexandria Bay, NY, c1995).
Distributed by Diamond Farm Enterprises (in No. America).
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2665
Abstract: This video focuses on the management of breeding for the domestic goatkeeper. It covers mating, pregnancy, kidding, and care of young stock. Hilary Matthews demonstrates the techniques that she has successfully used for many years to control the breeding cycle, detect pregnancy accurately, and keep a healthy breeding goat herd.

Good Farming in Karst Country.
1 videocassette (20 min.): sd., col.
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Office of Agricultural Communication & Education, Information Services (Urbana, IL, c1992).
Distributed by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Agriculture, Office of Agricultural Communications & Education, Information Services. [For more information: University of Illinois, ITCS, 1401 South Maryland Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; phone 1-800-345-6087; fax 217-333-0005; e-mail acespubs@uiuc.edu; Professional Horticulture & Agriculture Catalog on-line: http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/%7evista/catalog/professional/index.html]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2179
Abstract: Discusses techniques farmers can use to protect groundwater and reduce soil erosion in karst areas. These include using no-tillage or conservation tillage, controlling the use of nitrogen fertilizers, and stabilizing sinkholes.

The Greening of Cuba.
1 videocassette (38 min.): sd., col.
Jaime Kibben and Institute for Food and Development Policy (Oakland, CA, c1996).
Distributed by Food First. [For more information: Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First, 398 60th Street, Oakland, CA 94618; phone 510-654-4400 or 800-274-7826; fax 510-654-4551; e-mail foodfirst@foodfirst.org; URL http://www.foodfirst.org/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2411
Abstract: This video profiles Cuban farmers and scientists working to reinvent a sustainable agriculture, based on ecological principles and local knowledge rather than imported agricultural inputs. In their quest for self-sufficiency, Cubans combine time-tested traditional methods with cutting-edge biotechnology.

The Ground Water Adventures of Walter Wet.
1 videocassette (ca. 13 min.): sd., col.
Passic River Coalition (Basking Ridge, NJ?, c1998).
Distributed by Passic River Coalition.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2787
Abstract: Walter Wet describes the hydrologic cycle of water and how we can protect our water supply.

Groundwater: Water for California's Future.
1 videocassette (15 min., 40 sec.): sd., col.
Water Education Foundation (Sacramento, CA, c1998).
Distributed by Water Education Foundation. [For more information: Water Education Foundation, 717 K Street, Suite 317, Sacramento, CA 95814; phone 916-444-6240; fax 916-448-7699; URL http://www.water-ed.org/; video and slide shows catalog on-line: http://commerce.sacweb.com/gocart/watered/gocart/itemlist.asp?CartID=1006068837163318506&ID=261]
Cassette label shows c1999.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2795

Growing Season.
1 videocassette (25 min.): sd., col. 1 pamphlet.
Nicholas Wellington and Bullfrog Films, Inc. (Oley, PA, c1992).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2027
Abstract: The horticulture program at San Francisco County Jail is teaching prisoners to care for plants, animals, & themselves so they can get a new sense of self-worth & respect for life. The program, created by Catherine Sneed, now goes outside the jail to community gardens.

Growing Shiitake Mushrooms in the Mid-South.
1 videocassette (27 min., 39 sec.): sd., col.
Tom E. Kimmons and Shirley Community Service & Development Corporation (Shirley, AR, c1996).
Distributed by Shirley Community Service & Development Corp. [For more information: The Shirley Community Service and Development Corporation, Route 1, Box 10, Shirley, AR, 72153; phone 501-723-4443; fax 501-723-8441]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2658

A Guide to Making Safe Smoked Fish.
1 videocassette (21 min., 32 sec.): sd., col.
Joseph Seitz, Steve Ingham, and North Central Regional Aquaculture Center, University of Wisconisn Extension and University of Wisconsin-Madison (Ames, IA, c1999).
Distributed by North Central Regional Aquaculture Center. [For more information: Contact your state aquaculture specialist (Directory of Primary Extension Specialists for Aquaculture available on-line: http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/aqua/aquapes.htm)]
Funded in part by the North Central Regional Aquaculture Center, USDA-CSREES grant #97-38500-3957. Narrated by Warren Hansen.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2743
Abstract: Shows the steps necessary to make safe smoked fish. Provides directions for brining, smoking, cooling, packaging and labeling, and cold storage to ensure safety.

A Guide to Poultry Composting.
1 videocassette (ca. 14 min.): sd., col. 1 brochure (10 identical copies).
Polk County Soil & Water Conservation District (Benton, TN, c1994).
Distributed by Polk County Soil & Water Conservation District.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2219
Abstract: Describes how to design a poultry compost facility.

H2O 2010.
1 videocassette (ca. 24 min.): sd., col. 1 teacher's guide (18 p.; 28 cm.)
Water Education Foundation (Sacramento, CA, c1992).
Distributed by Water Education Foundation. [For more information: Water Education Foundation, 717 K Street, Suite 317, Sacramento, CA 95814; phone 916-444-6240; fax 916-448-7699; URL http://www.water-ed.org/; video and slide shows catalog on-line: http://commerce.sacweb.com/gocart/watered/gocart/itemlist.asp?CartID=1006068837163318506&ID=261]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2695
Abstract: Discusses issues that revolve around water and its use in California.

Hands-on Agronomy: Video Workshop.
1 videocassette (60 min.)
Neal Kinsey (Austin, TX, 1999).
Distributed by Acres USA. [For more information: Acres USA, P.O. Box 91299, Austin, Texas 78709; phone 512-892-4400 or 1-800-355-5313; fax 512-892-4448; e-mail info@acresusa.com.com; URL http://www.acresusa.com/original/]
NAL Call #: On order

Harness the Wind.
1 videocassette (12 min.): sd., col.
Sidney Goldsmith and National Film Board of Canada (Oley, PA, c1978).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Narration, Michael Kane.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2649
Abstract: A lively, animated program that traces the history of wind machines from the ancient Persians to the present. Also shows many variations of the standard horizontal and vertical shaft windmills. Intended audience: Junior high school students through adults.

Hartz Desire and Steiner Farms
1 videocassette (29 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
John Hughes, Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, and Shoe String Productions (Vienna, OH, 1989?).
Distributed by Shoe String Productions.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2199
Abstract: Presents a tour of the Steiner and Hartz Desire farms in Ohio.

Hemp for Victory.
1 videocassette (15 min.): sd., b&w
Raymond Evans and United States Department of Agriculture (St. Paul, MN, 1990?).
Distributed by The Institute for Hemp.
Originally produced in 1942 as a motion picture. Camera, Walter K. Scott; narration, Lee D. Vickers; subject matter, Brittain B. Robinson.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1966
Abstract: Raw fiber was not available from the Philippines during World War II. This program, intended to encourage farmers to grow hemp in support of the war effort, presents aspects of the early history and the commercial cultivation and production of hemp.

Here and Now.
1 videocassette (ca. 13 min.): sd., col.
Hound's Head Productions c1989).
Distributed by Hound's Head Productions.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2740

Home Composting: "Turning Your Spoils to Soil".
1 videocassette (17 min.): sd., col.
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Recycling Program (Hartford, CT, c1991).
Distributed by CT Dept. of Environmental Protection Recycling Program.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2234

Homecoming: Sometimes I Am Haunted by Memories of Red Dirt and Clay.
1 videocassette (57 min.): sd., col. with b&w sequences
Charlene Gilbert, Kinfolk Productions Inc., and Independent Television Service (San Francisco, CA, c1998).
Distributed by California Newsreel. [For more information: California Newsreel, 149 Ninth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103; phone 415-621-6196; fax 415-621-6522; e-mail contact@newsreel.org; catalog on-line: http://www.newsreel.org]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2763
Abstract: Documentary examines the history of land ownership and rural economics in the South among Afro-Americans from the end of the Civil War to the present. Includes archival footage and photographs and commentary.

The Human Electrical System and Flower Essences.
1 videocassette (137 min.): sd., col.
Machaelle Small Wright and Perelandra Ltd. (Warrenton, VA, c1998).
Distributed by Perelandra, Ltd. [For more information: Perelandra, Ltd., P.O. ox 3603, Warrenton, VA 20188; phone 1-800-960-8806; 1-540-937-2153 from overseas or Mexico; fax 1-540-937-3360; e-mail e-mail@perlandra-ltd.com; web site http://www.perelandra-ltd.com/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 788
Abstract: Talk given by Machaelle Small Wright, researcher into both the human electrical system and flower essences.

