ICH ICSR Version DTD 2.0, ICSR Acknowledgment Message and related files

Microsoft Windows users can also obtain the files distributed from this web page, by downloading a single self extracting file! This file includes the corrected DCL file for use in Japan.

Version 2.0 of the DTD has been developed to make certain improvements to version 1.0 of the ICH ICSR DTD. Some of the main features of version 2.0 are:

  • The ability to support multiple language character sets to meet the reporting requirements of all the ICH regions
  • A message header section has been added to help manage, route, identify, and track ICSR messages
  • A simplified message structure to allow carriage returns to be inserted after end tags, making the SGML data file more readable.

Download the ICH ICSR M2 specification document to get instructions on using the DTDs to prepare structured data sets:

  • The ICH ICSR M2 Specification Version 2.24 Document  has relevant information for preparing the SGML data sets and should be used with the E2B Step 4 document. 