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United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

DOCLINE -- Effects of Title Changes

Question: What happens to my holdings when a title changes?

  • - Each evening a program runs that identifies title changes for that day. Based upon beginning publication date, ending publication date, and holdings within DOCLINE Serial Holdings, new holdings records are created for the new title. It is up to each library to close holdings for the old titles and verify the holdings for the new titles.

  • - New holdings will be created for all libraries that currently receive the old title and have not yet recorded holdings data for the new title. If publication dates contain "u" for unknown and the library reports limited retention holdings, Encoding Level 3 holdings will be created for that library; but, you will need to review the old title to verify that you will still be retaining it. If publication dates contain "u" for unknown and the library reports permanently retained holdings, Encoding Level 2 records will be created; Encoding Level 2 records contain no volume or year holdings data. Libraries will need to upgrade these holdings to Encoding Level 3. See Example 2 below.

  • - The conversion of holdings within DOCLINE for title changes is only for straightforward title changes where one title changes to another title. More complicated changes such as merged or split titles are not processed in this manner and holdings clean up for these title changes is the responsibility of the owning library.

  • - Example 1: Title A was published from 1988 to 1998 and changes to Title B.

  • - Title B began publication in 1998 and is currently being published.

  • - These are examples of various holdings and how holdings for the new title would be created.
Current Title A Holding New Title B Holding
v.1-, 1988- 1998-
v.1-5, 1988-1992  
1993- 1998-
Latest 6 Months Latest 6 Months
Latest 2 Editions Latest 2 Editions
Latest 5 Years Latest 5 Years

  • - Example 2: Title C was published from 1912 to 199u and changed to Title D.

  • - Title D began publication in 199u and is currently being published.

  • - Note: u is for unknown.

  • - These are examples of various holdings and how holdings for the new title would be created.
Current Title C Holding New Title D Holding
v.1-, 1912- Level 2 holding created; library will be listed as currently receiving this title, but no holdings will be listed.
v.1-5, 1912-1916  
1993- Level 2 holding created; library will be listed as currently receiving this title, but no holdings will be listed.
Latest 6 Months

Latest 6 Months

Latest 2 Editions

Latest 2 Editions

Latest 5 Years

Latest 5 Years

Related Questions:
DOCLINE Serial Holdings questions
DOCLINE questions
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Last updated: 06 May 2004
First published: 11 January 2002
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed