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Monthly Petroleum Products Time Series Data, by State - an Update - 09/09/04 Data through August 2004. Select a State. Under Petroleum click on the desired series.
Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales 2002 (12/02/03)
Petroleum Consumption, Price, and Expenditure  Data for 2001 for Each State - 10/06/03 Select a State. Under Petroleum click on Consumption.
Monthly Natural Gas Time Series, by State - an update - 09/14/04 Data through August 2004. Select a State. Under Natural Gas click on the desired series.
Natural Gas Consumption, Prices, and Expenditure Data for 2001 - 2/11/04 Click on the Multi-State Data Tab near the top left. Under Natural Gas click on Consumption or Prices & Expenditures.
The Natural Gas Annual, 2002 - 1/29/04
Status of State Electric Industry Restructuring Activity - 12/04/02
State Electricity Profiles 2002 - 2/04/04
Inventory of Electric Utility Power Plants in the United States 2000 - 12/17/02
Inventory of NonUtility Electric Power Plants in the United States 2000 - 2/27/03
Nuclear Consumption, Price, and Expenditure Data for 2001 - 08/12/04 Click on the Multi-State Data Tab near the top left. Under Nuclear click on Consumption, Prices and Expenditures.
2001 Coal Consumption, Price, and Expenditure Data- 05/01/04 Look under "Coal"
2001 Consumption for Solar, Wind, Ethanol, Hydroelectric, and Geothermal - 06/24/04 Look under "Renewables"
For questions about content, please contact the National Energy Information Center: infoctr@eia.doe.gov
Phone: (202) 586-8800. For technical problems, please contact Julia Hutchins,
The States page was last updated: 05 Nov 04 (RMJ)