Each RAWS summary contains the following information: a state ID, a station name,
station elevation, newest observation time, oldest observation time, total
amount of observations in the summary, Tx (maximum temperature), Tn 
(minimum temperature), Rx (RH maximum), Rn (RH minimum), Pcpn (to the nearest
hundreth of an inch), and the peak gust (mph).  Note: for a 12 hour summary there
are 13 observations while 24 hour summaries have 25 observations.  Any less
than these amounts and the summary will have missing data.

Note that the vast majority of RAWS rain gages are not heated.  Therefore, 
water equivalent from frozen precipitation can usually not be measured.  
Since frozen precipitation accumulates on the gage, subsequent above 
freezing temperatures will cause the precipitation to melt into the gage.
This can give the false impression that precipitation is occurring even when
it is not.
Due to wildfire and other land management concerns, many RAWS in complex 
terrain are strategically located on south to west facing slopes.  These 
slopes receive more solar radiation than other aspects and generally 
represent the warmest and driest conditions for a given area.  A very small
percentage of RAWS may contain erroneous observations due to mis-calibration
of weather sensors, but the majority of observations are of high quality. 
Updated RAWS summaries are typically posted at 30 minutes past the hour.  
Always check the run time of the summary to make sure that it is less than
one hour old.
Printing Instructions:
Due to the width of text in the RAWS Summary, text wrapping will occur if 
you print directly from your browser.  To solve this problem:
1.	Copy the summary and paste it into a word processor.
2.	Change the font size to 8 point New Courier.
3.	Change the page or print setup to landscape.
4.	Print.