Integrated Pest Management: A Chance for the Future.
1 videocassette (ca. 21 min.): sd., col., b&w sequence
Lynn Wyvill, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service United States Department of Agriculture, and Video and Film Division United States Department of Agriculture (Washington, DC?, 1992?).
Distributed by Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA. [For more information: Subject to availability, this video is available free of charge through the National Biological Control Institute (NBCI). See their URL for information: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/nbci/nbcistor.html, or contact National Biological Control Institute, USDA-APHIS-PPQ-CPHST, 4700 River Road, Unit 5, Riverdale, MD 20737-1229; phone 301-734-4329; fax 301-734-7823.]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2181
Abstract: Discusses alternatives to pesticides in combating harmful pest infestations. These include the sterile male technique, parasites, and crop rotation. Discussion of the boll weevil eradication program.

Integrated Pest Management in Onions.
(Ithaca, NY, 1996).
Distributed by Cornell Cooperative Extension. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: On order

An Introduction to Herbs.
1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col.
Herbfarm (Fall City, WA, c1993).
Distributed by The Herbfarm. [For more information: Herbfarm, 32804 SE Issaquah-Fall City Road, Fall City, WA 98024-5704; phone 206-784-2222; e-mail herborder@aol.com, web site http://www2.digimktg.com/hf/hfHome.tmpl?cart=304616250174408]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2134
Abstract: You'll learn growing, harvesting, preserving and cooking with: culinary herbs, perennial herbs, shade herbs, salad herbs, tea herbs, everlasting herbs, and dessert herbs.

Kansas Farm Women: Growing Out of the Tilth: A Multi-Image Production.
1 videocassette (18 min., 35 sec.): sd., b&w
Cynthia Vagnetti and Kansas Rural Center (United States, c1992). [For more information: Kansas Rural Center, Inc., PO Box 133, Whiting, KS 66552-0133; phone 913-873-3432; fax 913-873-3432; e-mail ksruralctr@aol.com]
"Sponsored by the Kansas Rural Center."
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2533
Abstract: Features three farm women using sustainable practices, 1991-1992.

Keeping Ducks: Beautiful Comical Things.
1 videocassette (ca. 48 min.): sd., col.
Tom Bartlett and Farming Press Videos (Ipswich, UK; Alexandria Bay, NY, c1996).
Distributed by Diamond Farm Enterprises (in No. America).
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2520
Abstract: Tom Bartlett explains his own methods of feeding, housing, breeding, and generally caring for ducks on the farm and at show.

Keeping Nature in Balance.
1 videocassette (28 min.): sd., col.
Jay Novacek and National Cattlemen's Association (Engelwood, CO, c1994).
Distributed by National Cattlemen's Association.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2319
Abstract: This documentary features seven award-winning cattlemen and the steps their families are taking to ensure the land is productive for this and future generations.

Keeping Our Shores: Shoreland Best Management Practices.
1 videocassette (ca. 16 min.): sd., col.
Minnesota Arrowhead Water Quality Team and Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District (Two Harbors, MN, c1995).
Distributed by Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District. [For more information: Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District (MN), phone 218-834-6638; to preview the video or associated fact sheets in Minnesota, contact Minnesota Sea Grant, phone 218-726-7677.]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2431
Abstract: Discusses preferred actions that shoreland property owners can take to reduce their impact upon the environment. Topics covered include landscaping, septic systems, and lawn care.

Kenaf Harvesting.
1 videocassette (4 min., 53 sec.): sd., col. (United States, 1994?).
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2435
Abstract: Discusses harvesting of kenaf in southeast Texas and a new harvester designed specifically for kenaf is demonstrated.

Know Your Watershed.
1 videocassette (13 min.), 6 sheets, 6 booklets, 1 pamphlet (10 identical copies).
Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) (West Lafayette, IN, 1995?).
Distributed by Conservation Technology Information Center. [For more information: CTIC, 1220 Potter Drive, Ste. 170, W. Lafayette, IN 47906; phone 765-494-9555; fax 765-494-5969; e-mail ctic@ctic.purdue.edu; URL http://ctic.purdue.edu/CTIC/CTIC.html]
NAL Call #: Kit no. 291
Abstract: Describes what a watershed is and how people can join with state and federal agencies to form a partnership to protect the water quality of their watershed.

Lamb Evaluation; Ewe Evaluation.
1 videocassette (27 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Brian L. Menz, Iowa State University Extension Service, and RMI Media Productions (Shawnee Mission, KS, 198-?).
Distributed by Iowa State University Extension Service. [For more information: Extension Distribution Center, 119 Printing and Publications Building, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011-3171; phone 515-294-5247; fax 515-294-2945; e-mail pubdist@exnet.iastate.edu; catalog on-line: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/Pages/pubs/WebCat/]
Title on cassette label: Lamb and ewe evaluation.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1350
Abstract: How to evaluate market lambs using hands and eyes. How to judge breeding ewes.

Lamb Survival.
1 videocassette (84 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
David C. Henderson and Farming Press Videos (Ipswich, UK; Alexandria Bay, NY, 1993).
Distributed by Diamond Farm Enterprises (in No. America).
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1937
Abstract: David Henderson presents techniques to help lambs survive their first few days of life.

Land Application: Water Reuse in Agriculture.
1 videocassette (23 min.): sd., col.
Creative Educational Video, Inc. (Lubbock, TX, c1995).
Distributed by Creative Educational Video. [For more information: CEV Multimedia, P.O. Box 65265, Lubbock, TX 79464; phone 1-800-922-9965; fax 1-800-243-6398; e-mail customerservice@cev-inc.com; catalog on-line: http://www.cev-inc.com/index.asp]
"Tape #727."
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2638
Abstract: Examines the agricultural reuse method at Lubbock, Texas.

Land Link: A Program to Increase Opportunities for Beginning Farmers and Encourage Sustainable Agriculture.
1 videocassette (ca. 29 min.): sd., col.
Land Link Realty (Walthill, NE, 1991?).
Distributed by Land Link Realty. [For more information: Center for Rural Affairs, 101 S Tallman St., PO Box 406, Walthill NE 68067; phone 402-846-5428; fax 402-846-5420; e-mail info@cfra.org; URL http://cfra.org/index.html]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2221
Abstract: Consists of a series of reports about Land Link (a pilot program in Nebraska that matches up older farmers nearing retirement with younger farmers struggling to get started) that originally aired on television.

LEPA: Saving Water for Future Producers.
1 videocassette (30 min.): sd., col.
College of Engineering Texas Tech University Water Resources Center, Texas Agricultural Extension Service Texas A&M University, Pam Alspaugh, and et al. (Lubbock, TX, c1993).
Distributed by Texas Agricultural Extension Service. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Narrator, John Robison.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2536
Abstract: Examines the use of Low Energy, Precision Application, or LEPA, center pivot irrigation systems on farms on the Texas High Plains. LEPA is an irrigation and tillage management system designed to eliminate nearly all evaporation and deep percolation losses. Presents various aspects of LEPA center pivots for producers to consider to be more informed consumers.

Llama Reproduction: A Neonatal Clinic.
2 videocassettes (3 hr., 34 min.): sd., col. 1 booklet (70 p.: ill.; 28 cm.)
LaRue W. Johnson and Hartworks Video (Olympia, WA, c1989).
Distributed by Juniper Ridge Press. [For more information: Juniper Ridge Press, P.O. Box 1278, Olympia, WA 98507-1278; phone 1-800-869-7342; fax 360-357-9049]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2356
Abstract: Through lecture, slides, and live footage, Dr. Johnson presents his clinic covering llama reproductive anatomy, breeding, fetal development, birth, and newborn care. He also covers the delivery of crias in a variety of positions, using plastic uteruses and stillborn crias.

Low Cost Inputs for High Yields.
1 videocassette (21 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Joe Touchton and IMC Fertilizer, Inc. (Mundelein, IL, 199-?).
Distributed by IMC Fertilizer, Inc.
Title on container: No cost inputs for high yields.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1735
Abstract: Discusses management strategies for high crop yields. Describes research projects conducted to reduce cost in production, emphasizing simple details. Looks at inputs that are categorized as no cost, low cost, and high cost.

Managing Lakes Through Community Participation.
1 videocassette (25 min.): sd., col.
Federation of Lake Associations in cooperation with Audio Visual Services New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (Cazenovia, NY, 1993?).
Distributed by Federation of Lake Associations. [For more information: New York State Federation of Lake Associations, Inc., 2701 Shadyside Dr., P.O. Box 342, Findley Lake NY 14736; phone 1-800-796-3652 (phone/fax); e-mail fola@nysfola.org; URL http://www.nysfola.org/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2362
Abstract: This video highlights interviews with homeowners who have implemented successful projects to restore their lakes. Topics include how lake associations are formed, maintaining ties with local government and educating the lake community.

Managing Riparian Areas on Forest Lands.
1 videocassette (28 min.): sd., col. 1 script
Paul W. Adams, Thomas E. McMahon, and Oregon State University Forestry Media Center (Corvallis, OR, 1991).
Distributed by Forestry Media Center, Oregon State University, College of Forestry. [For more information: Forestry Media Center, 250 Peavy Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331-5702; phone 541-737-4702; fax 541-737-3759; e-mail fmc@cof.orst.edu; Forestry Learning Materials Catalog on-line: http://www.orst.edu/Dept/fmc/catTOC.html]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2559
Abstract: This program is designed to show how the functions and benefits of riparian areas often call for active management. It will also show how logging and other forest practices can effect riparian functions and benefits. This program demonstrates the values of careful informal management decisions and finally describes some key challenges and opportunities in management of riparian areas.

Managing Woodlands for Wildlife.
1 videocassette (23 min., 50 sec.): sd., col.
Robert Schuster, Mel Baughman, and Minnesota Extension Service (St. Paul, MN, c1993).
Distributed by Minnesota Extension Service. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2399
Abstract: Improving habitat for wildlife is a common goal for woodland stewards. Habitat consists of food, water, cover and space. Wildlife species differ in their habitat needs. This program shows how to evaluate woodland habitat and improve it for a variety of wildlife.

Managing Your Fish Ponds.
1 videocassette (24 min., 30 sec.): sd., col.
Dores Candussi and Alabama Cooperative Extension Service (Auburn, AL, 1990?-1995).
Distributed by Alabama Cooperative Extension Service. [For more information: Extension Communications, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, 122 Duncan Hall Annex, Auburn University, AL 36849; phone 334-844-1592; e-mail publications@aces.edu; catalog on-line: http://www.aces.edu/dept/extcomm/publications/ex/EX-19/ex-19two.htm]
Content specialist and coordinator, Michael P. Masser.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2165
Abstract: Discusses pond construction, watershed ponds, ratio of watershed acreage to pond acreage, depth, removal of unwanted fish species, stocking ratios, pond fertilization, pond liming, use of white amur for pond weed control, fish population balance and oxygen control.

Maple Sugaring: A Sweeter Future.
1 videocassette (21 min., 30 sec.): sd., col.
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Section of Communications and Technology, Cheryl Capek, and June Young (Wooster, OH, c1994).
Distributed by Ohio State University, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Section of Communications and Technology. [For more information: Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Publications Distribution Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691-4096; phone 330-263-3775; fax 330-202-3504; e-mail oardc@osu.edu]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2078
Abstract: Maple sugaring produces over 100,000 gallons a year in the state of Ohio, and is a $3,000,000 industry. This video is a history of the practice and shows how it's done.

My Father's Garden.
1 videocassette (58 min.): sd., col. and b&w
Miranda Smith and Miranda Smith Productions (Oley, PA, c1995).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2666
Abstract: In less than fifty years agriculture has been transformed by synthetic chemicals which have had a serious impact on the environment and on the health of farm families. This film tells the story of two farmers. Herbert Smith, championed the new miracle sprays of the 50's in his orange grove in Florida, while Fred Kirschenmann of North Dakota, steered his land through the transition to organic farming to prove, 20 years later, that sustainable organic agriculture is a viable economic alternative for any size farm.

My Urban Garden.
1 videocassette (26 min., 33 sec.): sd., col.
Polly Bennell and National Film Board of Canada (Santa Rosa, CA, c1984).
Distributed by Arthur Mokin Productions.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2274
Abstract: Follows a home gardener through the growing season cycle of planting, fertilizing, and weeding to show how anyone can keep one's family supplied with a variety of vegetables.

Natural Waste Water Treatment.
1 videocassette (27 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Hans-Ernst Weitzel (Oley, PA, 1985).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Series: Ecology workshop.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1378
Abstract: Film depicts several small decentralized sewage treatment plants using the natural characteristics of marsh plants that are operating successfully in Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Grades 9 through adult.

New Rangeland Compact.
1 videocassette (20 min.): sd., col.
John-David Brewer and Arizona Branch Holistic Resource Management (Payson, AZ, 1994?).
Distributed by Western Counties' Resources Policy Institute. [For more information: Western Counties' Resources Policy Institute, Box 27514, Salt Lake City, UT, 84127-0514; publications list on-line: http://www.westerncounties.org/ipublist.htm]
Video tape from the HRM Infopack, "Going Between The Horns Of The Grazing Dilemma." Narrated by Sen. Robert Bennett.
VAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2197
Abstract: Promotes a holistic management plan of domestic livestock grazing on public lands. Shows how proper grazing procedures benefit grassland and riparian areas.

Nitrogen Management in Irrigated Cotton.
1 videocassette (25 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Lawrence J. Klaas, Thomas Doerge, Tennessee Valley Authority, National Fertilizer & Environmental Research Center, and University of Arizona Cooperative Extension University of Arizona College of Agriculture Agricultural Sciences Communications (Muscle Shoals, AL, 1990).
Distributed by National Fertilizer and Environmental Research Center.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1933
Abstract: Proper nitrogen management maximizes yield and minimizes pollution potential. To achieve this three key concepts are discussed--nitrogen behavior in the soil, how does the cotton use the nitrogen once it is in the soil, and what management tools are available to help optimize cotton.

Northeast Network: Food, Agriculture, and Health Policy Education.
1 videocassette, 5 booklets, 5 fact sheets, 5 overviews, 5 briefs, 1 report, 1 facilitator's manual.
Agriculture and Health Policy Education Program Northeast Network: Food (Pennsylvania, 1991?).
Distributed by Northeast Network.
Title on videocassette: Food policy education--making connections.
NAL Call #: Kit no. 172
Abstract: Involves both citizens and community leaders in facilitated discussions and activities around three key issues that relate to agriculture, health, and the processing, distribution and marketing of food. These issues are food safety, food costs, and nutrition.

One Second Before Sunrise: A Search for Solutions.
5 videocassettes (ca. 60 min.): sd., col.
Lynn Redgrave and Bullfrog Films, Inc. (Oley, PA, c1991).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2031
Abstract: Lynn Redgrave is the on-camera host for programs focusing on solutions to environmental problems, providing viewers with ideas for their own communities.

Organic Gardening: Composting.
1 videocassette (11 min.): sd., col.
Rodale Press. (Oley, PA, c1972).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2067
Abstract: Uses live action and animation to demonstrate how to build a compost heap, what ingredients to use and in what proportions, and how to layer the heap to ensure speedy and uniform decomposition.

Ostrich Processing.
1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col.
American Ostrich Research Foundation (United States, 1996?).
Distributed by American Ostrich Association. [For more information: American Ostrich Association, P.O. Box 162627, Fort Worth, TX, 76161; phone 817-624-2047; URL http://ostriches.org/descriptionofpromo.htm]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2532
Abstract: Shows commerical slaughter and meat fabrication techniques developed through research at Texas A&M University.

