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Summer 2002
Vol. 46, Number 2
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Occupations with a high concentration of jobs in the Federal Government, May 2003

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People in most occupations can work for the Federal Government. But in some occupations, the FederalOccupations with a high concentration of jobs in the Federal Government, May 2003 Government offers a particularly large share of the employment opportunities. 

The U.S. Government employed more than one-fourth of the workers in several occupations in May 2003, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. As the chart shows, nearly all postal service workers—including mail carriers, sorters, processors, and processing machine operators—and nearly all air traffic controllers worked for the Federal Government. The Government was also a major employer of workers in many science, math, and social science occupations. And many workers, such as tax examiners, collectors, and revenue agents; compliance officers; and detectives and criminal investigators, were likely to hold jobs enforcing Federal laws and regulations.

If you are interested in these or other occupations, a Federal job search could be a good place to start. For help, see the how-to article elsewhere in this issue of the Quarterly.

Occupations with a high concentration of jobs in the Federal Government, May 2003

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U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics

Last Updated: October 15, 2004