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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

DOCLINE -- Save in a Delimited Format the Holdings for My Library

Question: How do I save all the holdings for my library in a delimited format?

If you have rights to update your holdings, then you will have rights to run the Holdings by Library report for your library.

The report is placed into a queue. Reports are run in the order they are submitted. The report should be available the following day unless a large number of reports are in the queue; in this case, the report may not be available for several days. The report is current as of the time that it is run. When the report is ready, a message will display in the message area. The message area displays when the user initially logs into DOCLINE; from within DOCLINE, the user can display messages at any time by clicking on the Home option on the DOCLINE menubar. All reports are deleted seven days after they are created whether or not they have been viewed and/or printed.

To Save Delimited Report in Netscape:

To Save Delimited Report in Internet Explorer:

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DOCLINE Serial Holdings questions
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Getting Articles, Borrowing Books

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Last updated: 06 May 2004
First published: 11 January 2002
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed