This service arranges Federal Government Internet sites by topic. The main list of topics is based upon the current Guide to U.S. Government Information, also known as the Subject Bibliography Index.
The Catalog of United States Government Publications indexes information distributed through the FDLP and is available for online searching as part of the GPO Access Federal Locator services. Once a publication is identified, a link is available to locate depository libraries that receive that publication. The database contains cataloging records published in the Catalog since January 1994 and is updated daily. The print and CD-ROM counterpart of this index is the Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications, sometimes referred to as MOCAT.
Link directly to agency Web sites after searching an index or viewing a list of agencies that reflects the structure of the government as identified in The United States Government Manual.Indentations (syndetic structures) will inform the reader of the institution's place in the big picture. This site is brought to the web through a service partnership between Louisiana State University Libraries and GPO.
GPO maintains a series of GILS records describing the information of Cabinet-level and major independent Federal agencies, called Pathway records, that are designed to assist depository libraries and their users locate and access Federal information.
The NET weekly list is a "new accessions list" for brand-new FDLP online titles. It consists of online products that are new to the FDLP. The About New Electronic Titles Web page contains a more complete explanation of the NET.
This catalog serves as an index to government information products currently offered for sale by the Superintendent of Documents. The SPC includes citations to forthcoming government information products as well as to titles, which have been recently superseded or gone out of print. This database is updated daily.
Use the FirstGov search index to search United States government and military Internet sites.
Browse bibliographies by subjects to identify publications, subscriptions, and electronic products for sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Many of these materials were also distributed to Federal depository libraries and may be available for your use at a library near you.
This resource lists the main publisher domains that lead to publications that have been cataloged within the Catalog of United States Government Publications . The list links to publishers main pages, not to individual publications represented by bibliographic records.
Free access to this information is also available through Federal depository libraries.