NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #0221905 AWSFL008-DS3

BE/CBC: Geomicrobiological Interactions and Carbon Flow in Extreme Thermal
Springs: Kamchatka, Russia

Latest Amendment Date August 15, 2002
Award Number 0221905
Award Instrument Standard Grant
Program Manager L. Douglas James
Start Date September 1, 2002
Expires August 31, 2004 (Estimated)
Expected Total Amount $30378 (Estimated)
Investigator Sherry L. Cady cadys@pdx.edu (Principal Investigator current)
Juergen Wiegel (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Paul A. Schroeder (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Sponsor Portland State University
P O BOX 751
Portland, OR 972070751 503/725-3423
Field Application 0000099 Other Applications NEC
Program Reference Code 0000,1689,OTHR,


0221905 Cady

A grant has been awarded to analyze the structural and chemical fidelity of biocomplexity indicators preserved in siliceous hydrothermal deposits in Yellowstone National Park, USA. Biocomplexity indicators characteristic of thermophilic microbes in ancient hydrothermal mineral deposits include organic and inorganic chemical fossils (e.g., carbon and sulfur isotopes, biominerals, trace element anomalies), carbonaceous microfossils, and microbially influenced sedimentary structures (stromatolites, microbialites, biofabrics). The structural and chemical fidelity of these biocomplexity indicators depend on the size of carbon reservoirs available to the microbes. This work is significant in that biocomplexity information gleaned from ancient siliceous hydrothermal deposits will provide details regarding the earliest life on Earth. This study provides a framework for analyzing surficial and subsurface hydrothermal silica deposits in Uzon Caldera, Kamchatka, Russia.

The analysis of biocomplexity indicators in Yellowstone hot springs provides a means to study the preservation of Bacteria in silica deposits. The dataset acquired during this one-year study also establishes a baseline for interpreting how biocomplexity information indicative of mixed Bacterial and Archaeal thermophilic communities is preserved in the siliceous hydrothermal deposits of Uzon Caldera. Molecular phylogenetic analysis suggests that high-temperature microbial communities comprised of Bacteria and Archaea are more appropriate homologs for ancient hydrothermal ecosystems. By quantifying how carbon cycles through the various subsystems (fluids and gases, microbial communities, and mineral deposits) of active silica-depositing hot springs, this research addresses one of the central challenges of environmental research: understanding how the physical, chemical, geological, hydrological and biological processes that comprise the Earth's natural systems are functionally interrelated.

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