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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

DOCLINE -- Viewing Documents sent Electronically

Question: How do I view documents delivered electronically?

The lending library will send articles via the delivery method that you selected for each request. For requests delivered electronically, DOCLINE specifies two file formats, PDF and TIFF. Some libraries use delivery systems that also send supplemental information in additional formats. These formats are described below, including how to view documents.

- PDF (Portable Document Format) Image Files
Adobe Acrobat Reader software is required for reading PDF documents. The software is available free of charge at

Once Acrobat Reader is installed on your computer, most Windows-based email software will automatically open Acrobat Reader and display the .pdf file when you click on the attached file's icon. If it does not, you should try dragging the attachment's icon to the Windows desktop or saving the file in a directory, then opening it.

- TIFF Image Documents
Windows NT 4.0, later releases of Windows 95, and Windows 98 use Wang Imaging or Eastman Software's Imaging for Windows by default to open .tif files. With most Windows-based email software, you can click on an attached file's icon to open it.

If you have an early release of Windows 95, you may find that TIFF files do not open automatically. You may have to download Imaging for Windows which is available free from Microsoft.

For TIFF documents delivered via Web (TIFF), an email message containing a hyperlink to the requests document is generated. Documents can be viewed or printed from the referenced hyperlink. A TIFF viewer is required, however the viewer may be configured so you can view the document from your browser. See instructions below to configure the TIFF viewer for your browser.

For Netscape
  1. Select 'Edit' or 'Options' from the menu toolbar
  2. Click 'Preferences'
  3. Click the arrow next to 'Navigator'.
  4. Click on 'Helper Applications'.
  5. Click on 'New Type'
  6. Enter '.tif' for the extension and 'image/tiff' for the MIME type.
  7. Click on 'Choose' to locate and select the directory that contains the viewer
  8. Click 'OK'
  9. When a .tif file is selected the browser will launch the program and display the image.
For Internet Explorer
  1. Select 'My Computer'
  2. From the toolbar menu select 'Tools' then 'Folder Options'
  3. Click on the 'File Types' tab and scoll down to the 'TIFF' file type
  4. Click 'Advanced'
  5. Under 'Actions' select 'Open' then 'Edit'
  6. Browse the directory until you find the excutable to use to view the TIFF file.
Select the hyperlink contained in the email message. A File Download dialog box will appear with the following options:
  • Open this file from its current location
  • Save this file to disk
  • Always ask before opening this type of file
Deselect the 'Always ask before opening this type of file' check box and the file should always open with the associated program and download to the Temporary Internet File folder.

- Text Files
Microsoft Windows uses the Notepad accessory by default to open .txt files. With most Windows-based email software, you can click on an attached file's icon to open it.

- BMP (Bitmap) Image Files
Microsoft Windows uses the Microsoft Paint accessory by default to open .bmp files. With most Windows-based email software, you can click on an attached file's icon to open it.

- DocView and DocMorph
The Communications Engineering Branch of the National Library of Medicine has developed DocView, free software for viewing documents sent over the Internet and DocMorph a prototype server for converting TIFF files to PDF. For more information on this application see the DocView Factsheet.

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DOCLINE Technical questions
DOCLINE questions
Getting Articles, Borrowing Books

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Last updated: 06 May 2004
First published: 13 November 2001
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