
October 11, 2004
11:00 AM PDT
(UTC - 8 hours)

What is New: 27-Sep-2004

MGS Site Map
A graphical page to assist in rapidly locating information.

Directory of All MGS Links
A fast loading directory of all links to pages on the MGS web site.

Mars Home Page

Mission Operations

Latest Images from Mars
View the most recent pictures of the Martian surface.

Weekly MSOP Reports
We are now reporting mission status in synopsis form on a weekly basis.

Live Spacecraft Telemetry
Follow this link to find out realtime information about all of the spacecraft's systems.

Aerobraking Orbital Parameters

Key MGS Team Members
Bios of MGS Managers

Spacecraft High-Res Artwork

Archived Mission Data

Targeted Observations
View pictures the Cydonia region 's
"Face on Mars" , Pathfinder, and Viking landing sites taken during the first Science Phasing Orbit.

Spacecraft VRML Models
View VRML models of Spacecraft in different flight configurations.

Spacecraft Animations
Animations showing the spacecraft in relation to Mars during aerobraking. Movies can be downloaded in either Quicktime or MPEG format.

Nov 97 Press Conference
Description of changes to the mission plan due to extended aerobraking.

Additional Archived Mission Data

Archived Images & Science

Archived Images and Science Data

Related Web Sites

NASA site highlighting technology and experience required for human exploration of Mars.

Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Team Education Outreach Program
Lessons and Activities
for grades K-12

JPL Planetary Photo Journal
The primary repository of officially released images from all NASA solar system exploration missions.

Mars Global Surveyor completes 25,000 science orbits!

Current Mars Images and Science

JPL Press Release

MGS Image of MER Rover Tracks

MSSS Rover Tracks Image Release

09-Feb-04 - MOC2-631 - Image of Mars Exploration Rover, Opportunity, on Mars

24-Jan-04 MOC2-615 Mars Exploration Rover (MER-B) Opportunity Landing Site

23-Jan-04 MOC2-614 Image of Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit, on Mars

Mars Global Surveyor's View of Gusev Crater During Spirit's Entry, Descent, and Landing
MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-598, 7 January 2004

A Dynamic Spirit Site
MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-596, 5 January 2004

Mars Exploration Rover (MER-A) Spirit Landing Site
MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-594, 3 January 2004

Gusev Crater
MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-593, 2 January 2004

10,232 New MOC Images From August 2002 through February 2003 Released!

9/12/03 - First MOC Public Requested Image: Caldera of Pavonis Mons

8/27/03 - Mars Closest Approach


MOC Images with Captions -- 1997 through 2003
Including Mars Picture of the Day

MSSS: Phobos Over Mars Horizon

PIA04531: Earth and Moon as viewed from Mars

MSSS Earth, Moon, & Jupiter Images

Weekly MSSS Weather Reports

MOC2-321 to
Start of 3rd Mars
December 2002

18,812 New MGS MOC Images (E07-E12) Archived and Online
October 2002

Additional samplings of Extended Mission image results were presented in:

12-AUG-2002 - Latest MGS Images from Mars Orbit

Image of Cydonia "Face"

MOC Images of Cydonia Region Released by MSSS

05-APR-2001 -- M13-M18: 10,230 New MOC Images

PDS Release of MGS MOC Images



Seasonal Variations of Snow Depth on Mars

High-Resolution Shaded Relief Quadrangle Maps of Mars

Initial Results from MOLA Passive Radiometry

Regional closeups of Martian topography

The enigmatic northern plains of Mars

Ancient Geodynamics and Global-scale Hydrology on Mars


Top 25 TES Science Results

TES Broadband Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance

TES Daily Temperature Profiles of the Surface of Mars

17-APR-2001 -- NEW: Horizon Science Experiment (HORSE)

Simulations of MGS in Relation to Mars


Current Postion of Earth and Mars

Real-Time Orbit Data

Previous Science Results from MOLA

25-JAN-2001 -- MOLA Observations of Snow and Clouds

National Geographic map of Mars using MGS MOLA and MOC data

A high-resolution global shade map

Tharsis/Chryse image, as published in the February 2001 issue of Sky and Telescope

MOLA map with major surface features labeled

Top 10 Scientific Achievements from MOLA

08-NOV-2000 -- New publication-quality global and polar shaded relief images from MOLA

New High Resolution Data from MOLA

Major Martian Volcanoes from MOLA

MOLA Views of Valles Marineris

MOLA Data Product Archives - New global topographic grid with resolution

Major Science Findings

18-JUL-2000 -- The ten most significant science achievements of MGS during its first year of mapping, ordered from the interior of the planet outward.

22-JUN-2000 -- MSSS Finds Evidence of Flowing Water on Mars

More Updates in Archived Science Data Repository

Remote Science Team Websites

ASU - Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) Home Page

ASU - Daily Temperature Profiles of the Surface of Mars

GSFC - MGS Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter

GSFC - MGS Magnetometer and Electron Reflectometer

MSSS - MGS Mars Orbiter Camera

STANFORD - MGS Radio Science Team

STANFORD - Martian Weather from Radio Science Team

Refer to our list of contacts to properly direct general inquiries.

For technical questions or comments on this website contact:
Kirk Goodall
(, Mars Web Engineer