Ostrich Ranching: Past, Present, Future.
1 videocassette (ca. 35 min.): sd., col.
King Ostrich Ranch, Inc. (Elmwood Park, IL, 1993?).
Distributed by Ostriches On Line. [For more information: Ostriches On Line, 2218 N 75th Ave., Elmwood Park, IL 60707; phone 708 452 7596; fax 708 452 7510; 1-888 RING OOL; e-mail ostrich@ostrichesonline.com; URL http://ostrichesonline.com/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2704

Ostriches and Emus.
1 videocassette (30 min.): sd., col.
Bobbie Floyd, Kenny Page, and Georgia Center for Continuing Education (Athens, GA, c1994).
Distributed by Georgia Center for Continuing Education. [For more information: Georgia Center For Continuing Education, Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30602-3603; phone 706-542-3451]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2684
Abstract: Veterinarian Kenny Page describes ratites as flightless birds, explains reasons for increased interest in them, and answers questions and gives advice about raising ostriches and emus. Part of a series of programs showing various species of animals found on a farm and intended to give a sense of appreciation for livestock and how it affects and enriches our lives.

Our Precious Groundwater: A Celebration.
1 videocassette (13 min., 44 sec.): sd., col.
Nebraska Educational Telecommunications and Groundwater Foundation (Lincoln, NE?, 1994).
Distributed by Groundwater Foundation. [For more information: The Groundwater Foundation, P.O. Box 22558, Lincoln, NE 68542-2558; phone 1-800-858-4844; fax 402-434-2742; e-mail info@groundwater.org; catalog on-line: http://www.groundwater.org/catalog/Catalog.htm]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2512
Abstract: Shows highlights of a groundwater festival held in Nebraska where the purpose was to educate young people about conserving groundwater resources.

Outstanding in Her Field.
1 videocassette (23 min.): sd., col.
Province of British Columbia Media Network Society with the assistance of Ministry of Women's Equality, Helen Rezanowich, Tina Fraser, et al. (Vancouver, BC, Canada, c1995).
Distributed by Moving Images Distribution. [For more information: Moving Images Distribution, 402 West Pender Street, Suite 606, Vancouver, BC CANADA V6B 1T6; phone 604-684-3014; fax 604-684-7165; e-mail mailbox@movingimages.bc.ca; catalog on-line: http://www.movingimages.bc.ca/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2734
Abstract: Women farmers in British Columbia are making a living in organic farming and have established the Moss Street Market to sell their produce.

Part-Time Farming.
1 videocassette (ca. 69 min.): sd., col.
Kent Taylor and University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cooperative Extension (Lincoln, NE, c1996).
Distributed by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cooperative Extension. [For more information: Communications and Information Technology, University of Nebraska Extension Publications; e-mail pubs@unl.edu; URL http://ianrwww.unl.edu/ianr/coopext/publications.html]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2675

Partners With Nature.
1 videocassette (27 min.): sd., col.
Teddy Gentry and National Cattlemen's Association (Englewood, CO, 199-?).
Distributed by National Cattlemen's Association and Beef Board.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2318
Abstract: Features seven cattlemen who have incorporated sound conservation practices into their successful cattle businesses.

Partnerships for Watersheds.
1 videocassette (13 min.): sd., col. 1 pamphlet.
Conservation Technology Information Center, Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture, United States Environmental Protection Agency, and Video Teleconference & Radio Division Office of Communications USDA (Washington, DC?, 1995?).
Distributed by CTIC. [For more information: CTIC, 1220 Potter Drive, Ste. 170, W. Lafayette, IN 47906; phone 765-494-9555; fax 765-494-5969; e-mail ctic@ctic.purdue.edu; URL http://ctic.purdue.edu/CTIC/CTIC.html]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2182
Abstract: Describes what a watershed is and how people can join with state and federal agencies to form a partnership to protect the water quality of their watershed.

Pathways to a Sustainable Future.
1 videocassette (90 min.): sd., col.
Robert Gilman, Scott Fedale, and Washington State University Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources (Pullman, WA, 1996).
Distributed by Cooperative Extension, Washington State University. [For more information: Bulletins Office, Washington State University, Cooper Publications Building,, Dept. WB, P.O. Box 645912, Pullman, WA 99164-5912; phone 1-800-723-1763; fax 509-335-3006; e-mail bulletin@coopext.cahe.wsu.edu; catalog on-line: http://cahedb.wsu.edu/infoPub/scripts/webCat.asp]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2725
Abstract: Scott Fedale interviews Dr. Robert Gilman, who received his Ph.D. in astrophysics from Princeton University. Since 1975, he has devoted himself to the study of sustainability and strategies for positive cultural change. His background includes innovation theory, sustainable economics, and appropriate technology.

The Perelandra Garden: A Tour With Machaelle Small Wright.
2 videocassettes (221 min.): sd., col.
Machaelle Small Wright and Perelandra Ltd. (Warrenton, VA, c1998).
Distributed by Perelandra, Ltd. [For more information: Perelandra, Ltd., P.O. Box 3603, Warrenton, VA 20188; phone 1-800-960-8806; 1-540-937-2153 from overseas or Mexico; fax 1-540-937-3360; e-mail e-mail@perlandra-ltd.com; web site http://www.perelandra-ltd.com/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2790
Abstract: "The famous Perelandra Garden in Virginia comes alive as you join its founder and researcher Machaelle Small Wright for a full personal tour. Learn the new principles of co-creative science as demonstrated in the garden since 1976."--Container.

Pfiesteria and the Factory Farm.
1 videocassette (7 min., 30 sec.): sd., col.
Humane Society of the United States (Washington, DC, c1998).
Distributed by Humane Society of the United States. [For more information: The Humane Society of the United States, 2100 L St, NW, Washington, DC 20037; phone 202-452-1100; URL http://www.hsus.org/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2739
Abstract: Discusses how the disposal of animal wastes, particularly poultry manure, contributes to outbreaks of pfiesteria in the Chesapeake Bay.

1 videocassette (15 min.): sd., col. 1 teacher's guide (60 p.).
Health Science Institute (McLean, VA, c1997).
Distributed by Health Science Institute. [For more information: Health Science Institute, PMB 206, 1350 Beverly Rd, 115, McLean, VA 22101-3917; phone 1-800-474-6211; fax 703-917-1593; e-mail hsieduc@aol.com; Video Library on-line: http://healthscienceinstitute.com/ ]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2820
Abstract: This program explains the chemical structure of phytochemicals, and describes the proposed mechanisms by which these natural food elements might lower risk for cancer.

1 videocassette (ca. 35 min.): sd., col.
BBC Scienceworld for BBC Worldwide Americas, Dorling Kindersley Vision in association with Oregon Public Broadcasting, and Brian Cummins (New York, NY?, c1997).
Distributed by DK Vision: BBC Worldwide Americas. [For more information: BBC Direct, P.O. Box 2284, South Burlington, VT 05407- 2284; phone 1-800-2161-BBC Ext. 18; fax 1-802-864-9846; catalog on-line: http://www.bbchomevideo.com/bbchv.asp?WCI=HomeVideo]
Other Title: Eyewitness Plant. Narrator, Andrew Sachs; writer, David Stafford. Note: Closed-captioned for the hearing impaired.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2721
Abstract: A colorful tour of the world's most dazzling flora-- from the most magical to the most bizarre. Watch buds burst, flowers bloom, and discover the myriad ways plants struggle to survive.

Presenting Sea Pride Industries, Inc. and the Sea Trek Ocean Farming System.
1 videocassette (ca. 30 min.): sd., col.; ½ in
Sea Pride Industries, Inc. (Gulf Breeze, FL, 1994?).
Distributed by Sea Pride Industries, Inc. [For more information: Sea Pride Industries, 1198 Gulf Breeze Pkwy # 8, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561-4850; phone 850-934-8888]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2178
Abstract: Sea Pride Industries describes its Sea Trek Ocean Farming System. This system is designed to rear millions of pounds of native seafood, like grouper and redfish, in hurricane prone waters.

Preserving Our Livestock Heritage.
1 videocassette (13 min., 50 sec.): sd., col.
American Minor Breeds Conservancy (Pittsboro, NC, 199-?).
Distributed by American Minor Breeds Conservancy. [For more information: American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, P.O. Box 477, Pittsboro, NC 27312; phone 919-542-5704; fax 919-545-0022; e-mail ablc-usa.org; URL http://www.albc-usa.org/index.htm]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2097
Abstract: Discusses how many livestock breeds are facing extinction as breeders seek to meet farmer requirements for specialized animal traits. Concludes with a brief description of the work of the American Minor Breeds Conservancy.

Producing Quality Feed on-Farm: Portable Grind and Mix Systems
1 videocassette (17 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Tim Herrman, Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, and Kansas State University Department of Communications (Manhattan, KS, 1997).
Distributed by K-State Research and Extension, Department of Communications.
Narrator, Eric Atkinson. Closed-captioned for the hearing impaired.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2615
Abstract: Contains techniques for storing and weighing feed ingredients, grinding grain, feed mixing and delivery, and record keeping.

Production of a Videotape Series Demonstrating Improved Grazing Practices to Promote Forage-Based Livestock Production in the Upper Midwest.

James R. Russell and Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education/SARE Research Projects North Central Region 1995). [For more information: James Russell, Dept of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Rm 301 Kildee Hall, Ames IA, 50011; phone 515-294-4631]
SARE Project Number: LNC94-71. Date of report is December 1995. Included with this 31 page report are the following videotapes: 1) Managing Grazing: Introduction, 2) Managing Grazing: Animal Management, 3) Managing Grazing: Fencing and Watering, 4) Managing Grazing: Year Around Resource Management and 5) Managing Grazing: Managing Pasture Plants.
NAL Call #: S441 S8553

Prof. William A. Albrecht's The Other Side of the Fence
1 videocassette (25 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
William A. Albrecht and Calvin Company (Metairie, LA, c1996).
Distributed by Acres USA. [For more information: Acres USA, P.O. Box 91299, Austin, Texas 78709; phone 512-892-4400 or 1-800-355-5313; fax 512-892-4448; e-mail info@acresusa.com; URL http://www.acresusa.com/original/]
Presenter, Charles Walters.
NAL Call #: On order

Profit With Manure
1 videocassette (11 min., 40 sec.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Educational Development System Minnesota Extension Service University of Minnesota (St. Paul, MN, c1993).
Distributed by Minnesota Extension Service. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Content specialists, Timothy Arlt, Michael Schmitt.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2172
Abstract: Shows how to calculate and adjust solid and liquid manure application rates and demonstrates application methods.

Profitable Conservation Cropping Systems: Insights From the USDA-ARS IPM Project.
1 videocassette (30 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
John Francis, Chris Boerboom, Information Department College of AG & Home Economics Washington State University, Washington State University Cooperative Extension, and United States Agricultural Research Service (Pullman, WA?, c1992).
Distributed by Cooperative Extension, Washington State University. [For more information: Bulletins Office, Washington State University, Cooper Publications Building,, Dept. WB, P.O. Box 645912, Pullman, WA 99164-5912; phone 1-800-723-1763; fax 509-335-3006; e-mail bulletin@coopext.cahe.wsu.edu; catalog on-line: http://cahedb.wsu.edu/infoPub/scripts/webCat.asp]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2440
Abstract: Describes the USDA-ARS IPM project conducted by a group of scientists from USDA-ARS, Washington State University, and the University of Idaho. The project demonstrates that conservation cropping systems with effective pest management can actually be more economical and less risky than conventional systems.

The Progress of Our Dreams: Assessing Sustainability for Communities Large and Small.
1 videocassette (90 min.): sd., col.
Alan Atkisson and Washington State University Cooperative Extension (Pullman, WA, 1995).
Distributed by Cooperative Extension, Washington State University. [For more information: Bulletins Office, Washington State University, Cooper Publications Building, Dept. WB, P.O. Box 645912, Pullman, WA 99164-5912; phone 1-800-723-1763; fax 509-335-3006; e-mail bulletin@coopext.cahe.wsu.edu; catalog on-line: http://cahedb.wsu.edu/infoPub/scripts/webCat.asp]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2438
Abstract: Alan Atkisson introduces a comprehensive picture of what sustainable development means both in theory and in practice, drawing on examples from around the Pacific Northwest, the U.S., and the rest of the world.

Raising Emus & Rheas.
1 videocassette (60 min.): sd., col.
Ken Wilson and Sportsmen on Film (Kerrville, TX, c1993).
Distributed by Sportsmen on Film. [For more information: Sportsmen on Film, P.O. Box 291818, Kerrville, TX 78029 -1818; phone 800-910-HUNT or 830-792-4200; fax 830-792-4224; e-mail kwilson@sportsmenonfilm.com; URL http://www.sportsmenonfilm.com/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2584
Abstract: Ken Wilson shows how emus and rheas are raised on the Kerrville Ratite Ranch. Topics covered include egg collection, incubation, candling, hatching, housing, and feeding.

The Restoration of Bonsall Creek: A Community Co-Operates to Enhance Crops, Cattle, Cutthroat Trout and Coho Salmon.
1 videocassette (ca. 27 min.): sd., col.
Wayne Haddow and Cheri Ayers (British Columbia, Canada, c1996). [For more information: Wayne Haddow, B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 5785 Duncan St, Duncan, BC, CANADA V9L 5G2; phone 250-746-1210]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2707

Restoring the Balance: Biological Control of Purple Loosestrife.
1 videocassette (28 min.): sd., col.
Eric L. Gasteiger and Cornell University, Educational Television Center (Ithaca, NY, c1996).
Distributed by Cornell University.
Narrator, Sheree Galpert.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2508

Rhea Intensive Farming.
1 videocassette (ca. 45 min.): sd., col.
Lea. Hosman and Chris Ramsey (Utopia, TX, c1993).
Distributed by Hosman/Ramsey Rheas.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2664

Rice: A Better Way.
1 videocassette (11 min., 30 sec.): sd., col. 1 script.
Haskell Simon, Richard Gaylord, and Lower Colorado River Authority (Austin, TX, c1994).
Distributed by Lower Colorado River Authority. [For more information: Lower Colorado River Authority, P.O. Box 220, Austin, TX 78767; phone 800-PRO-LCRA (800-776-5272) ext. 3235, or 512-473-3235]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2383
Abstract: A group of rice farmers in Matagorda County, Texas demonstrate production techniques (best management practices) that keep production costs low, yield high, and minimize the impact on the environment.

Rodale's Rediscovering Herbs With Cy Hyde at the Well Sweep Herb Farm--Overview.
1 videocassette (28 min.): sd., col.
Cy Hyde and Rodale Press (Oley, PA, c1981).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2560
Abstract: Cy Hyde, owner of an organic herb farm, describes the role of herbs in home remedies, cooking, potpourris, pest control in the garden, dyeing, and home decorating.

Ruth Stout's Garden.
1 videocassette (23 min.): sd., col.
Ruth Stout and Arthur Mokin Productions (Santa Rosa, CA, c1976).
Distributed by Arthur Mokin Productions.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2711
Abstract: Recounts the life of Ruth Stout, who describes her own gardening methods and her experiences of subjects ranging from growing vegetables to growing old.

The Salmon Project.
2 videocassettes: sd., col. 1 teacher guide
Pacific Mountain Network, Digital Studios, Ron S. Nolan, and Susan A. Nolan (Aptos, CA; Denver, CO, c1996).
Distributed by Digital Studios. [For more information: Digital Studios, 209 Santa Clara Avenue, Aptos, CA 95003; phone 800-499-3322 (in Canada 408-688-3158); fax 408-688-5738; e-mail nolan@cyberlearn.com; order online http://www.cyberlearn.com/videos.htm]
Title on container: Salmon preservation: a case study in the resolution of environmental conflict. v. 1. The salmon & the snake (52 sec.) -- Power to the people (15 min., 22 sec.) -- Stemming the flow (29 min., 19 sec.) -- v. 2. Lost at sea (49 sec.) -- Like a river again (15 min., 30 sec.) -- Changing the river/people (30 min., 4 sec.). Narrator, Liz Willis.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2563
Abstract: Teaches students in grades 7-12 to develop critical thinking skills about the preservation and use of natural resources, using the decline of the Pacific salmon population as a case study.

Seeds of Plenty, Seeds of Sorrow.
1 videocassette (50 min.): sd., col.
Manjira Datta and Media Workshop (Oley, PA, c1992).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
"Developing stories I, environment and development"--Container.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2540
Abstract: This documentary film shows the effects of the once-vaunted Green Revolution in India. Instead of massive harvests of wheat, pesticide poisoning and fertilizer shortages have turned the revolution's workers into a new serf class and created a bureaucratic nightmare.

