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Home The InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination, Inc.
The InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination (INCIID – pronounced "inside") is a nonprofit organization that helps individuals and couples explore their family-building options. INCIID provides current information and immediate support regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infertility and pregnancy loss, and offers guidance to those considering adoption or childfree lifestyles.

In October on INCIID:

INCIID at the ASRM Oct 16-20, 2004

Each year INCIID travels to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine meeting to represent you and the your family-building struggles.

While at the conference INCIID speaks with doctors, nurses, therapists, drug companies, and others in the reproductive medicine industry in order to present the real face of infertility, pregnancy loss and adoption. We want to be sure they see those who make up the INCIID community. As we are educated about the latest techniques in the field, we also reach out to professionals and let them know how important the INCIID community is in getting the best information to you 24/7. We provide a closer look at the INCIID stories.

This year we will be putting the miracle quilts and scrapbooks on display as well as providing virtual tours of the community

OVARIAN CRYOPRESERVATION AND TRANSPLANTATION: An Emerging Tool for Fertility Preservation By Kutluk Oktay, MD

Latest Headlines

READ: Human Rights for the Disabled

By Dick Thornburgh and Alan Reich

Wednesday, November 3, 2004; Page A15

A constitutional court in a Southeast Asian country upholds a decision that disqualifies an accomplished lawyer from serving in the judiciary because he uses a wheelchair. Are these human rights issues? Matters for international legal concern? They certainly are if one agrees that such abuse and discrimination are unacceptable in a caring world community. The United Nations concurs, and it is drafting a convention to provide international guidelines for the rights of more than 600 million people with disabilities. The convention will provide people with disabilities the same compassionate legal protection that women, children, refugees and other vulnerable populations have under international human rights law.  MORE

Please read the complete article Washington Post Online


Help SAVE IDEA for Special Needs Children

Flu, Shots and How to Protect Yourself from the CDC

INCIID Letter to O Magazine

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IVIg Trial

IVIg Safety

Coping with the Holidays Poll

Insurance Advocacy Forum

States mandating infertility insurance coverage

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