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November 1, 2004    DOL Home > Find It! By Topic > Youth & Labor > Resources for Students   

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Youth & Labor

Resources for Young Workers

The Department of Labor posts special Web pages for young people, both for those old enough to work and those not old enough, that provide information on topics ranging from student volunteerism to job safety.

The federal government, including the Department of Labor, sponsors a wide variety of job training and job placement assistance programs for America’s youth. The Department's Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is the primary agency responsible for such programs.

DOL Web Pages on This Topic:

Youth Employment Rules:
Web site that seeks to promote positive and safe work experiences for young workers.

What Hours Can Youth Work?
Specific information on permissible work hours for minor employees.

How Many Hours Can Young Workers Work?
Additional information on work hours.

How Many Hours Per Day Or Per Week Can An Employee Work?
Additional information on work hours.

elaws Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Advisor — Child Labor Rules
This Advisor answers questions about workers and businesses that are subject to the FLSA's child labor rules.

Career Planning & Training:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics' Kids Page
Gives information about different careers and their educational requirements. Written for a youth audience.

Women's Bureau Educational Page
Provides information about women in the workforce.

Department of Labor Educational Resources
A collection of DOL Web pages for students and teachers. Includes information about the long-term financial effects of dropping out of high school and an occupational handbook describing what workers do on the job and the training and education needed for certain occupations.

Features information about the fastest growing industries and occupations with details of skills and education required and job openings by area. Includes wage, licensing requirements and growth rates for jobs in demand.

Youth Programs of the Employment & Training Administration
Explore these pages and links for up-to-date information about the Department's youth programs, initiatives and directives, legislation and regulations, and other information working to positively impact our nation's youth.

Job Corps
The nation's largest and most comprehensive residential education and job training program for at-risk youth, ages 16 through 24.

Youth Opportunity Grant Program
Part of an effort to provide services to youth, ages 14-21, living in high poverty areas. Funds are used to increase the employment rate, high school graduation rate, and college enrollment rate in six Native American, six rural, and 24 urban communities.

Youth Formula-Funded Grant Programs
The Workforce Investment Act of 1988 (WIA) provides funds to state and local areas to provide comprehensive services to eligible youth, ages 14-21, in local communities. Services include tutoring, study skills training, summer employment opportunities, and paid and unpaid work experiences.

Related Web Pages on This Topic:

The Corporation for National Service is the domestic version of the Peace Corps, in which citizens volunteer for one year tutoring at-risk youth, building housing, helping senior citizens live independently, and other activities.

Student Educational Employment Program
Federal employment opportunities for students who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment as degree seeking students.

International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Virtual Classroom on Child Labor
The ILO's resources for elementary, high school and college students, and their teachers.


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