Shrimp Farming.
1 videocassette (25 min., 20 sec.): sd., col.
Russell Miget and Texas Agricultural Extension Service (College Station, TX?, 199-?).
Distributed by Texas Agricultural Extension Service. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Closed-captioned for the hearing impaired.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2171
Abstract: Discusses shrimp production in the United States. Hatchery and pond facilities are shown.

Slow Food: Sustainable Agriculture and Responsible Eating.
1 videocassette (30 min.): sd., col.
Linda Gammell, Michal M. McCall, and Sandra Menefee Taylor (St. Paul, MN, c1997).
Distributed by L. Gammell, M. McCall, S. Taylor. [For more information: Sandra Menefee Taylor, 255 E. Kellogg, St. Paul, MN 55101; phone 612-291-7492]
Funding by Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education. USDA.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2720
Abstract: Consists of interviews with women farmers in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin about sustainable agriculture.

Social Capital and Sustainability: The Community and Managing Change in Agriculture.
1 videocassette (22 min.): sd., col.
Cornelia Flora, Dan Mundt, and Iowa State University Extension (Ames, IA, c1996).
Distributed by Iowa State University, University Extension. [For more information: Extension Distribution Center, 119 Printing and Publications Building, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3171; phone 515-294-5247; fax 515-294-2945; e-mail at pubdist@exnet.iastate.edu; catalog on-line: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/Pages/pubs/WebCat/]
Narrator, Todd Mundt.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2639
Abstract: Social capital, community interest and sustainable agricultural practices will be critical components in managing agricultural change in the rural communities of the future.

Soils & Their Role in Protecting Water Quality.
1 videocassette (20 min., 55 sec.): sd., col.
Gary Ingraham, Harold van Es, Deb Grantham, Cornell University Media Services, New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Soil Crop and Atmospheric Sciences, and United States Extension Service (Ithaca, NY, 1997).
Distributed by Dept. of Soil, Crop & Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2500
Abstract: Discusses the function, composition, texture, porosity and permeability, and hydrology of soils and their impacts on soil and water quality.

Something Fishy: Hybrid Striped Bass in Cages.
1 videocassette (12 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Joan Crow, LaDon Swann, and Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program Purdue University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Cooperative Extension Service 1991).
Distributed by North Central Regional Aquaculture Center. [For more information: Dr. Joseph Morris, North Central Regional Aquaculture Center, Department of Animal Ecology, Iowa State University, 124 Science II, Ames, IA 50011-3221; e-mail jemorris@iastate.edu ]
QuickTime and RealPlayer versions: http://ag.ansc.purdue.edu/aquanic/images/video/video.htm.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1459
Abstract: Describes the requirements needed to start a farm pond for hybrid striped bass.

Sowing for Need or Sowing for Greed? The Promises of the Green Revolution: A Film.
1 videocassette (56 min., 15 sec.): sd., col.
Judith. Bourque and Peter Gunnarsson (Oley, PA, c1989).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2025
Abstract: Examines the effects of the Green Revolution in Third World countries and finds many negative ones.

The Stockman's Best Friend.
1 videocassette (113 min., 13 sec.): sd., col.
Charles Widener and Boulder Bluff, Inc. (Greenwood, AR, c1996).
Distributed by Boulder Bluff, Inc. [For more information: Boulder Bluff, Inc., 1107 Young Ridge Rd.; Greenwood, AR 72936; phone or fax 501-996-4007 ]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2800
Abstract: Charles Ridener shows how to train dogs to handle livestock.

Successful Queen Rearing.
1 videocassette (13 min., 18 sec.): sd., col.
Marla Spivak and Minnesota Extension Service (St. Paul, MN, c1994).
Distributed by Minnesota Extension Service. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2360
Abstract: Dr. Marla Spivak demonstrates how to rear queen bees.

Sunshine Bass From Tank to Market.
1 videocassette (17 min., 40 sec.): sd., col.
Tom Hergert and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Department of University Relations Visual Communications (Blacksburg, VA, c1992).
Distributed by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Dept. of University Relations, Visual Communications.
Principal investigator, Charles W. Coale.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1940
Abstract: Demonstrates a marketing system for sunshine bass. Topics covered include how the aquaculture products will be distributed and what aquaculture products will meet customer expectations.

Sustainable Agriculture.
1 videocassette (23 min.): sd., col.
Jim. Harrigan and San Luis Video Publishing (San Luis Obispo, CA, c1991).
Distributed by San Luis Video Publishing. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2059
Abstract: Discusses alternative crops, tillage styles and systems, pest management, and soil fertility in terms of improving farms while preserving the environment. Visits several farms managed as sustainable operations.

Sustainable Agriculture Perspectives From Across America: Introduction to Concepts and Principles.
1 videocassette (24 min., 14 sec.): sd., col. 1 user's guide
Victor Van Rees, Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education, and University of Nebraska Extension Service (Lincoln, NE, 1997?).
Distributed by University of Nebraska Extension Service.
"This material is based upon work supported by the CSREES, USDA under special project number 95-ESAG-1-1001."
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2674
Abstract: Discusses sustainable practices that can help a farmer work with the environment as well as reduce farm operating costs. These include conservation tillage, buffer strips, composting manure, and integrated pest management.

Sustainable Potato Farming: The Farmers' Side of the Story.
1 videocassette (ca. 29 min.): sd., col.
Paul Thiers, Sharon Genasci, Harry MacCormak, and Oregon Tilth, Inc. (Tualatin, OR, c1993).
Distributed by Oregon Tilth. [For more information: Oregon Tilth, 1860 Hawthorne Ave. NE, Ste. 200, Salem, OR 97303; phone 503-378-0690; fa. 503-378-0809; e-mail organic@tilth.org; URL http://www.tilth.org/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2180
Abstract: Several Oregon farmers discuss their experiences growing potatoes without environmentally damaging chemicals and describe their techniques for soil, weed, insect, and disease management.

Sweet Corn IPM: Insect Pest Management.
1 videocassette (ca. 35 min.): sd., col.
Craig Hollingsworth and University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Cooperative Extension Service, Integrated Pest Management Program (Amherst, MA, 1994?).
Distributed by University of Massachusetts, Cooperative, Extension System, Integrated Pest Management Program. [For more information: UMass Extension Bookstore, Draper Hall, Box 32010, Amherst, MA 07003-2010; phone 413-545-2717; fax 413-545-5174; toll-free in MA 1-877-UMASS-XT; e-mail books@umext.umass.edu; catalog on-line: http://www.umass.edu/umext/bookstore/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1945

Symposium on Plant Biotechnology Issues: Risk Assessment: Issues in Plant Biotechnology.
1 videocassette (ca. 120 min.): sd., col.
Symposium on Plant Biotechnology Issues, University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute (College Park, MD, 1996).
Distributed by University of Maryland.
Title on videocassette: Plant Biotech III: Risk Assessment. Funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and A*DEC.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2784
Abstract: Four panelists, Terry Medley, Rebecca Goldburg, Alan R. Goldhammer, and Elizabeth Milewski, address the risks associated with the introduction of genetically altered organisms into the environment and how these risks can be evaluated.

Take Time? Training Your Dog From Farm Work to Trialling.
1 videocassette (ca. 56 min.): sd., col.
H. Glyn Jones and Farming Press Videos (Ipswich, UK; Alexandria Bay, NY, c1995).
Distributed by Diamond Farm Enterprises (in No. America).
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2502
Abstract: Glyn Jones demonstrates how a working sheep dog can become a competent trials competitor.

Tara's Mulch Garden.
1 videocassette (20 min., 35 sec.): sd., col.
Jon Pedersen and National Film Board of Canada (Santa Rosa, CA, 198-?).
Distributed by Arthur Mokin Productions.
Originally released as motion picture in 1976.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2275
Abstract: Explains the principle of mulching and demonstrates planting, transplanting, watering, and harvesting.

