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Home> EIA Brochures>Electricity Info Card 2002


(Side One)

This is a bar chart  depicting the U.S. electric power industry's net summer generating capacity for 2002


This pie chart is divided into  eight different fuel areas for the U.S. electric power industry's net generation for 2002

This is a small table showing the U.S. electric power industry's emissions of carbon dioxide,  sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides  from 1992 through 2002.


(Side Two)

This table shows the U.S. electric power industry's consumption and cost of fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas) for electricity generation for 2002.

A pie chart depicting the percent of U.S. electricity sales (bundled and unbundled) by class of consumer (moving clockwise: commercial, other, industrial, and residential) with the average retail price for 2002.

A line graph showing the average retail price of electricity sold by the U.S. electric power industry between 1960 and 2002 to residential, commercial, industrial, other, and all sectors.

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