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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

DOCLINE -- Reviewing "Retired Unfilled" Requests

Question: How do I review "Retired Unfilled" Requests?

The number of requests retired unfilled will appear in a message on your Home Page. (Message text: "# DOCLINE Requests were retired unfilled.")

To review requests that were retired unfilled:

If you have not cleared them, the requests you have reviewed will continue to be available from the Home Page until they are archived. New requests will be added to the list. A request will be removed from the list after 40 calendar days.

Note: All retired unfilled requests remain available from the Status/Cancel function for 40 calendar days. To retrieve messages:

Related Questions:
DOCLINE Requests questions
DOCLINE questions
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Last updated: 02 July 2004
First published: 27 September 2001
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed