Revision History File


Publication Series and Series Number:  Open-File Report 03-490


Publication Title: Surface-Water Quality-Assurance Plan for the Washington District, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Discipline


Publication Authorship:  David L. Kresch and Stewart A. Tomlinson


First Version and Date of First Release:  1.00  January 14, 2004


Current Version and Date of Current Release:  1.10   September 24, 2004


Summary of Product Components




Last Revised in Pub Version

Date of Last Revision


Surface-Water Quality-Assurance Plan for the Washington District, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Discipline


September 24, 2004


Historical List of Revisions (latest revision first)


Version 1.10¾September 24, 2004




Page 6:  The sentence, “The Discipline maintains a Web page ( for the evaluation, acceptance testing, and calibration for entire classes of instrumentation,” was deleted from the bottom of the first column.


Page 10: The partial sentences, “at the URL,” and “in their Proposed Instrumentation Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program Pilot Study, available at URL”, were deleted from the bottom of the first paragraph in the first column.


Page 20: The sentence, “OSW memorandum 97.01 and Water Resources Discipline memorandum 96.32 discuss computer programs SAC (Fulford, 1994), used for computing peak discharge with the slope-area method, CAP (Fulford, 1995), used to compute peak discharge at culverts, and NCALC, used to compute Manning’s n value from a known discharge, water-surface profile, and cross-section properties.”, at the top of the second column, was replaced with:

Fulford (1994) discusses computer program SAC, used for computing peak discharge with the slope-area method, and computer program CAP (Fulford, 1995), used to compute peak discharge at culverts. Jarrett and Petsch (1985) discuss NCALC, used to compute Manning’s n value from a known discharge, water-surface profile, and cross-section properties.”


Page 23: The partial sentence, “which can both be accessed on the District Internal Web Page ( under the Data heading.”, was deleted from the bottom of the first paragraph of the first column.


Page 36: The sentences, “An abundance of safety-related information is maintained on the District’s Internal Web Page at This page has a link to the WRD Safety Homepage,, which contains much additional safety-related information. The information by Topic category on this page is of particular interest to hydrographers because it contains a section on Job Hazard Analyses (JHAs). JHAs are safety issues that relate directly to field work.”, were deleted from near the bottom of the second paragraph of the second column.


Page 38:  References Cited:  This reference was added.  “Jarrett, R.D., and Petsch, H.E., Jr., 1985, Computer program NCALC user’s manual¾Verification of Manning’s roughness coefficient in channels: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4317, 27 p.”


Page 40: Appendix A. The URL in the first sentence was changed to  The remainder of the paragraph was deleted.  From the list of memorandum, “Office of Surface Water Technical Memorandum 97.01” and “Water Resources Discipline Memorandum 96.32” were deleted.


Page 41: Appendix B. Number 2:  The URL was deleted.