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Processing Tools

As the legal custodians of the documents, depository libraries are responsible for maintaining holdings records to the piece level of all depository selections regardless of format. Also the materials must be housed in such a way as to facilitate preservation and access. This section of the FDLP Desktop provides tools and resources to assist you in the day-to-day processing and handling of depository materials to meet these bibliographic control and collection maintenance requirements.

Administrative Notes Technical Supplement

Library Programs Service's monthly newsletter which updates various FDLP related publications, directories, depository listings, etc. Current and back issues.

Amendment of Item Selections

Web form to drop item numbers year round, and add item numbers during each summer's annual selection update cycle.

Documents Data Miner

An FDLP partnership from the Wichita State University. Presents depositories' selection information in a variety of ways.

Electronic Documents Working Group

A GPO - Depository Community Project. Volunteer librarians working with LPS, who will identify and evaluate fugitive electronic publications for inclusion in the FDLP Electronic Collection (FDLP/EC).

FDLP Federal Bulletin Board Files

A special listing of ONLY those FDLP-related files on the FBB. Includes dbf shipping list files, ASCII text versions of important FDLP publications such as Instructions to Depository Libraries, etc. and dbf and text files for the underlying data in FDLP Desktop searchable databases (i.e. Item Lister)

Inquiry Form

Use either a password or nonpassworded interactive Web form to submit an askLPS inquiry to the Library Program Service.

Item Lister

Updated weekly. View a listing of any depository's item number selections and nonselections.

List of Classes (and related files)

List of Classes of United States Government Publications available for selection by Depository Libraries. Updated monthly. ASCII comma delimited file. Information includes item number, class number, type of publication (i.e. annual report, general handbook, serial title), and format (i.e., paper microfiche, electronic).


Use this Web form to notify the Library Programs Service of fugitive documents.

Needs and Offers List

Depository libraries can offer their over 5 year old discards here, AFTER they have first offered them to their Regional library, according to its Regional's implementation procedures of FDLP weeding regulations. An FDLP Partnership. Maintained by Bill Gordon, at the University of North Dakota, Chester Fritz Library.

PURL Search Form

Determine the URL of a particular PURL within the FDLP Collection, or vice versa.

Shipping Lists

Superseded List

A list of FDLP publications that are superseded, and the retention notes for each publication.

Web Claim

Use this Web form to claim Federal depository materials from GPO-issued shipping lists. Check the related Claims Copies Exhausted page before submitting a Web Claim. (Not used for claims against microfiche contactor or USGS map shipping lists)

WEBTech Notes

A searchable database of the technical change information from Administrative Notes Technical Supplement (and before). From 1991 to the present.