This Good Earth.
1 videocassette (35 min.): sd., col.
Salwa Khan, Robert Currie, and VCS, Inc. (Wimberley, TX, c1995).
Distributed by VCS, Inc. [For more information: vcYES Productions, PO Box 319, Wimberley, TX 78676; phone 512-847-8852; e-mail vcYES@cs.com; URL http://www.vcyes.com/services.htm]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2644
Abstract: Describes how to bring garden soil to life organically. Includes discussion of microscopic life forms that help release nutrients vital to healthy, productive plants, how to make a perfect compost and the benefits of cover crops.

Towns in Transition: Managing Change in Natural Resource-Dependent Communities.
1 videocassette (30 min.): sd., col. 1 study guide (41 p.)
John Cullum and Oregon State University Extension Service (Corvallis, OR, c1996).
Distributed by Oregon State University Extension and Experiment Station Communications. [For more information: Extension & Station Communications, Oregon State University, 422 Kerr Administration, Corvallis, OR 97331-2119; fax 541-737-0817; e-mail puborders@orst.edu; catalog on-line: http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2640
Abstract: This video presents how change was dealt with by the citizens of Tulelake, Calif., Astoria, Ore., and Forks, Wash., when their natural resource-based economies went through transitions. It includes insights from framers, loggers, fishermen, and other community residents.

Tree Planting on Agricultural Land.
1 videocassette (24 min.): sd., col.
Minnesota Extension Service Educational Development System and University of Minnesota College of Forestry (St. Paul, MN, between 1989? and 1992).
Distributed by Minnesota Extension Service. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2484
Abstract: Describes the benefits of trees and the design, establishment and maintenance of tree planting on agricultural land.

Turn Here Sweet Corn.
1 videocassette (38 min.): sd., col.
Helen De Michiel and Bullfrog Films, Inc. (Minneapolis, MN; Oley, PA, c1990).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2026
Abstract: A video essay on the Diffley family, organic farmers in Eagan, Minnesota, and their struggle to continue farming amidst rapid suburban development.

Unlocking Nature's Secrets.
1 videocassette (27 min.): sd., col.
National Cattlemen's Association (Englewood, CO, 199-?).
Distributed by National Cattlemen's Association, Beef Board.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2530
Abstract: Shows how seven cattlemen have unlocked some of nature's secrets by working daily to care for the natural resources that provide for their livelihoods.

USDA Slaughter.
1 videocassette (ca. 23 min.): sd., col.
American Emu Association (United States, 1995).
Distributed by American Emu Association. [For more information: AEA, P.O. Box 740814, Dallas, TX 75374-0814; phone 208-983-7928; fax 520-962-9430; e-mail info@aea-emu.org; catalog on-line: http://www.aea-emu.org/videos.asp]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2647
Abstract: Shows what the inspector looks for in the slaughtering process of emus.

Use of Constructed Wetlands for Stormwater Runoff.
1 videocassette (20 min.): sd., col.
Glen Palmer, Gary R. Goff, Rebecca L. Schneider, Paul D. Curtis, and Cornell University Educational Television Center (Ithaca, NY, c1999).
Distributed by Cornell University.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2786
Abstract: Video shows how properly designed and constructed wetlands moderate flow extremes and improve water quality.

The Vacant Lot.
1 videocassette (17 min.): sd., col.
Judith Merritt and National Film Board of Canada (Santa Rosa, CA, c1977).
Distributed by Arthur Mokin Productions.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2276
Abstract: Shows a community garden run by senior citizens.

Vanishing Rain Forests.
1 teacher's manual, 1 booklet, 1 videocassette, 2 posters.
World Wildlife Fund (Washington, DC, c1988).
Distributed by World Wildlife Fund. [For more information: World Wildlife Fund, 1250 Twenty-Fourth Street, N.W., P.O. Box 97180, Washington, DC 20037; phone 1-800-CALL-WWF; URL http://www.worldwildlife.org/]
VHS videocassette titled: Rain forest rap. "These materials are produced to accompany the exhibition "Tropical Rainforests: A Disappearing Treasure," organized by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service in cooperation with World Wildlife Fund"--Teacher's manual.
NAL Call #: Kit no. 186
Abstract: Presents the rain forest with its exotic plant and animal life as a place of intrigue where valuable scientific discoveries wait to be made. Species potentially useful to medical discoveries, such as a cure for cancer, could be lost forever if steps are not taken to halt rain forest destruction. Tells how to be active in the protection of resources threatened by rain forest loss. (Grades 2-6).

Vegetable Farmers and Their Weed Control Machines.
1 videocassette (75 min., 50 sec.): sd., col.
Vern Grubinger, Mary Jane Else, and University of Vermont Extension System (Burlington, VT, 1996?).
Distributed by University of Vermont Center for Sustainable Agriculture. [For more information: Center for Sustainable Agriculture, 590 Main Street, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405; phone 802-656-5459; e-mail susagctr@zoo.uvm.edu; catalog on-line: http://www.uvm.edu/~susagctr/publications.html]
Funded by Northeast Region of the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2524
Abstract: Features visits with nine New England vegetable farmers. These farmers explain their weed management philosophy and demonstrate the use of custom-built and trade-name weed management equipment.

A Visit With J. I. Rodale.
1 videocassette (15 min.): sd., col.
J. I. Rodale and Rodale Press. (Oley, PA, c1972).
Distributed by Bullfrog Films. [For more information: See Distributor List]
Intended audience: Junior high school students through adults.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2102
Abstract: J.I. Rodale, pioneer organic farmer, talks about his ideas on organic farming, health, and ecology.

Warm Water Finfish: Harvesting, Handling and Transportation.
1 videocassette (ca. 31 min.): sd., col.
H. Hebert and Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service (College Station, TX, c1993).
Distributed by Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, Texas Agricultural Extension Service. [For more information: SRAC VIDEOS, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Distribution and Supply, P.O. Box 1209, Bryan, TX 77806; phone 409-845-7473; fax 409-845-7103; catalog on-line: http://ag.ansc.purdue.edu/aquanic/publicat/usda_rac/srac.htm]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2168
Abstract: Shows various fish harvesting techniques. These include using seines, dip nets, and fish pumps. Methods for preparing and loading fish for transport are also shown.

Water and Fencing Systems for Streambank Protection.
1 videocassette (18 min., 40 sec.): sd., col.
Mark Weyenberg, Robert Precourt, Ted Gashler, and Northcentral Technical College (Wausau, WI, c1990).
Distributed by Northcentral Technical College.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2108
Abstract: Explains the different types of fencing systems, grazing methods, watering systems, and funding programs available to provide protection from erosion for your streambanks.

Water Conservation: Managing Our Precious Liquid Asset.
1 videocassette (21 min., 45 sec.): sd., col.
Minnesota Arrowhead Water Quality Team and Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District (Two Harbors, MN, c1996).
Distributed by Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District. [For more information: Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District (MN), phone 218-834-6638; to preview the video or associated fact sheets in Minnesota, contact Minnesota Sea Grant, phone 218-726-7677.]
"Shoreland best management practices"--Cassette label.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2430
Abstract: Discusses simple and inexpensive ways to conserve water in the home.

Watershed Management in Virginia.
1 videocassette (26 min., 45 sec.): sd., col.
Gary Ingraham, Cornell University Media Services, and Department of Soil Crop & Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Cornell Cooperative Extension (Ithaca, NY, c1995).
Distributed by Dept. of Soil, Crop & Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Cornell Cooperative Extension. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2505
Abstract: Describes ways to help protect watersheds in Virginia. These include efficiently applying fertilizers and efficiently utilizing animal manures.

Ways to Grow: Alternatives for Small Farmers: Growing Brambles.
1 videocassette (17 min., 29 sec.): sd., col.
Craig Marberry and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (Greensboro, NC, c1994).
Distributed by North Carolina A&T State University, Cooperative Extension Program. [For more information: North Carolina A&T State University's Department of Agricultural Communications, Sheila Whitley, e-mail whitley@jade.ncat.edu; Ways to Grow Videos listing on-line: http://www.ag.ncat.edu/extension/programs/wtg/index.html]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2241
Abstract: Discusses the cultivation of raspberries and blackberries. Includes growing tips that cover fruit yields, temperature, soil conditions, water requirements, pruning, and harvesting. Also looks at market research.

