This program is sponsored by NSA's Mathematics Education Partnership Program (MEPP).

NSA sponsors local area teacher workshops designed to encourage the learning of mathematics, the adoption of advanced teaching techniques, and the use of technology in the classroom. Teachers who participate in the Summer Institutes for Mathematics Teachers (SIMT) and the Summer Institutes for Elementary School Teachers (SIEST) write "learning units" (lesson plans) for classroom use which are designed in accordance with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards. These units are offered here as a teaching resource for mathematics teachers everywhere.

Although NSA did not author these learning units, it owns and publishes them as a service to the education community. The teachers listed in the "Authors" section at the end of each unit are primarily responsible for the contents of the unit. Some of the units are composed of entirely original material; others include adaptations of ideas from other published works.

We encourage the use and distribution of these learning units. We also encourage feedback; if you have comments or questions, please write the authors or write NSA at the address below. For those teachers who have difficulty downloading the worksheets or any other difficulties, hard copies and diskette copies of learning units are available. Again, simply write to the address below (please be specific as to which year and which grade level you desire).

The reference lists of published materials provided within the units are for educational purposes and are not all-inclusive. These lists were provided by the unit authors and should not be construed as an endorsement by the National Security Agency of any particular publication listed.

Mailing Address:

National Security Agency
ATTN: EL3/MEPP, Suite 6637
9800 Savage Rd.
Ft. Meade, MD 20755-6637

Phone: 301-688-6214
Fax: 443-479-1193


All of the Learning Units are posted in Adobe PDF format.

* To view documents stored as Portable Document Format (PDF) files your local computer must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader application or a Web browser plug-in that supports the PDF file format.