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• Land, Resources, & the Built Environment
• Human Health & the Environment
• Freshwater Resources, Estuaries, & Coastal Environments
• Environmental Services & Valuation
• Biogeochemical Cycles
• Climate Variability & Change
• Biodiversity & Ecosystems Dynamics
• Materials & Process Development
• Decision Making & Uncertainty
• Institutions & Environmental Systems
• Elementary & Secondary Education
• Two & Four Year Colleges and Research Institutions
• Informal Education
• Diversity
• Interdisciplinary Teams, & Interagency and International Partnerships
• Observing Systems & Tool Development
• Cyberinfrastructure
• Experiments, Models, & Their Interactions
• Long-Term Archives & Centers


Decision Making & Uncertainty    

Decision, Risk, and Management Science (DRMS)

The Decision, Risk, and Management Science (DRMS) Program supports scientific research directed at increasing the understanding and effectiveness of decision making by individuals, groups, organizations, and society.

Robert O'Connor

Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE)

January 15 and August 15, annually.

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Economics Program

The Economics Program supports research designed to improve the understanding of the processes and institutions of the U.S. economy and of the world system of which it is a part. The Program also funds conferences and inter-disciplinary research that strengthens links among economics and the other social and behavioral sciences as well as mathematics and statistics.

Daniel H. Newlon

Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE)

January 15 and August 15, annually.

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Law and Social Science Program

The Law and Social Science Program supports social scientific studies of law and law-like systems of rules, institutions, processes, and behaviors. The primary consideration is that the research shows promise of advancing a scientific understanding of law and legal process.

Christopher Zorn

Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE)

January 15 and August 15, annually.

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Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (MMS)

The Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) Program is an interdisciplinary program in the Division of Social and Economic Sciences (SES). MMS interacts with the other programs in the division, as well as other programs in the Foundation. MMS seeks proposals that are interdisciplinary in nature, methodologically innovative, and grounded in theory.

Cheryl Eavey

Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE)

January 16 and August 16, annually.

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Materials & Process Development    

Catalysis and Biocatalysis

This program supports fundamental and applied research on: (1) rates and mechanisms of important classes of catalyzed and uncatalyzed chemical reactions as they relate to the design, production, and application of catalysts, chemical processes, and specialized materials; (2) chemical phenomena occurring at or near solid surfaces and interfaces; (3) electrochemical and photochemical processes of engineering significance or with commercial potential; (4) design and optimization of complex chemical processes; (5) dynamic modeling and control of process systems and individual process units; (6) reactive processing of polymers, ceramics, and thin films; and (7) interactions between chemical reactions and transport processes in reactive systems, and the use of this information in the design of complex chemical reactors.

Glenn L. Schrader

Directorate for Engineering (ENG)


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Combustion and Plasma Systems

The Combustion and Plasma Systems Program supports research aimed at gaining a basic understanding at the microscopic and macroscopic levels of thermal phenomena underlying the production of energy, the synthesis and processing of materials, cooling and heating of equipment, and biological systems and the interaction of industrial processes with the environment.

Thomas Chapman

Directorate for Engineering (ENG)


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Electronic Materials

The Electronic Materials (EM) Program supports research that investigates the fundamental phenomena associated with the synthesis and processing of electronic and photonic materials. The objective is to increase fundamental understanding and develop predictive capabilities for relating synthesis, processing, and microstructure of these materials to their properties and performance in various applications and environments.

LaVerne D. Hess

Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)

November 1, annually.

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Environmental Technologies Systems Program

NSF and EPA are offering funds for fundamental and applied research in the physical and biological sciences and engineering that will lead to environmentally-benign methods for industrial processing / manufacturing; sustainable construction processes; and new science and technologies for pollution sensing and remediation. The competition addresses technological environmental issues of synthesis, processing, design, treatment, and energy conversion; environmentally conscious construction and disaster management; and the production, use, detection, and ultimate disposition of products in continuous and discrete manufacturing industries as well as in construction industries and in the environment.

Robert Wellek

Directorate for Engineering (ENG)


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Geotechnical and GeoHazards Systems

The Geotechnical and GeoHazards Systems (GHS) program seeks to advance the fundamental engineering and related knowledge for geostructures (foundations, slopes, excavations, soil and rock improvement technologies, and reinforcement systems); geohazards mitigation; constitutive modeling and verification; remediation and containment of geoenvironmental contamination; transferability of laboratory results to field scale; and non-destructive and in situ evaluation. GHS support is given for research that will increase geotechnical and geohazards knowledge necessary to mitigate the impacts of natural and technological hazards on both the constructed and the natural environment. A broad spectrum of research is supported, including the use of data from laboratory and field experiments to verify design procedures and methodologies, simulation of phenomena, collection of data from catastrophic events, including rapid-response reconnaissance inspections.

Juan Pestana
Richard Fragaszy

Directorate for Engineering (ENG)


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Infrastructure Materials and Structural Mechanics

The Infrastructure Materials Applications and Structural Mechanics (IMSM) program supports research to advance the knowledge base on: application of advanced structural materials; repair, retrofit, and rehabilitation of structural components; and durability of structural materials and components, including effects derived from interaction with the natural and constructed environment.

Perumalsamy N. Balaguru

Directorate for Engineering (ENG)


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Manufacturing Machines and Equipment (MME)

The Manufacturing Machines and Equipment (MME) Program advances the fundamental knowledge base that is needed for building the next-generation machines and equipment and utilization of them for materials processing, parts manufacture, assembly, inspection and other operations.

George Hazelrigg

Directorate for Engineering (ENG)


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Materials Processing and Manufacturing

The Materials Processing and Manufacturing (MPM) Program advances the fundamental knowledge base that is needed for the realization of desired product attributes through the application of the systematic integration of processing - material- performance relationships. It supports analytical and experimental research that leads to the generation of such fundamental knowledge.

Jian Chao

Directorate for Engineering (ENG)


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The Metals (MET) Program supports research to increase understanding and predictive capabilities for relating synthesis, processing, alloy chemistry, and microstructure of metals to their physical and structural properties and performance in various applications and environ- ments.

Joseph Akkara

Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)

November 1, annually.

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The Polymers (POL) Program supports basic research and education on the materials aspects of polymeric science that is largely experimental and multidisciplinary, with strong components of chemistry, physics, and materials science.

Andrew J. Lovinger

Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)

November 1, annually.

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The National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230, USA
Tel: 703-292-5111, FIRS: 800-877-8339 | TDD: 703-292-5090

Last Updated: 04/07/2004