We All Live Downstream
1 videocassette (28 min., 30 sec.): sd., col.; ½ in. + introductory pamphlet (1 folded sheet (12 p.): col. ill.; 19 cm.)
Steve Dodrill, Oregon State University Extension Service, and Oregon State University Agricultural Communications (Corvallis, OR, c1996).
Distributed by Oregon State University Extension Service. [For more information: Extension & Station Communications, Oregon State University, 422 Kerr Administration, Corvallis, OR 97331-2119; fax 541-737-0817; e-mail puborders@orst.edu; catalog on-line: http://eesc.orst.edu/agcomwebfile/edmat/]
Narrator, Ed Ragozzino.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2426
Abstract: Examines the problems of runoff and nonpoint source pollution in Oregon's Tualatin River and how local residents and government officials are trying to reduce nonpoint source pollution. It also offers tips to help each of us play an active role in cleaning up our nation's drinking water supplies.

Welcome to the Fungal Jungle.
1 videocassette (15 min.): sd., col.
Michael S. Mease, Larry L. Evans, Ritch Doyle, and Cold Mountain, Cold Rivers (Missoula, MT, c1993).
Distributed by Cold Mountain, Cold Rivers. [For more information: Cold Mountain, Cold Rivers, P.O. Box 7941, Missoula, MT 59807; phone 406-728-0867; e-mail cmcr@wildrockies.org; catalog on-line: http://www.wildrockies.org/cmcr/OrgFiles/video.html]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2184
Abstract: Illustrates some of the familiar mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest forests and discusses their use as food and medicine. Also emphasizes the importance of fungi in forest ecology.

Wetland Restoration: Steps to Success.
1 videocassette (21 min.): sd., col.
Wetlands Conservancy in cooperation with Policy Initiatives Group Ibex Communications, Inc. (Tualatin, OR, 1996?).
Distributed by Wetlands Conservancy. [For more information: The Wetlands Conservancy, P.O. Box 1195 Tualatin, OR 97065; phone 503-691-1394; fax 503-692-9292; e-mail wetlands@teleport.com; URL http://www.wetlandsconservancy.org/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2798
Abstract: Provides information for planning a successful wetlands restoration project. Sections include: Planning ahead -- Seed collection -- What and when to plant -- Plant evaluation -- Planting techniques -- Case studies.

Wetlands Educational Program and Demonstration Site (at the Peterson Industrial Park).
3 volumes text: ill., maps 1 videocassette (22 min.)
Robert P. Brooks, Aura L. Stauffer, Gary W. Petersen, and Pennsylvania State University Environmental Resources Research Institute (University Park, PA, 1992).
Distributed by Penn State, Environmental Resources Research Institute. [For more information: Environmental Resources Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802; phone 814-863-0291, fax 814-865-3378; URL http://www.research.psu.edu/erri/]
NAL Call #: QH76.5 P4W38 1992

Wheat, Small Grains: Conservation Tillage for the Great Plains.
1 videocassette (120 min.): sd., col.
Randall. Reeder and Ohio State University. Extension (Columbus, OH, c1994).
Distributed by Ohio State University Extension. [For more information: See Distributor List]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2022
Abstract: One of a series of programs broadcast via satellite. Includes 20 speakers and covers topics such as wind erosion, disease and weed management, and crop rotation for the Great Plains.

Working With Nature in Soil-Less Gardens.
2 videocassettes (252 min.): sd., col.
Machaelle Small Wright and Ltd. Perelandra (Warrenton, VA, c1998).
Distributed by Perelandra, Ltd. [For more information: Perelandra, Ltd., P.O. Box 3603, Warrenton, VA 20188; phone 1-800-960-8806; 1-540-937-2153 from overseas or Mexico; fax 1-540-937-3360; e-mail e-mail@perlandra-ltd.com; web site http://www.perelandra-ltd.com/]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2789
Abstract: "This is a fascinating, dynamic and humorous talk given by Machaelle Wright for those who wish to apply the principles of co-creative science to every aspect of their lives: business, education, the arts, the home, research, your job, personal and professional projects and goals-- all those gardens in life that are not rooted in soil. By the end of this talk, you will know exactly how to work with nature to achieve any goal you wish with extraordinary efficiency and balance"--Container.

A World of Difference.
1 videocassette (30 min.): sd., col.
David N. Gottlieb, Anita Brown, and United States Soil Conservation Service (Davis, CA?, 1995?).
Distributed by United States Soil Conservation Service.
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 2262
Abstract: Soil Conservation Service employees describe how they plan and care for the needs of California resources.

Xeriscape: A Quiet Revolution.
1 videocassette (28 min.): sd., col.; ½ in.
Elizabeth Gilmore, Jim Knopf, Denver Museum of Natural History, and Denver Water Department (Denver, CO, c1992).
Distributed by The Museum and Denver Water. [For more information: Denver Water, Book Orders, 1600 W. 12th Avenue, Denver, CO 80254; e-mail jearle@water.denver.co.gov]
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1786
Abstract: George and Sonja Ek go through the process of converting their yard from thirsty, high-maintenance bluegrass. Landscape architect Jim Knopf helps them plan their new xeriscape.

Your Own Back Yard: A Xeriscape Primer.
1 videocassette (53 min.): sd., col.
Judy Closser Cheatham, Luan Akin, Linda Rea, and Linda Rea Productions (Denver, CO, c1992).
Distributed by Linda Rea Productions.
"Funding was provided by the Denver Water Department and U.S. EPA with additional support from KRMA-TV."
NAL Call #: Videocassette no. 1936
Abstract: Shows how to design an attractive water-conserving landscape in your own back yard.

To: Top | Introduction | Obtaining Videocassettes | List of Videocassettes | Distributor List |

Video Distributor List*

Bullfrog Films
P.O. Box 149
Oley PA 19547
Phone: 610-779-8226 or toll free 1-800-543-3764
Fax: 610-370-1978
E-mail: ideo@bullfrogfilms.com
On-line catalog: http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/

Cornell Cooperative Extension
Cornell University Resource Center

7 Business & Technology Park
Ithaca NY 14850
Phone: 607-255-2080
Fax: 607-255-9946
E-mail questions, comments, & orders to: resctr@cornell.edu
On-line catalog: http://www.cce.cornell.edu/publications/catalog.html

Ohio State University Extension
Media Distribution

385 Kottman Hall
2021 Coffey Rd.
Columbus, OH 43210-1044
Phone: 614-292-1607
Fax: 614-292-2270
E-mail: pubs@postoffice.ag.ohio-state.edu
Publications information: http://ohioline.ag.ohio-state.edu/catalog/index.html

University of California
ANR Communications Services

6701 San Pablo Ave.
Oakland CA 94608
Phone: 510-642-2431
Toll free order line: 1-800-994-8849
Fax: 510-643-5470
E-mail: danrcs@ucdavis.edu
On-line catalog: http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/

University of Minnesota Cooperative Extension
Extension Distribution Center

405 Coffey Hall
1420 Eckles Avenue
University of Minnesota
St. Paul, MN 55108-6068
Phone: 612-624-4900 or toll free 1-800-876-8636
Fax: 612-625-6281
E-mail: order@extension.umn.edu
On-line catalog: http://www.extension.umn.edu/units/dc/

San Luis Video
P.O. Box 6715
Los Osos CA 93412
Phone: 805-528-8322
Fax: 805-528-7227
E-mail: slvp@slvideopublishing.com
On-line catalog: http://www.slvideopublishing.com/

University of Texas Cooperative Extension
Agricultural Communications
Texas Agricultural Extension Service

Distribution and Supply
P.O. Box 1209
Bryan, Texas 77806
Phone: 979-845-6573
Fax: 979- 862-1566
E-mail: Texaserc@tamu.edu
On-line catalog: http://agpublications.tamu.edu/catalog/index.html

University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension
Cooperative Extension Publications

Rm. 170, 630 W. Mifflin St.
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608-262-3346
Toll free order: 1-877-WIS-PUBS (947-7827)
Fax: 608-265-8052
E-mail: Jim Breitzman at breitzman@admin.uwex.edu
On-line catalog: http://www.uwex.edu/ces/pubs/

* Includes the companies and agencies cited more than once in this publication; related videos not listed in this directory may be found in their catalogs.

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Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library
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