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Mars Videos
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  Click here for Pathfinder Team Recalls July 4, 1997 
Released: July 3, 2002
Related story: Spotlight: Pathfinder Legacy Lives On

Pathfinder team
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Pathfinder: A Five-Year Anniversary
Narrated by Dr. Matthew Golombek, Project Scientist

Released; July 1, 2002

View the Flash presentation or read its text version.

Related story: Pathfinder Anniversary Reveals Big Future for Mars Exploration

Sending "rats" to Mars 
Released: April 29, 2002
Related story: Spotlight: Sending "rats" to Mars

Sending RATS to Mars
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Click here for Mars Odyssey Launch Anniversary 
Released: April 8, 2002
Related story: Mars Odyssey Observes First Anniversary in Space

launch of Odyssey
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Go to more Odyssey videos

Click here for Building Better Airbags 
Released: March 25, 2002
Related story: How to Land Softly on a Hard Planet

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Journey to Mars
Narrated by Dan McCleese, Mars Chief Scientist

View the Flash presentation or read its text version.

Viking Legacy (2 min 20 sec)
July 18, 2001

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Viking Legacy and Mars Exploration (7 min)
July 18, 2001

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